The Berean Expositor
Volume 13 - Page 151 of 159
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"I have stuck unto Thy testimonies."
"The fear of man bringeth a snare."
Pentecost and the Gentiles.
pp. 129 - 131
No.1 of this series shows that John 16: 12-14 indicates the epistles, and
No.2 proves that both gospels and epistles are equally inspired.
No.3 finds "A" bewildered by the many apparent differences which he has discovered by
reading the gospels and the epistles. The solution is found in "rightly dividing"
the Word of truth.
No.4 gives some examples of right division, showing that Scripture is addressed to Jew,
Gentile or Church. Among other examples the epistles of Paul are instanced as
needing to be rightly divided.
No.5 & 6 deal with the distinctive ministry of the apostle Paul, and shows that he was
not one of "the twelve", but set apart as the apostle to the Gentiles.
No.7 shews the two-fold ministry of Paul, and its bearing upon the revealed purpose of
God for the Gentiles.
No.8 proves that the restoration of the kingdom to Israel was an integral part of the
"apostles' doctrine".
A.--I believe that it might be true to say that, whilst outwardly the church of the one body
did not begin at Pentecost, potentially it did.
B.--To give a concrete illustration, you would say that the fact that there were no Gentiles
in the assembly on the day of Pentecost was more by accident than of purpose.
A.--I can hardly say that, for there were multitudes of Gentiles addressed by the apostles
on the day of Pentecost.
B.--Is that so? I was under the impression that none but Israelites were spoken to.
A.--You have many times told me to "search and see", so I suggest you take a dose of
your own prescription.
B.--Most readily. I have nothing to lose but error, and nothing to gain but truth by so
doing. Where do you propose we start.
A.--At Acts 2: 5-11, for there we read:--
"And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under
heaven . . . . . and they were all amazed and marvelled, saying . . . . . how hear we every
man in our own tongue, wherein we were born? Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites,