The Berean Expositor

Scripture Index


  1. The book as a whole
  2. The Gentile in the Gospel of Luke
  3. Luke 24 and Acts 1:1-14
  4. The question of Acts 1:6 - Was it right?
  5. The hope of the Acts and Epistles of the period
  6. Further teaching concerning the hope of Israel in Acts 1:6-14
  7. The geography of the Acts and its witness
  8. Restoration: reconciliation: rejection
  9. The Twelve (Acts 1:15 - 2:13)
  10. Pentecost and power (Acts 2:1-13)
  11. The typical place of Pentecost (Acts 2:14 - 8:1)
  12. Pentecost explained—This is that (Acts 2:14-40)
  1. Antioch: The centre of the second section (Acts 11 - 12)
  2. Intimate association of Paul’s Epistles with the Acts
  3. Two-fold ministry of Paul (Acts 13 - 28)
  4. Separate me Barnabas and Saul (Acts 13:25 - 16:4)
  5. Saul, who also is called Paul (Acts 13:4-13)
  6. Opening of the door of faith to the Gentiles (Acts 13:14-49)
  7. The First Missionary Journey (Acts 13:1 - 16:5)
    The light to lighten the Gentiles, and the Opened Door (Acts 13 - 14:28)
  8. The Open Door and the Many Adversaries (Acts 15:1-35)
  9. The Two-fold Decision (Acts 15:3-21)
  10. The Decrees and Paul’s interpretation of their spirit (Acts 15:22-35)
  11. Preparation for wider sphere of Ministry (Acts 15:36 - 16:5)
  12. The Second Missionary Journey (Acts 16:6 - 19:20)
  13. The vision at Troas (Acts 16:6-11)
  14. Philippi: The first converts (Acts 16:12-15)
  15. Satan’s attempt at compromise, and Paul’s refusal (Acts 16:16-18)
  16. Paul and Silas and the Philippian Jailor (Acts 16:19-40)
  17. Thessalonica and Berea (Acts 17:1-14)
  18. Athens (Acts 17:15-34)
  19. Paul at Corinth: The second vision (Acts 18:1-17)
  20. John’s Baptism and Special Miracles (Acts 18:24 - 19:20)
  21. Paul at Ephesus (Acts 19:21 - 20:4)
  22. Paul at Troas (Acts 20:4-16)
  23. The prison ministry foreshadowed: Elders and Overseers (Acts 20:17-38)
  24. Paul surveys his “Acts” ministry (Acts 20:18-21)
  25. Pure from the blood of all men (Acts 20:22-27)
  26. Final counsel, example and commendation (Acts 20:28-38)
  27. From Tyre to Jerusalem (Acts 21:1-17)
  28. The reception of the Apostle at Jerusalem (Acts 21:18-21)
  29. The apprehension of the Apostle in the Temple (Acts 21:27-34)
  30. From Jerusalem to Rome—Paul’s opening Speech (Acts 22:1-22)
  31. Paul’s defence before the Council (Acts 23:1-35)
  32. Paul before Felix and Festus (Acts 24 and 25)
  33. Paul before Festus and Agrippa (Acts 25 and 26)
  34. From Cæsarea to Melita (Acts 27)
  35. From Melita to Rome (Acts 28:1-22)
  36. Paul’s relation with Israel during Acts attested (Acts 28:17-22)
  37. The kingdom of God . . . concerning Jesus (Acts 28:23)
  38. Paul’s use of the O.T., and structure of section (Acts 28:23-31)
  39. Critical importance of Isa. 6:9, 10 demonstrated
  40. The quotation (Isa. 6:9, 10) of Crisis
  41. The testimony of the Lord’s prisoner (Acts 28:30, 31)


  1. The place of Acts 28
  2. A dispensational secret and hope
  3. The written testimony to the mystery, and Things that differ
  4. The Jew first. Body and Bride. Paul’s two-fold ministry


  1. Paul’s defence must be understood as literally true
  2. Gospel preached by Paul in accordance with Law and Prophets
  3. Inclusion of Gentile in Gospel and Promise was never a Secret
  4. Hope of Church of the Acts still the Hope of Israel
  5. The Gifts of the Spirit and the Abrahamic Promise
  6. The heavenly country and calling
  7. The mystery of Israel’s blindness and the mystery silenced
  8. The remaining mysteries of Paul’s early ministry
  9. Is the Church within the testimony of the Law and the Prophets?

Acts Articles
  Acts and the hope of Israel COMING OF THE LORD, THE--
  The Acts of the apostles ETERNAL LIFE:--
  Setting the scene --- The Acts: "Jews require a Sign" MIRACLES OF THE APOSTLES, THE--
  Acts of the Apostles in relation to secular dates BEREAN CHARTS--
  Acts of the Apostles: Epistles woven into the Book BEREAN CHARTS--
  Pentecost and the Mystery “SEARCH AND SEE”--
  Acts Thirteen or Acts Twenty-eight?
1:5 Baptized with the Holy Ghost (Acts 1:5) Part 1 MIRACLES OF THE APOSTLES, THE--
1:5 Baptized with the Holy Ghost (Acts 1:5) Part 2 MIRACLES OF THE APOSTLES, THE--
1:6 The Apostles' doctrine SEARCH AND SEE SERIES--
1:15-26 The appointment of Matthias SEARCH AND SEE SERIES--
1:15-26 They gave forth their Lots (Acts 1:15-26) MIRACLES OF THE APOSTLES, THE--
2 Pentecost and the Gentile SEARCH AND SEE SERIES--
2:1-21 Joel and the Day of Pentecost, Acts 2:1-21 USE AND ABUSE OF JOEL’S PROPHECY, THE--
2:3 Cloven Tongues Like as of Fire (Acts 2:3) MIRACLES OF THE APOSTLES, THE--
2:4 Filled with the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:4) MIRACLES OF THE APOSTLES, THE--
2:4 Speak with other Tongues (Acts 2:4) MIRACLES OF THE APOSTLES, THE--
7:14 A threefold computation (Gen. 46:26-27; Acts 7:14) TIME AND PLACE--
9 - 11 Caligula the Mad; Claudius the Wise Fool (Acts 9 - 11) POWERS THAT BE, THE--
9:15-16 His commission (Acts 9:15-16) MINISTRY OF PAUL, THE:--
9:15-16 His commission (Acts 9:15-16)
16:6 - 18:22 The Second Missionary Journey (Acts 16:6 - 18:22) BEREAN CHARTS—
18:12-17 Gallio who “cared for none of these things” (Acts 18:12-17) POWERS THAT BE, THE--
20:24 The finishing of the course (Acts 20:24) LIFE AND ITS OUTGOINGS--
20:24 Acts 20:24 “That I may finish my course” PAUL THE APOSTLE:--
24 - 28 Felix and others who came into touch with Paul (Acts 24 - 28) POWERS THAT BE, THE--
23:26 -24:22 Paul before Felix POWERS THAT BE, THE--
25 Paul before Festus and Agrippa POWERS THAT BE, THE--
26:6 The hope of the promise made of God (Acts 26:6) GREAT AND PRECIOUS PROMISES--
27 The voyage from Cæsarea to Rome POWERS THAT BE, THE--
28 An examination of objections to the teaching that Acts 28 is a dispensational boundary of the first importance DISPENSATIONAL KEYSTONE, THE--
28 Paul's trial before Nero POWERS THAT BE, THE--
28:17-31 Acts 28:17-31 DISPENSATIONAL ARTICLES:--
28:20 His two-fold commission (Acts 28:20; Eph. 3:1) MINISTRY OF PAUL, THE:--
28:23-31 The dispensational frontier (Acts 28:23-31)

Title Index:


Volume Index:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

Scripture Index:

Matthew Mark Luke John
Galatians 1 Thess. 2 Thess. Hebrews 1 Cor. 2 Cor. Romans
Ephesians Philip. Col. Philemon 1 Tim. Titus. 2 Tim.
James 1 Peter 2 Peter 1 John 2 John 3 John Jude

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