Titus 3 |
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1 Vermaan hen,1 2 dat zij aan de overheden en machten onderdanig zijn, dat zij [hun] gehoorzaam zijn, dat zij tot alle goed werk bereid zijn; 1Rom 13:1-3; 21Petr 2:13; [Rom 13:1]; |
1 Put G5279 them G846 in mind G5279 to be subject G5293 to principalities G746 and G2532 powers G1849, to obey magistrates G3980, to be G1511 ready G2092 to G4314 every G3956 good G18 work G2041, Rom 13:1-3; 1Petr 2:13; [Rom 13:1]; |
1 Remind them to be subject to principalities and authorities, to obey rule, unto every good work to be ready, Rom 13:1-3; 1Petr 2:13; [Rom 13:1]; |
1 υπομιμνησκε G5279 V-PAM-2S αυτους G846 P-APM αρχαις G746 N-DPF εξουσιαις G1849 N-DPF υποτασσεσθαι G5293 V-PMN πειθαρχειν G3980 V-PAN προς G4314 PREP παν G3956 A-ASN εργον G2041 N-ASN αγαθον G18 A-ASN ετοιμους G2092 A-APM ειναι G1511 V-PXN Rom 13:1-3; 1Petr 2:13; [Rom 13:1]; |
Darby |
1 Put them in mind to be subject to rulers, to authorities, to be obedient to rule, to be ready to do every good work, Rom 13:1-3; 1Petr 2:13; [Rom 13:1]; |
TSK - Titus 3:1 |
1 Titus is yet further directed by Paul, both concerning the things that he should teach and not teach. 10 He is to reject obstinate heretics. 12 He appoints him time and place wherein he should come unto him.
Put. Jes 43:26; 1Tim 4:6; 2Tim 1:6; 2Petr 1:12; 2Petr 3:1; 2Petr 3:2; Judas 1:5 to be subject. Deut 17:12; Spr 24:21; Pred 8:2-5; Pred 10:4; Jer 27:17; Matt 22:21; Matt 23:2; Matt 23:3 Rom 13:1-7; 1Tim 2:2; 1Petr 2:13-17 to be ready. Tit 3:8; Tit 3:14; Tit 2:14; 1Kor 15:58; Gal 6:9; Gal 6:10; Efez 2:10; Filipp 1:11; Kol 1:10 1Tim 5:10; 2Tim 2:21; Hebr 13:21 |
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2 Dat zij niemand lasteren, geen vechters zijn, [maar] bescheiden3 zijn, alle zachtmoedigheid bewijzende jegens alle mensen. 3Filipp 4:5; |
2 To speak evil of G987 no man G3367, to be G1511 no brawlers G269, [but] gentle G1933, shewing G1731 all G3956 meekness G4236 unto G4314 all G3956 men G444. Filipp 4:5; |
2 of no one to speak evil, not to be quarrelsome--gentle, showing all meekness to all men, Filipp 4:5; |
2 μηδενα G3367 A-ASM βλασφημειν G987 V-PAN αμαχους G269 A-APM ειναι G1511 V-PXN επιεικεις G1933 A-APM πασαν G3956 A-ASF ενδεικνυμενους G1731 V-PMP-APM πραυτητα G4240 N-ASF προς G4314 PREP παντας G3956 A-APM ανθρωπους G444 N-APM Filipp 4:5; |
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2 to speak evil of no one, not to be contentious, [to be] mild, shewing all meekness towards all men. Filipp 4:5; |
TSK - Titus 3:2 |
speak. Ps 140:11; Spr 6:19; Hand 23:5; 1Kor 6:10; 2Kor 12:20; Efez 4:31 1Tim 3:11; Jak 4:11; 1Petr 2:1; 1Petr 3:10; 1Petr 4:4; 2Petr 2:10; Judas 1:8; Judas 1:10 no. Spr 19:19; Spr 25:24; 1Tim 3:3; 2Tim 2:24; 2Tim 2:25 gentle. 2Sam 22:36; Jes 40:11; Matt 11:29; 2Kor 10:1; Gal 5:22; Gal 6:1; Efez 4:2 Filipp 4:5; Kol 3:12; Kol 3:13; 1Thess 2:7; 2Tim 2:24; 2Tim 2:25; Jak 1:19; Jak 1:20; Jak 3:17 1Pe 3:8 all men. 1Kor 9:19; Gal 6:10; 1Thess 5:14; 1Thess 5:15; 1Petr 2:17 |
