The Berean Expositor
Volume 34 - Page 133 of 261
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Pentecost and the Mystery.
pp. 163 - 170
In this pamphlet we shall endeavour to demonstrate the difference between the earlier
Epistles of Paul, written before Acts 28:, and the later Epistles written after the
setting aside of Israel as recorded in Acts 28:, and show the way in which various
terms, ordinances, etc., are used, and note any omissions, additions or modifications
which took place owing to the change of dispensation that followed the blindness of
In examining these subjects, we must ever bear in mind the fact that they must be
viewed from two standpoints--the Divine and the Human. From the Godward side the
dispensations are but the unfolding of the Will of God, arranged and ordered "before the
world began". From the Human side, man's failure calls for the interposition of the
sovereignty of the Lord, and ushers in dispensation after dispensation.  Adam, in
innocence, placed in the Garden of Eden, had no intimation of the provision of the
Redeemer, yet God had provided a Ransom and arranged for man's Salvation before man
fell. This by no means excused the sin of man, or helped it on. So with the Pentecostal
dispensation. For the third time the Gospel of the Kingdom was proclaimed (1st by
John the Baptist, 2nd by the Lord Himself, 3rd by Peter and the twelve), accompanied
with signs and wonders attesting the fact of the Resurrection of Christ as the Son of
David. Fully and unreservedly the Apostles preached, declaring, upon the authority of
God and the whole of the Old Testament, that all that was needed to usher in the
Kingdom was the Repentance of Israel. Nothing in the economy of the time could be
found to give the slightest hint that God was preparing something, totally different, which
was to be introduced upon the manifested failure of Israel. But this is in fact what the
Lord was doing. With our fuller knowledge, gained by the subsequent revelation of the
Mystery "hid in God", we may look upon this transitional period, and see that which
none could know without the key supplied in the later Epistles.
We have abused this added knowledge by reading into the words of a dispensation
that PRECEDED the revelation of the Great Secret, that which was unrevealed to man at
the time. The pre-eminence of Israel in earthly blessing is the characteristic of the
Millennial Kingdom, and this is emphasized by the Apostle Paul in the very last Epistle
of the Pentecostal dispensation (Rom. 11: 17-21).  Looking back now we can see,
scattered through these earlier Epistles, some indications that another dispensation must
come, but these are so veiled, or so arranged, as to harmonize with the anticipations of
the Millennial Kingdom that characterize the early epistles.
First of all, we would direct our readers' attention to the following list of some of the
words used in the earlier Epistles, but which occur rarely, if at all, in the later ones. The
usefulness of this list would be increased if we included in our reckoning the "Acts", the
"Gospels", and "Hebrews", and the number of examples would then be largely
multiplied. We, however, leave this for our readers to work out for themselves.