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3 Want4 5 6 7 ook wij waren eertijds onwijs, ongehoorzaam, dwalende, menigerlei begeerlijkheden en wellusten dienende, in boosheid en nijdigheid levende, hatelijk zijnde, [en] elkander hatende. 41Kor 6:11; 5Efez 2:1; 6Kol 3:7; 71Petr 4:3; [Efez 2:2]; |
3 For G1063 we ourselves G2249 also G2532 were G2258 G453 sometimes G4218 foolish G453, disobedient G545, deceived G4105, serving G1398 divers G4164 lusts G1939 and G2532 pleasures G2237, living G1236 in G1722 malice G2549 and G2532 envy G5355, hateful G4767, [and] hating G3404 one another G240. 1Kor 6:11; Efez 2:1; Kol 3:7; 1Petr 4:3; [Efez 2:2]; |
3 for we were once--also we--thoughtless, disobedient, led astray, serving desires and pleasures manifold, in malice and envy living, odious--hating one another; 1Kor 6:11; Efez 2:1; Kol 3:7; 1Petr 4:3; [Efez 2:2]; |
3 ημεν G1510 V-IXI-1P γαρ G1063 CONJ ποτε G4218 PRT και G2532 CONJ ημεις G2249 P-1NP ανοητοι G453 A-NPM απειθεις G545 A-NPM πλανωμενοι G4105 V-PPP-NPM δουλευοντες G1398 V-PAP-NPM επιθυμιαις G1939 N-DPF και G2532 CONJ ηδοναις G2237 N-DPF ποικιλαις G4164 A-DPF εν G1722 PREP κακια G2549 N-DSF και G2532 CONJ φθονω G5355 N-DSM διαγοντες G1236 V-PAP-NPM στυγητοι G4767 A-NPM μισουντες G3404 V-PAP-NPM αλληλους G240 C-APM 1Kor 6:11; Efez 2:1; Kol 3:7; 1Petr 4:3; [Efez 2:2]; |
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3 For we were once ourselves also without intelligence, disobedient, wandering in error, serving various lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, [and] hating one another. 1Kor 6:11; Efez 2:1; Kol 3:7; 1Petr 4:3; [Efez 2:2]; |
TSK - Titus 3:3 |
we. Rom 3:9-20; 1Kor 6:9-11; Efez 2:1-3; Kol 1:21; Kol 3:7; 1Petr 4:1-3 foolish. Spr 1:22; Spr 1:23; Spr 8:5; Spr 9:6 disobedient. Matt 21:29; Hand 9:1-6; Hand 26:19; Hand 26:20; Efez 2:2; 1Petr 1:14 deceived. Jes 44:20; Obadja 1:3; Luk 21:8; Gal 6:3; Jak 1:26; Openb 12:9; Openb 13:14 serving. Joh 8:34; Rom 6:17; Rom 6:22 living. Rom 1:29-31; 2Kor 12:20; 2Tim 3:2; 2Tim 3:3 hateful. Ps 36:2; Openb 18:2 |
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4 Maar wanneer de goedertierenheid van God, onzen Zaligmaker, en [Zijn] liefde tot de mensen verschenen is, [Hand 15:11]; [2Tim 1:9]; |
4 But G1161 after G3753 that the kindness G5544 and G2532 love G5363 of God G2316 our G2257 Saviour G4990 toward man G5363 appeared G2014,1 1love: or, pity [Hand 15:11]; [2Tim 1:9]; |
4 and when the kindness and the love to men of God our Saviour did appear [Hand 15:11]; [2Tim 1:9]; |
4 οτε G3753 ADV δε G1161 CONJ η G3588 T-NSF χρηστοτης G5544 N-NSF και G2532 CONJ η G3588 T-NSF φιλανθρωπια G5363 N-NSF επεφανη G2014 V-2API-3S του G3588 T-GSM σωτηρος G4990 N-GSM ημων G2257 P-1GP θεου G2316 N-GSM [Hand 15:11]; [2Tim 1:9]; |
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4 But when the kindness and love to man of our Saviour God appeared, [Hand 15:11]; [2Tim 1:9]; |
TSK - Titus 3:4 |
the kindness. Tit 2:11; Rom 5:20; Rom 5:21; Efez 2:4-10 love. or, pity. God. Tit 1:3; Tit 2:10; 1Tim 1:1; 1Tim 2:3; 1Tim 4:10 appeared. Tit 2:11; 2Tim 1:10; Hebr 9:26 |
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5 Heeft8 9 Hij ons zalig gemaakt, niet10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 uit de werken der rechtvaardigheid, die wij gedaan hadden, maar18 19 naar Zijn barmhartigheid, door het bad der wedergeboorte en vernieuwing des Heiligen Geestes; 8Efez 1:4; 92Tim 1:9; 10Rom 3:20; 11Rom 3:28; 12Rom 4:2; 13Rom 4:6; 14Rom 9:11; 15Rom 11:6; 16Gal 2:16; 17Efez 2:9; 18Hand 15:11; 19Efez 2:4; [Joh 3:5]; [Efez 2:5]; [Efez 5:26]; |
5 Not G3756 by G1537 works G2041 of G1722 righteousness G1343 which G3739 we G2249 have done G4160, but G235 according to G2596 his G846 mercy G1656 he saved G4982 us G2248, by G1223 the washing G3067 of regeneration G3824, and G2532 renewing G342 of the Holy G40 Ghost G4151; Efez 1:4; 2Tim 1:9; Rom 3:20; Rom 3:28; Rom 4:2; Rom 4:6; Rom 9:11; Rom 11:6; Gal 2:16; Efez 2:9; Hand 15:11; Efez 2:4; [Joh 3:5]; [Efez 2:5]; [Efez 5:26]; |
5 (not by works that [are] in righteousness that we did but according to His kindness,) He did save us, through a bathing of regeneration, and a renewing of the Holy Spirit, Efez 1:4; 2Tim 1:9; Rom 3:20; Rom 3:28; Rom 4:2; Rom 4:6; Rom 9:11; Rom 11:6; Gal 2:16; Efez 2:9; Hand 15:11; Efez 2:4; [Joh 3:5]; [Efez 2:5]; [Efez 5:26]; |
5 ουκ G3756 PRT-N εξ G1537 PREP εργων G2041 N-GPN των G3588 T-GPN εν G1722 PREP δικαιοσυνη G1343 N-DSF α G3739 R-APN εποιησαμεν G4160 V-AAI-1P ημεις G2249 P-1NP αλλα G235 CONJ κατα G2596 PREP το G3588 T-ASN αυτου G846 P-GSM ελεος G1656 N-ASN εσωσεν G4982 V-AAI-3S ημας G2248 P-1AP δια G1223 PREP λουτρου G3067 N-GSN παλιγγενεσιας G3824 N-GSF και G2532 CONJ ανακαινωσεως G342 N-GSF πνευματος G4151 N-GSN αγιου G40 A-GSN Efez 1:4; 2Tim 1:9; Rom 3:20; Rom 3:28; Rom 4:2; Rom 4:6; Rom 9:11; Rom 11:6; Gal 2:16; Efez 2:9; Hand 15:11; Efez 2:4; [Joh 3:5]; [Efez 2:5]; [Efez 5:26]; |
Darby |
5 not on the principle of works which [have been done] in righteousness which *we* had done, but according to his own mercy he saved us through [the] washing of regeneration and renewal of [the] Holy Spirit, Efez 1:4; 2Tim 1:9; Rom 3:20; Rom 3:28; Rom 4:2; Rom 4:6; Rom 9:11; Rom 11:6; Gal 2:16; Efez 2:9; Hand 15:11; Efez 2:4; [Joh 3:5]; [Efez 2:5]; [Efez 5:26]; |
TSK - Titus 3:5 |
by works. Job 9:20; Job 15:14; Job 25:4; Ps 143:2; Jes 57:12; Luk 10:27-29; Rom 3:20; Rom 3:28 Rom 4:5; Rom 9:11; Rom 9:16; Rom 9:30; Rom 11:6; Gal 2:16; Gal 3:16-21; Efez 2:4; Efez 2:8; Efez 2:9; 2Tim 1:9 according. Tit 3:4; Ps 62:12; Ps 86:5; Ps 86:15; Ps 130:7; Micha 7:18; Luk 1:50; Luk 1:54; Luk 1:72; Luk 1:78; Efez 1:6; Efez 1:7 Hebr 4:16; 1Petr 1:3; 1Petr 2:10 washing. Joh 3:3-5; 1Kor 6:11; Efez 5:26; 1Petr 3:21 renewing. Ps 51:10; Rom 12:2; Efez 4:23; Kol 3:10; Hebr 6:6 |
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6 Denwelken20 Hij over ons rijkelijk heeft uitgegoten door Jezus Christus, onzen Zaligmaker; 20Ezech 36:25; |
6 Which G3739 he shed G1632 on G1909 us G2248 abundantly G4146 through G1223 Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 our G2257 Saviour G4990;2 2abundantly: Gr. richly Ezech 36:25; |
6 which He poured upon us richly, through Jesus Christ our Saviour, Ezech 36:25; |
6 ου G3739 R-GSN εξεχεεν G1632 V-AAI-3S εφ G1909 PREP ημας G2248 P-1AP πλουσιως G4146 ADV δια G1223 PREP ιησου G2424 N-GSM χριστου G5547 N-GSM του G3588 T-GSM σωτηρος G4990 N-GSM ημων G2257 P-1GP Ezech 36:25; |
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6 which he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Saviour; Ezech 36:25; |
TSK - Titus 3:6 |
he shed. Spr 1:23; Jes 32:15; Jes 44:3; Ezech 36:25; Joel 2:28; Joh 1:16; Joh 7:37 Hand 2:33; Hand 10:45; Rom 5:5 abundantly. Gr. richly. Efez 4:2; Efez 3:8 through. Tit 1:4; Joh 4:10; Joh 14:16; Joh 14:17; Joh 16:7; Rom 8:2 |
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7 Opdat wij, gerechtvaardigd zijnde door Zijn genade, erfgenamen zouden worden naar de hope des eeuwigen levens. |
7 That G2443 being justified by G1344 his G1565 grace G5485, we should be made G1096 heirs G2818 according to G2596 the hope G1680 of eternal G166 life G2222. |
7 that having been declared righteous by His grace, heirs we may become according to the hope of life age-during. |
7 ινα G2443 CONJ δικαιωθεντες G1344 V-APP-NPM τη G3588 T-DSF εκεινου G1565 D-GSM χαριτι G5485 N-DSF κληρονομοι G2818 N-NPM γενηθωμεν G1096 V-AOS-1P κατ G2596 PREP ελπιδα G1680 N-ASF ζωης G2222 N-GSF αιωνιου G166 A-GSF |
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7 that, having been justified by *his* grace, we should become heirs according to [the] hope of eternal life. |
TSK - Titus 3:7 |
being. Tit 2:11; Rom 3:24; Rom 3:28; Rom 4:4; Rom 4:16; Rom 5:1; Rom 5:2; Rom 5:15-21; Rom 11:6; 1Kor 6:11; Gal 2:16 made. Rom 8:17; Rom 8:23; Rom 8:24; Gal 3:29; Gal 4:7; Hebr 6:17; Hebr 11:7; Hebr 11:9; Jak 2:5; 1Petr 3:7 hope. Tit 1:2; Tit 2:13 |
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8 Dit is een getrouw woord, en deze dingen wil ik, dat gij ernstelijk bevestigt, opdat degenen, die aan God geloven, zorg dragen, om goede werken voor te staan; deze dingen zijn het, die goed en nuttig zijn den mensen. |
8 [This is] a faithful G4103 saying G3056, and G2532 these things G4012 G5130 I will G1014 that thou G4571 affirm constantly G1226, that G2443 they which have believed G4100 in God G2316 might be careful G5431 to maintain G4291 good G2570 works G2041. These things G5023 are G2076 good G2570 and G2532 profitable G5624 unto men G444. |
8 Stedfast [is] the word; and concerning these things I counsel thee to affirm fully, that they may be thoughtful, to be leading in good works--who have believed God; these are the good and profitable things to men, |
8 πιστος G4103 A-NSM ο G3588 T-NSM λογος G3056 N-NSM και G2532 CONJ περι G4012 PREP τουτων G5130 D-GPN βουλομαι G1014 V-PNI-1S σε G4571 P-2AS διαβεβαιουσθαι G1226 V-PNN ινα G2443 CONJ φροντιζωσιν G5431 V-PAS-3P καλων G2570 A-GPN εργων G2041 N-GPN προιστασθαι G4291 V-PMN οι G3588 T-NPM πεπιστευκοτες G4100 V-RAP-NPM θεω G2316 N-DSM ταυτα G5023 D-NPN εστιν G2076 V-PXI-3S καλα G2570 A-NPN και G2532 CONJ ωφελιμα G5624 A-NPN τοις G3588 T-DPM ανθρωποις G444 N-DPM |
Darby |
8 The word [is] faithful, and I desire that thou insist strenuously on these things, that they who have believed God may take care to pay diligent attention to good works. These things are good and profitable to men. |
TSK - Titus 3:8 |
a faithful. Tit 1:9; 1Tim 1:15 that thou. Spr 21:28; Hand 12:15; 2Kor 4:13 which. Ps 78:22; Joh 5:24; Joh 12:44; Rom 4:5; 1Petr 1:21; 1Joh 5:10-13 be. Tit 3:1; Tit 3:14; Tit 2:14 good. Job 22:2; Job 35:7; Job 35:8; Ps 16:2; Ps 16:3; 2Kor 9:12-15; Filem 1:11 |
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9 Maar21 22 23 24 wedersta de dwaze vragen en geslachtsrekeningen, en twistingen, en strijdingen over de wet; want zij zijn onnut en ijdel. 211Tim 1:4; 221Tim 4:7; 231Tim 6:20; 24Tit 1:14; [1Tim 6:4]; [2Tim 2:16]; [2Tim 2:23]; |
9 But G1161 avoid G4026 foolish G3474 questions G2214, and G2532 genealogies G1076, and G2532 contentions G2054, and G2532 strivings about G3163 the law G3544; for G1063 they are G1526 unprofitable G512 and G2532 vain G3152. 1Tim 1:4; 1Tim 4:7; 1Tim 6:20; Tit 1:14; [1Tim 6:4]; [2Tim 2:16]; [2Tim 2:23]; |
9 and foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about law, stand away from--for they are unprofitable and vain. 1Tim 1:4; 1Tim 4:7; 1Tim 6:20; Tit 1:14; [1Tim 6:4]; [2Tim 2:16]; [2Tim 2:23]; |
9 μωρας G3474 A-APF δε G1161 CONJ ζητησεις G2214 N-APF και G2532 CONJ γενεαλογιας G1076 N-APF και G2532 CONJ εριν G2054 N-ASF ερεις G2054 N-APF και G2532 CONJ μαχας G3163 N-APF νομικας G3544 A-APF περιιστασο G4026 V-PMM-2S εισιν G1526 V-PXI-3P γαρ G1063 CONJ ανωφελεις G512 A-NPF και G2532 CONJ ματαιοι G3152 A-NPM 1Tim 1:4; 1Tim 4:7; 1Tim 6:20; Tit 1:14; [1Tim 6:4]; [2Tim 2:16]; [2Tim 2:23]; |
Darby |
9 But foolish questions, and genealogies, and strifes, and contentions about the law, shun; for they are unprofitable and vain. 1Tim 1:4; 1Tim 4:7; 1Tim 6:20; Tit 1:14; [1Tim 6:4]; [2Tim 2:16]; [2Tim 2:23]; |
TSK - Titus 3:9 |
avoid. Tit 1:14; 1Tim 1:3-7; 1Tim 4:7; 2Tim 2:23 unprofitable. Job 15:3; 1Kor 8:1; 1Kor 13:2; 2Tim 2:14 |
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10 Verwerp25 26 27 28 29 een kettersen mens na de eerste en tweede vermaning; 25Matt 18:17; 26Rom 16:17; 272Thess 3:6; 282Tim 3:5; 292Joh 1:10; |
10 A man G444 that is an heretick G141 after G3326 the first G3391 and G2532 second G1208 admonition G3559 reject G3868; Matt 18:17; Rom 16:17; 2Thess 3:6; 2Tim 3:5; 2Joh 1:10; |
10 A sectarian man, after a first and second admonition be rejecting, Matt 18:17; Rom 16:17; 2Thess 3:6; 2Tim 3:5; 2Joh 1:10; |
10 αιρετικον G141 A-ASM ανθρωπον G444 N-ASM μετα G3326 PREP μιαν G1520 A-ASF και G2532 CONJ δευτεραν G1208 A-ASF νουθεσιαν G3559 N-ASF παραιτου G3868 V-PNM-2S Matt 18:17; Rom 16:17; 2Thess 3:6; 2Tim 3:5; 2Joh 1:10; |
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10 An heretical man after a first and second admonition have done with, Matt 18:17; Rom 16:17; 2Thess 3:6; 2Tim 3:5; 2Joh 1:10; |
TSK - Titus 3:10 |
heretick. 1Kor 11:19; Gal 5:20; 2Petr 2:1 after. Matt 18:15-17; 2Kor 13:2 reject. Rom 16:17; 1Kor 5:4-13; Gal 5:12; 2Thess 3:6; 2Thess 3:14; 2Tim 3:5; 2Joh 1:10 |
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11 Wetende, dat de zodanige verkeerd is, en zondigt, zijnde bij zichzelf veroordeeld. |
11 Knowing G1492 that G3754 he that is such G5108 is subverted G1612, and G2532 sinneth G264, being G5607 condemned of himself G843. |
11 having known that he hath been subverted who [is] such, and doth sin, being self-condemned. |
11 ειδως G1492 V-RAP-NSM οτι G3754 CONJ εξεστραπται G1612 V-RPI-3S ο G3588 T-NSM τοιουτος G5108 D-NSM και G2532 CONJ αμαρτανει G264 V-PAI-3S ων G5607 V-PXP-NSM αυτοκατακριτος G843 A-NSM |
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11 knowing that such a one is perverted, and sins, being self-condemned. |
TSK - Titus 3:11 |
is subverted. Tit 1:11; Hand 15:24; 1Tim 1:19; 1Tim 1:20; 2Tim 2:14; Hebr 10:26 being. Matt 25:26-28; Luk 7:30; Luk 19:22; Joh 3:18; Hand 13:46; Rom 3:19 |
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12 Als ik Artemas tot u zal zenden, of Tychikus,30 31 32 zo benaarstig u tot mij te komen te Nikópolis; want aldaar heb ik voorgenomen te overwinteren. 30Hand 20:4; 31Efez 6:21; 322Tim 4:12; |
12 When G3752 I shall send G3992 Artemas G734 unto G4314 thee G4571, or G2228 Tychicus G5190, be diligent G4704 to come G2064 unto G4314 me G3165 to G1519 Nicopolis G3533: for G1063 I have determined G2919 there G1563 to winter G3914. Hand 20:4; Efez 6:21; 2Tim 4:12; |
12 When I shall send Artemas unto thee, or Tychicus, be diligent to come unto me to Nicopolis, for there to winter I have determined. Hand 20:4; Efez 6:21; 2Tim 4:12; |
12 οταν G3752 CONJ πεμψω G3992 V-FAI-1S αρτεμαν G734 N-ASM προς G4314 PREP σε G4571 P-2AS η G2228 PRT τυχικον G5190 N-ASM σπουδασον G4704 V-AAM-2S ελθειν G2064 V-2AAN προς G4314 PREP με G3165 P-1AS εις G1519 PREP νικοπολιν G3533 N-ASF εκει G1563 ADV γαρ G1063 CONJ κεκρικα G2919 V-RAI-1S παραχειμασαι G3914 V-AAN Hand 20:4; Efez 6:21; 2Tim 4:12; |
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12 When I shall send Artemas to thee, or Tychicus, use diligence to come to me to Nicopolis; for I have decided to winter there. Hand 20:4; Efez 6:21; 2Tim 4:12; |
TSK - Titus 3:12 |
Tychicus. Hand 20:4; 2Tim 4:12 be. 2Tim 4:9; 2Tim 4:21 for. 1Kor 16:6; 1Kor 16:8; 1Kor 16:9 |
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13 Geleid Zenas, den wetgeleerde, en Apollos33 34 zorgvuldiglijk, opdat hun niets ontbreke. 33Hand 18:24; 341Kor 1:12; |
13 Bring G4311 Zenas G2211 the lawyer G3544 and G2532 Apollos G625 on their journey G4311 diligently G4709, that G2443 nothing G3367 be wanting G3007 unto them G846. Hand 18:24; 1Kor 1:12; |
13 Zenas the lawyer and Apollos bring diligently on their way, that nothing to them may be lacking, Hand 18:24; 1Kor 1:12; |
13 ζηναν G2211 N-ASM τον G3588 T-ASM νομικον G3544 A-ASM και G2532 CONJ απολλων G625 N-ASM σπουδαιως G4709 ADV προπεμψον G4311 V-AAM-2S ινα G2443 CONJ μηδεν G3367 A-ASN αυτοις G846 P-DPM λειπη G3007 V-PAS-3S Hand 18:24; 1Kor 1:12; |
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13 Zenas the lawyer and Apollos set forward diligently on their way, that nothing may be lacking to them; Hand 18:24; 1Kor 1:12; |
TSK - Titus 3:13 |
the lawyer. Matt 22:35; Luk 7:30; Luk 10:25; Luk 11:45; Luk 11:52; Luk 14:3 Apollos. Ac 18:24 on. Hand 21:5; Hand 28:10; Rom 15:24; 1Kor 16:11; 3Joh 1:6-8 |
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14 En dat ook de onzen leren, goede werken voor te staan tot nodig gebruik, opdat zij niet onvruchtbaar zijn. [2Petr 1:8]; |
14 And G1161 let G3129 ours G2251 also G2532 learn G3129 to maintain G4291 good G2570 works G2041 for G1519 necessary G316 uses G5532, that G3363 they be G5600 not G3363 unfruitful G175.3 3maintain…: or, profess honest trades [2Petr 1:8]; |
14 and let them learn--ours also--to be leading in good works to the necessary uses, that they may not be unfruitful. [2Petr 1:8]; |
14 μανθανετωσαν G3129 V-PAM-3P δε G1161 CONJ και G2532 CONJ οι G3588 T-NPM ημετεροι G2251 S-1NPM καλων G2570 A-GPN εργων G2041 N-GPN προιστασθαι G4291 V-PMN εις G1519 PREP τας G3588 T-APF αναγκαιας G316 A-APF χρειας G5532 N-APF ινα G2443 CONJ μη G3361 PRT-N ωσιν G5600 V-PXS-3P ακαρποι G175 A-NPM [2Petr 1:8]; |
Darby |
14 and let ours also learn to apply themselves to good works for necessary wants, that they may not be unfruitful. [2Petr 1:8]; |
TSK - Titus 3:14 |
learn. 8 maintain good works. or, profess honest trades. Hand 18:3; Hand 20:35 Efez 4:28; 1Thess 2:9; 2Thess 3:8 that. Jes 61:3; Matt 7:19; Matt 21:19; Luk 13:6-9; Joh 15:8; Joh 15:16; Rom 15:28; Filipp 1:11 Filipp 4:17; Kol 1:10; Hebr 6:6-12; 2Petr 1:8 |
SV |
15 Die met mij zijn, groeten u allen. Groet ze, die ons liefhebben in het geloof. De genade zij met u allen. Amen. |
15 All G3956 that are with G3326 me G1700 salute G782 thee G4571. Greet G782 them that love G5368 us G2248 in G1722 the faith G4102. Grace G5485 [be] with G3326 you G5216 all G3956. Amen G281. 4 4It was writtenG1125 toG4314 TitusG5103, ordainedG5500 the firstG4413 bishopG1985 of the churchG1577 of the CretiansG2912, fromG575 NicopolisG3533 of MacedoniaG3109. |
15 Salute thee do all those with me; salute those loving us in faith; the grace [is] with you all! |
15 ασπαζονται G782 V-PNI-3P σε G4571 P-2AS οι G3588 T-NPM μετ G3326 PREP εμου G1700 P-1GS παντες G3956 A-NPM ασπασαι G782 V-ADM-2S τους G3588 T-APM φιλουντας G5368 V-PAP-APM ημας G2248 P-1AP εν G1722 PREP πιστει G4102 N-DSF η G3588 T-NSF χαρις G5485 N-NSF μετα G3326 PREP παντων G3956 A-GPM υμων G5216 P-2GP |
Darby |
15 All with me salute thee. Salute those who love us in [the] faith. Grace [be] with you all. |
TSK - Titus 3:15 |
with me. Ro 16:21-24 Greet. Ro 16:1-20 love. Gal 5:6; Efez 6:23; 1Tim 1:5; Filem 1:5; 2Joh 1:1; 2Joh 1:2; 3Joh 1:1 Grace. 1Kor 16:23; Efez 6:24; 2Tim 4:22; Hebr 13:25 |
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