1 Petrus 2 |
1 2 3 4 5 |
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1 Zo legt1 2 3 4 5 6 dan af alle kwaadheid, en alle bedrog, en geveinsdheid, en nijdigheid, en alle achterklappingen; 1Matt 18:3; 2Rom 6:4; 31Kor 14:20; 4Efez 4:23; 5Kol 3:8; 6Hebr 12:1; [Efez 4:22]; |
1 Wherefore G3767 laying aside G659 all G3956 malice G2549, and G2532 all G3956 guile G1388, and G2532 hypocrisies G5272, and G2532 envies G5355, and G2532 all G3956 evil speakings G2636, Matt 18:3; Rom 6:4; 1Kor 14:20; Efez 4:23; Kol 3:8; Hebr 12:1; [Efez 4:22]; |
1 Having put aside, then, all evil, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envyings, and all evil speakings, Matt 18:3; Rom 6:4; 1Kor 14:20; Efez 4:23; Kol 3:8; Hebr 12:1; [Efez 4:22]; |
1 αποθεμενοι G659 V-2AMP-NPM ουν G3767 CONJ πασαν G3956 A-ASF κακιαν G2549 N-ASF και G2532 CONJ παντα G3956 A-ASM δολον G1388 N-ASM και G2532 CONJ υποκρισιν G5272 N-ASF υποκρισεις G5272 N-APF και G2532 CONJ φθονους G5355 N-APM και G2532 CONJ πασας G3956 A-APF καταλαλιας G2636 N-APF Matt 18:3; Rom 6:4; 1Kor 14:20; Efez 4:23; Kol 3:8; Hebr 12:1; [Efez 4:22]; |
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1 Laying aside therefore all malice and all guile and hypocrisies and envyings and all evil speakings, Matt 18:3; Rom 6:4; 1Kor 14:20; Efez 4:23; Kol 3:8; Hebr 12:1; [Efez 4:22]; |
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1 He exhorts them from the breach of charity; 4 shewing that Christ is the foundation whereupon they are built. 11 He beseeches them also to abstain from fleshly lusts; 13 to be obedient to magistrates; 18 and teaches servants how to obey their masters; 20 patiently suffering for well doing, after the example of Christ.
Wherefore. 1:18-25 laying. 1Petr 4:2; Jes 2:20; Jes 30:22; Ezech 18:31; Ezech 18:32; Rom 13:12; Efez 4:22-25; Kol 3:5-8 Hebr 12:1; Jak 1:21; Jak 5:9 malice. 1Petr 2:16; 1Kor 5:8; 1Kor 14:20; Efez 4:31; Tit 3:3-5 guile. 1Petr 2:22; 1Petr 3:10; Ps 32:2; Ps 34:13; Joh 1:47; 1Thess 2:3; Openb 14:5 hypocrisies. Job 36:13; Matt 7:5; Matt 15:7; Matt 23:28; Matt 24:51; Mark 12:15; Luk 6:42; Luk 11:44; Luk 12:1 Jas 3:17 envies. 1Sam 18:8; 1Sam 18:9; Ps 37:1; Ps 73:3; Spr 3:31; Spr 14:30; Spr 24:1; Spr 24:19; Rom 1:29; Rom 13:13 1Kor 3:2; 1Kor 3:3; 2Kor 12:20; Gal 5:21-26; Jak 3:14; Jak 3:16; Jak 4:5 all evils. 1Petr 4:4; Efez 4:31; Kol 3:8; 1Tim 3:11; Tit 2:3; Jak 4:11 |
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2 En, als nieuwgeborene kinderkens, zijt zeer begerig naar de redelijke onvervalste melk, opdat gij door dezelve moogt opwassen; [Matt 18:3]; [Matt 19:14]; [Mark 10:14]; [Luk 18:16]; [Rom 6:4]; [1Kor 3:2]; |
2 As G5613 newborn G738 babes G1025, desire G1971 the sincere G97 milk G1051 of the word G3050, that G2443 ye may grow G837 thereby G1722 G846 : [Matt 18:3]; [Matt 19:14]; [Mark 10:14]; [Luk 18:16]; [Rom 6:4]; [1Kor 3:2]; |
2 as new-born babes the word's pure milk desire ye, that in it ye may grow, [Matt 18:3]; [Matt 19:14]; [Mark 10:14]; [Luk 18:16]; [Rom 6:4]; [1Kor 3:2]; |
2 ως G5613 ADV αρτιγεννητα G738 A-NPN βρεφη G1025 N-NPN το G3588 T-ASN λογικον G3050 A-ASN αδολον G97 A-ASN γαλα G1051 N-ASN επιποθησατε G1971 V-AAM-2P ινα G2443 CONJ εν G1722 PREP αυτω G846 P-DSN αυξηθητε G837 V-APS-2P εις G1519 PREP σωτηριαν G4991 N-ASF [Matt 18:3]; [Matt 19:14]; [Mark 10:14]; [Luk 18:16]; [Rom 6:4]; [1Kor 3:2]; |
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2 as newborn babes desire earnestly the pure mental milk of the word, that by it ye may grow up to salvation, [Matt 18:3]; [Matt 19:14]; [Mark 10:14]; [Luk 18:16]; [Rom 6:4]; [1Kor 3:2]; |
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new-born. 1Petr 1:23; Matt 18:3; Mark 10:15; Rom 6:4; 1Kor 3:1; 1Kor 14:20 the sincere. Ps 19:7-10; 1Kor 3:2; Hebr 5:12; Hebr 5:13 grow. 2Sam 23:5; Job 17:9; Spr 4:18; Hos 6:3; Hos 14:5; Hos 14:7; Mal 4:2; Efez 2:21; Efez 4:15 2Thess 1:3; 2Petr 3:18 |
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3 Indien gij anders gesmaakt7 hebt, dat de Heere goedertieren is. 7Ps 34:8; |
3 If so be G1512 ye have tasted G1089 that G3754 the Lord G2962 [is] gracious G5543. Ps 34:8; |
3 if so be ye did taste that the Lord [is] gracious, Ps 34:8; |
3 ει G1487 COND εγευσασθε G1089 V-ADI-2P οτι G3754 CONJ χρηστος G5543 A-NSM ο G3588 T-NSM κυριος G2962 N-NSM Ps 34:8; |
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3 if indeed ye have tasted that the Lord [is] good. Ps 34:8; |
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Ps 9:10; Ps 24:8; Ps 63:5; Hoogl 2:3; Zach 9:17; Hebr 6:5; Hebr 6:6 |
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4 Tot8 Welken komende, [als tot] een levenden Steen, van de mensen wel verworpen, maar bij God uitverkoren [en] dierbaar; 8Efez 2:20; [Ps 118:22]; [Luk 20:17]; |
4 To G4314 whom G3739 coming G4334, [as unto] a living G2198 stone G3037, disallowed G593 indeed G3303 of G5259 men G444, but G1161 chosen G1588 of G3844 God G2316, [and] precious G1784, Efez 2:20; [Ps 118:22]; [Luk 20:17]; |
4 to whom coming--a living stone--by men, indeed, having been disapproved of, but with God choice, precious, Efez 2:20; [Ps 118:22]; [Luk 20:17]; |
4 προς G4314 PREP ον G3739 R-ASM προσερχομενοι G4334 V-PNP-NPM λιθον G3037 N-ASM ζωντα G2198 V-PAP-ASM υπο G5259 PREP ανθρωπων G444 N-GPM μεν G3303 PRT αποδεδοκιμασμενον G593 V-RPP-ASM παρα G3844 PREP δε G1161 CONJ θεω G2316 N-DSM εκλεκτον G1588 A-ASM εντιμον G1784 A-ASM Efez 2:20; [Ps 118:22]; [Luk 20:17]; |
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4 To whom coming, a living stone, cast away indeed as worthless by men, but with God chosen, precious, Efez 2:20; [Ps 118:22]; [Luk 20:17]; |
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To. Jes 55:3; Jer 3:22; Matt 11:28; Joh 5:40; Joh 6:37 a living. Joh 5:26; Joh 6:57; Joh 11:25; Joh 11:26; Joh 14:6; Joh 14:19; Rom 5:10; Kol 3:4 stone. Jes 28:16; Dan 2:34; Dan 2:45; Zach 3:9; Zach 4:7 disallowed. Ps 118:22; Ps 118:23; Jes 8:14; Jes 8:15; Matt 21:42; Mark 12:10; Mark 12:11; Luk 20:17; Luk 20:18 Hand 4:11; Hand 4:12 chosen. Jes 42:1; Matt 12:18 precious. 1Petr 2:7; 1Petr 1:7; 1Petr 1:19; 2Petr 1:1; 2Petr 1:4 |
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5 Zo wordt gij ook zelven, als levende stenen, gebouwd [tot] een9 geestelijk huis, [tot] een10 11 heilig priesterdom, om geestelijke12 13 offeranden op te offeren, die Gode aangenaam zijn door Jezus Christus. 9Hebr 3:6; 10Openb 1:6; 11Openb 5:10; 12Rom 12:1; 13Hebr 12:28; [Jes 61:6]; [1Kor 3:9]; [1Kor 3:16]; [1Kor 6:19]; [2Kor 6:16]; |
5 Ye G846 also G2532, as G5613 lively G2198 stones G3037, are built up G3618 a spiritual G4152 house G3624, an holy G40 priesthood G2406, to offer up G399 spiritual G4152 sacrifices G2378, acceptable G2144 to God G2316 by G1223 Jesus G2424 Christ G5547.1 1are: or, be ye Hebr 3:6; Openb 1:6; Openb 5:10; Rom 12:1; Hebr 12:28; [Jes 61:6]; [1Kor 3:9]; [1Kor 3:16]; [1Kor 6:19]; [2Kor 6:16]; |
5 and ye yourselves, as living stones, are built up, a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. Hebr 3:6; Openb 1:6; Openb 5:10; Rom 12:1; Hebr 12:28; [Jes 61:6]; [1Kor 3:9]; [1Kor 3:16]; [1Kor 6:19]; [2Kor 6:16]; |
5 και G2532 CONJ αυτοι G846 P-NPM ως G5613 ADV λιθοι G3037 N-NPM ζωντες G2198 V-PAP-NPM οικοδομεισθε G3618 V-PPI-2P οικος G3624 N-NSM πνευματικος G4152 A-NSM εις G1519 PREP ιερατευμα G2406 N-ASN αγιον G40 A-NSN ανενεγκαι G399 V-AAN πνευματικας G4152 A-APF θυσιας G2378 N-APF ευπροσδεκτους G2144 A-APF [τω] G3588 T-DSM θεω G2316 N-DSM δια G1223 PREP ιησου G2424 N-GSM χριστου G5547 N-GSM Hebr 3:6; Openb 1:6; Openb 5:10; Rom 12:1; Hebr 12:28; [Jes 61:6]; [1Kor 3:9]; [1Kor 3:16]; [1Kor 6:19]; [2Kor 6:16]; |
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5 yourselves also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. Hebr 3:6; Openb 1:6; Openb 5:10; Rom 12:1; Hebr 12:28; [Jes 61:6]; [1Kor 3:9]; [1Kor 3:16]; [1Kor 6:19]; [2Kor 6:16]; |
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also. 1Kor 3:16; 1Kor 6:19; 2Kor 6:16; Efez 2:20-22; Hebr 3:6; Openb 3:12 are built. or, be ye built. an holy. 1Petr 2:9; Jes 61:6; Jes 66:21; Openb 1:6; Openb 5:10; Openb 20:6 spiritual. Ps 50:14; Ps 50:23; Ps 141:2; Hos 14:2; Mal 1:11; Joh 4:22-24; Rom 12:1 Filipp 2:17; Filipp 4:18; Hebr 13:15; Hebr 13:16 acceptable. 1Petr 4:11; Filipp 1:11; Filipp 4:18; Kol 3:17 |
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6 Daarom is ook vervat in de Schrift: Ziet,14 Ik leg in Sion een uitersten Hoeksteen, Die uitverkoren [en] dierbaar is; en: Die in Hem gelooft, zal niet beschaamd worden. 14Jes 28:16; [Ps 2:12]; [Matt 21:42]; [Mark 12:10]; [Rom 9:33]; |
6 Wherefore G1352 also G2532 it is contained G4023 in G1722 the scripture G1124, Behold G2400, I lay G5087 in G1722 Sion G4622 a chief corner G204 stone G3037, elect G1588, precious G1784: and G2532 he that believeth G4100 on G1909 him G846 shall G2617 not be G3364 confounded G2617. Jes 28:16; [Ps 2:12]; [Matt 21:42]; [Mark 12:10]; [Rom 9:33]; |
6 Wherefore, also, it is contained in the Writing: `Lo, I lay in Zion a chief corner-stone, choice, precious, and he who is believing on him may not be put to shame;' Jes 28:16; [Ps 2:12]; [Matt 21:42]; [Mark 12:10]; [Rom 9:33]; |
6 διοτι G1360 CONJ περιεχει G4023 V-PAI-3S εν G1722 PREP γραφη G1124 N-DSF ιδου G2400 V-2AAM-2S τιθημι G5087 V-PAI-1S εν G1722 PREP σιων G4622 N-PRI λιθον G3037 N-ASM εκλεκτον G1588 A-ASM ακρογωνιαιον G204 A-ASM ακρογωνιαιον G204 A-ASM εκλεκτον G1588 A-ASM εντιμον G1784 A-ASM και G2532 CONJ ο G3588 T-NSM πιστευων G4100 V-PAP-NSM επ G1909 PREP αυτω G846 P-DSM ου G3756 PRT-N μη G3361 PRT-N καταισχυνθη G2617 V-APS-3S Jes 28:16; [Ps 2:12]; [Matt 21:42]; [Mark 12:10]; [Rom 9:33]; |
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6 Because it is contained in the scripture: Behold, I lay in Zion a corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believes on him shall not be put to shame. Jes 28:16; [Ps 2:12]; [Matt 21:42]; [Mark 12:10]; [Rom 9:33]; |
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it. Dan 10:21; Mark 12:10; Joh 7:38; Hand 1:16; 2Tim 3:16; 2Petr 1:20; 2Petr 3:16 Behold. 1Petr 2:4; Jes 28:16; Zach 10:4; Rom 9:32; Rom 9:33; Efez 2:20 elect. Ps 89:19; Jes 42:1; Matt 12:18; Luk 23:35; Efez 1:4 shall. Ps 40:14; Jes 41:11; Jes 45:16; Jes 45:17; Jes 50:7; Jes 54:4 |
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7 U dan, die gelooft, is Hij dierbaar; maar den ongehoorzamen [wordt gezegd]: De15 16 17 Steen, Dien de bouwlieden verworpen hebben, Deze is geworden tot een hoofd des hoeks, 15Ps 118:22; 16Matt 21:42; 17Hand 4:11; [Jes 8:14]; [Luk 20:17]; |
7 Unto you G5213 therefore G3767 which G3588 believe G4100 [he is] precious G5092: but G1161 unto them which be disobedient G544, the stone G3037 which G3739 the builders G3618 disallowed G593, the same G3778 is made G1096 G1519 the head G2776 of the corner G1137,2 2precious: or, an honour Ps 118:22; Matt 21:42; Hand 4:11; [Jes 8:14]; [Luk 20:17]; |
7 to you, then, who are believing [is] the preciousness; and to the unbelieving, a stone that the builders disapproved of, this one did become for the head of a corner, Ps 118:22; Matt 21:42; Hand 4:11; [Jes 8:14]; [Luk 20:17]; |
7 υμιν G5213 P-2DP ουν G3767 CONJ η G3588 T-NSF τιμη G5092 N-NSF τοις G3588 T-DPM πιστευουσιν G4100 V-PAP-DPM απιστουσιν G569 V-PAP-DPM δε G1161 CONJ λιθος G3037 N-NSM ον G3739 R-ASM απεδοκιμασαν G593 V-AAI-3P οι G3588 T-NPM οικοδομουντες G3618 V-PAP-NPM ουτος G3778 D-NSM εγενηθη G1096 V-AOI-3S εις G1519 PREP κεφαλην G2776 N-ASF γωνιας G1137 N-GSF Ps 118:22; Matt 21:42; Hand 4:11; [Jes 8:14]; [Luk 20:17]; |
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7 To you therefore who believe [is] the preciousness; but to the disobedient, the stone which the builders cast away as worthless, this is become head of [the] corner, Ps 118:22; Matt 21:42; Hand 4:11; [Jes 8:14]; [Luk 20:17]; |
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you. 1Petr 1:8; Hoogl 5:9-16; Haggai 2:7; Matt 13:44-46; Joh 4:42; Joh 6:68; Joh 6:69; Filipp 3:7-10 precious. or, an honour. Jes 28:5; Luk 2:32 which be. 1Petr 2:8; Hand 26:19; Rom 10:21; Rom 15:31 Tit 3:3; Hebr 4:11; Hebr 11:31 the stone. Ps 118:22; Ps 118:23; Matt 21:42; Mark 12:10; Mark 12:11; Luk 20:17; Hand 4:11; Hand 4:12 the head. Zach 4:7; Kol 2:10 |
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8 (2:7) en een18 19 steen des aanstoots, en een rots der ergernis; (2:8) Dengenen [namelijk], die zich aan het Woord stoten, ongehoorzaam zijnde, waartoe zij ook gezet zijn. 18Jes 8:14; 19Rom 9:33; [Judas 1:4]; |
8 And G2532 a stone G3037 of stumbling G4348, and G2532 a rock G4073 of offence G4625, [even to them] which G3739 stumble G4350 at the word G3056, being disobedient G544: whereunto G1519 G3739 also G2532 they were appointed G5087. Jes 8:14; Rom 9:33; [Judas 1:4]; |
8 and a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence--who are stumbling at the word, being unbelieving, --to which also they were set; Jes 8:14; Rom 9:33; [Judas 1:4]; |
8 και G2532 CONJ λιθος G3037 N-NSM προσκομματος G4348 N-GSN και G2532 CONJ πετρα G4073 N-NSF σκανδαλου G4625 N-GSN οι G3739 R-NPM προσκοπτουσιν G4350 V-PAI-3P τω G3588 T-DSM λογω G3056 N-DSM απειθουντες G544 V-PAP-NPM εις G1519 PREP ο G3739 R-ASN και G2532 CONJ ετεθησαν G5087 V-API-3P Jes 8:14; Rom 9:33; [Judas 1:4]; |
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8 and a stone of stumbling and rock of offence; [who] stumble at the word, being disobedient to which also they have been appointed. Jes 8:14; Rom 9:33; [Judas 1:4]; |
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a stone. Jes 8:14; Jes 57:14; Luk 2:34; Rom 9:32; Rom 9:33; 1Kor 1:23; 2Kor 2:16 being. 7 whereunto. Ex 9:16; Rom 9:22; 1Thess 5:9; 2Petr 2:3; Judas 1:4 |
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9 Maar20 21 22 23 24 gij zijt een uitverkoren geslacht, een25 26 koninklijk priesterdom, een heilig volk, een verkregen volk; opdat gij zoudt verkondigen de deugden Desgenen, Die u uit de duisternis geroepen heeft tot Zijn wonderbaar licht; 20Ex 19:5; 21Deut 7:6; 22Deut 14:2; 23Deut 26:18; 24Efez 1:14; 25Openb 1:6; 26Openb 5:10; [Ex 19:6]; [Ps 135:4]; [Jes 61:6]; [Luk 2:34]; [Openb 20:6]; |
9 But G1161 ye G5210 [are] a chosen G1588 generation G1085, a royal G934 priesthood G2406, an holy G40 nation G1484, a peculiar G1519 G4047 people G2992; that G3704 ye should shew forth G1804 the praises G703 of him who hath called G2564 you G5209 out of G1537 darkness G4655 into G1519 his G846 marvellous G2298 light G5457:3 4 3peculiar: or, purchased 4praises: or, virtues Ex 19:5; Deut 7:6; Deut 14:2; Deut 26:18; Efez 1:14; Openb 1:6; Openb 5:10; [Ex 19:6]; [Ps 135:4]; [Jes 61:6]; [Luk 2:34]; [Openb 20:6]; |
9 and ye [are] a choice race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people acquired, that the excellences ye may shew forth of Him who out of darkness did call you to His wondrous light; Ex 19:5; Deut 7:6; Deut 14:2; Deut 26:18; Efez 1:14; Openb 1:6; Openb 5:10; [Ex 19:6]; [Ps 135:4]; [Jes 61:6]; [Luk 2:34]; [Openb 20:6]; |
9 υμεις G5210 P-2NP δε G1161 CONJ γενος G1085 N-NSN εκλεκτον G1588 A-NSN βασιλειον G934 A-NSN ιερατευμα G2406 N-NSN εθνος G1484 N-NSN αγιον G40 A-NSN λαος G2992 N-NSM εις G1519 PREP περιποιησιν G4047 N-ASF οπως G3704 ADV τας G3588 T-APF αρετας G703 N-APF εξαγγειλητε G1804 V-AAS-2P του G3588 T-GSM εκ G1537 PREP σκοτους G4655 N-GSN υμας G5209 P-2AP καλεσαντος G2564 V-AAP-GSM εις G1519 PREP το G3588 T-ASN θαυμαστον G2298 A-ASN αυτου G846 P-GSM φως G5457 N-ASN Ex 19:5; Deut 7:6; Deut 14:2; Deut 26:18; Efez 1:14; Openb 1:6; Openb 5:10; [Ex 19:6]; [Ps 135:4]; [Jes 61:6]; [Luk 2:34]; [Openb 20:6]; |
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9 But *ye* [are] a chosen race, a kingly priesthood, a holy nation, a people for a possession, that ye might set forth the excellencies of him who has called you out of darkness to his wonderful light; Ex 19:5; Deut 7:6; Deut 14:2; Deut 26:18; Efez 1:14; Openb 1:6; Openb 5:10; [Ex 19:6]; [Ps 135:4]; [Jes 61:6]; [Luk 2:34]; [Openb 20:6]; |
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a chosen. 1Petr 1:2; Deut 10:15; Ps 22:30; Ps 33:12; Ps 73:15; Jes 41:8; Jes 44:1 a royal. Ex 19:5; Ex 19:6; Jes 61:6; Jes 66:21; Openb 1:6; Openb 5:10; Openb 20:6 an holy. Ps 106:5; Jes 26:2; Joh 17:19; 1Kor 3:17; 2Tim 1:9 peculiar. or, purchased. Deut 4:20; Deut 7:6; Deut 14:2; Deut 26:18; Deut 26:19; Hand 20:28; Efez 1:14; Tit 2:14 shew. 1Petr 4:11; Jes 43:21; Jes 60:1-3; Matt 5:16; Efez 1:6; Efez 3:21; Filipp 2:15; Filipp 2:16 praises. or, virtues. who. Jes 9:2; Jes 60:1; Jes 60:2; Matt 4:16; Luk 1:79; Hand 26:28; Rom 9:24; Efez 5:8-11 Filipp 3:14; Kol 1:13; 1Thess 5:4-8 |
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10 Gij,27 28 29 die eertijds geen volk waart, maar nu Gods volk zijt; die [eertijds] niet ontfermd waart, maar nu ontfermd zijt geworden. 27Hos 1:10; 28Hos 2:23; 29Rom 9:26; [Luk 15:6]; |
10 Which G3588 in time past G4218 [were] not G3756 a people G2992, but G1161 [are] now G3568 the people G2992 of God G2316: which G3588 had G1653 not G3756 obtained mercy G1653, but G1161 now G3568 have obtained mercy G1653. Hos 1:10; Hos 2:23; Rom 9:26; [Luk 15:6]; |
10 who [were] once not a people, and [are] now the people of God; who had not found kindness, and now have found kindness. Hos 1:10; Hos 2:23; Rom 9:26; [Luk 15:6]; |
10 οι G3588 T-NPM ποτε G4218 PRT ου G3756 PRT-N λαος G2992 N-NSM νυν G3568 ADV δε G1161 CONJ λαος G2992 N-NSM θεου G2316 N-GSM οι G3588 T-NPM ουκ G3756 PRT-N ηλεημενοι G1653 V-RPP-NPM νυν G3568 ADV δε G1161 CONJ ελεηθεντες G1653 V-APP-NPM Hos 1:10; Hos 2:23; Rom 9:26; [Luk 15:6]; |
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10 who once [were] not a people, but now God's people; who were not enjoying mercy, but now have found mercy. Hos 1:10; Hos 2:23; Rom 9:26; [Luk 15:6]; |
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were. Hos 1:9; Hos 1:10; Rom 9:25; Rom 9:26 obtained. Hos 2:23; Rom 11:6; Rom 11:7; Rom 11:30; 1Kor 7:25; 1Tim 1:13; Hebr 4:16 |
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11 Geliefden, ik vermaan [u] als inwoners en vreemdelingen, dat30 31 gij u onthoudt van de vleselijke begeerlijkheden, welke krijg voeren tegen de ziel; 30Rom 13:14; 31Gal 5:16; [Ps 39:12]; [Gal 5:24]; [Jak 4:1]; |
11 Dearly beloved G27, I beseech G3870 [you] as G5613 strangers G3941 and G2532 pilgrims G3927, abstain from G567 fleshly G4559 lusts G1939, which G3748 war G4754 against G2596 the soul G5590; Rom 13:14; Gal 5:16; [Ps 39:12]; [Gal 5:24]; [Jak 4:1]; |
11 Beloved, I call upon [you] , as strangers and sojourners, to keep from the fleshly desires, that war against the soul, Rom 13:14; Gal 5:16; [Ps 39:12]; [Gal 5:24]; [Jak 4:1]; |
11 αγαπητοι G27 A-VPM παρακαλω G3870 V-PAI-1S ως G5613 ADV παροικους G3941 A-APM και G2532 CONJ παρεπιδημους G3927 A-APM απεχεσθαι G567 V-PMN των G3588 T-GPF σαρκικων G4559 A-GPF επιθυμιων G1939 N-GPF αιτινες G3748 R-NPF στρατευονται G4754 V-PMI-3P κατα G2596 PREP της G3588 T-GSF ψυχης G5590 N-GSF Rom 13:14; Gal 5:16; [Ps 39:12]; [Gal 5:24]; [Jak 4:1]; |
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11 Beloved, I exhort [you] , as strangers and sojourners, to abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul; Rom 13:14; Gal 5:16; [Ps 39:12]; [Gal 5:24]; [Jak 4:1]; |
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I beseech. Rom 12:1; 2Kor 5:20; 2Kor 6:1; Efez 4:1; Filem 1:9; Filem 1:10 as. 1Petr 1:1; 1Petr 1:17; Gen 23:4; Gen 47:9; Lev 25:23; 1Kron 29:15; Ps 39:12; Ps 119:19; Ps 119:54 Heb 11:13 abstain. 1Petr 4:2; Luk 21:34; Hand 15:20; Hand 15:29; Rom 8:13; Rom 13:13; Rom 13:14; 2Kor 7:1; Gal 5:16-21 2Tim 2:22; 1Joh 2:15-17 war. Rom 7:23; Rom 8:13; Gal 5:17; Gal 5:24; 1Tim 6:9; 1Tim 6:10; Jak 4:1 |
SV |
12 En32 33 34 houdt uw wandel eerlijk onder de heidenen; opdat35 36 in hetgeen zij kwalijk van u spreken, als van kwaaddoeners, zij37 uit de goede werken, die zij in [u] zien, God verheerlijken mogen in38 39 den dag der bezoeking. 32Rom 12:17; 332Kor 8:21; 34Filipp 2:15; 35Tit 2:8; 361Petr 3:16; 37Matt 5:16; 38Luk 1:68; 39Luk 19:44; [Filipp 2:14]; |
12 Having G2192 your G5216 conversation G391 honest G2570 among G1722 the Gentiles G1484: that G2443, whereas G1722 G3739 they speak against G2635 you G5216 as G5613 evildoers G2555, they may G1392 by G1537 [your] good G2570 works G2041, which they shall behold G2029, glorify G1392 God G2316 in G1722 the day G2250 of visitation G1984.5 5whereas: or, wherein Rom 12:17; 2Kor 8:21; Filipp 2:15; Tit 2:8; 1Petr 3:16; Matt 5:16; Luk 1:68; Luk 19:44; [Filipp 2:14]; |
12 having your behaviour among the nations right, that in that which they speak against you as evil-doers, of the good works having beheld, they may glorify God in a day of inspection. Rom 12:17; 2Kor 8:21; Filipp 2:15; Tit 2:8; 1Petr 3:16; Matt 5:16; Luk 1:68; Luk 19:44; [Filipp 2:14]; |
12 την G3588 T-ASF αναστροφην G391 N-ASF υμων G5216 P-2GP εν G1722 PREP τοις G3588 T-DPN εθνεσιν G1484 N-DPN εχοντες G2192 V-PAP-NPM καλην G2570 A-ASF ινα G2443 CONJ εν G1722 PREP ω G3739 R-DSN καταλαλουσιν G2635 V-PAI-3P υμων G5216 P-2GP ως G5613 ADV κακοποιων G2555 A-GPM εκ G1537 PREP των G3588 T-GPN καλων G2570 A-GPN εργων G2041 N-GPN εποπτευοντες G2029 V-PAP-NPM δοξασωσιν G1392 V-AAS-3P τον G3588 T-ASM θεον G2316 N-ASM εν G1722 PREP ημερα G2250 N-DSF επισκοπης G1984 N-GSF Rom 12:17; 2Kor 8:21; Filipp 2:15; Tit 2:8; 1Petr 3:16; Matt 5:16; Luk 1:68; Luk 19:44; [Filipp 2:14]; |
Darby |
12 having your conversation honest among the Gentiles, that [as to that] in which they speak against you as evildoers, they may through [your] good works, [themselves] witnessing [them] , glorify God in [the] day of visitation. Rom 12:17; 2Kor 8:21; Filipp 2:15; Tit 2:8; 1Petr 3:16; Matt 5:16; Luk 1:68; Luk 19:44; [Filipp 2:14]; |
TSK - 1 Petrus 2:12 |
your conversation. 1Petr 3:2; Ps 37:14; Ps 50:23; 2Kor 1:12; Efez 2:3; Efez 4:22; Filipp 1:27; 1Tim 4:12 Hebr 13:5; Jak 3:13; 2Petr 3:11 honest. Rom 12:17; Rom 13:13; 2Kor 8:21; 2Kor 13:7; Filipp 4:8; 1Thess 4:12; 1Tim 2:2 Heb 13:18 among. Gen 13:7; Gen 13:8; Filipp 2:15; Filipp 2:16 that. 1Petr 3:1; 1Petr 3:16; 1Petr 4:14-16; Matt 5:11; Matt 10:25; Luk 6:22; Hand 24:5; Hand 24:6; Hand 24:13; Hand 25:7 whereas. or, wherein. they may. Matt 5:16; Tit 2:7; Tit 2:8 glorify. 1Petr 4:11; Ps 50:23; Rom 15:9; 1Kor 14:25 the day. Luk 1:68; Luk 19:44; Hand 15:14 |
SV |
13 Zijt40 41 dan alle menselijke ordening onderdanig, om des Heeren wil; hetzij den koning, als de opperste macht hebbende; 40Rom 13:1; 41Tit 3:1; |
13 G3767 Submit yourselves G5293 to every G3956 ordinance G2937 of man G442 for G1223 the Lord's sake G2962: whether it be G1535 to the king G935, as G5613 supreme G5242; Rom 13:1; Tit 3:1; |
13 Be subject, then, to every human creation, because of the Lord, whether to a king, as the highest, Rom 13:1; Tit 3:1; |
13 υποταγητε G5293 V-2APM-2P παση G3956 A-DSF ανθρωπινη G442 A-DSF κτισει G2937 N-DSF δια G1223 PREP τον G3588 T-ASM κυριον G2962 N-ASM ειτε G1535 CONJ βασιλει G935 G5613 G5242 V-PAP-DSM Rom 13:1; Tit 3:1; |
Darby |
13 Be in subjection [therefore] to every human institution for the Lord's sake; whether to [the] king as supreme, Rom 13:1; Tit 3:1; |
TSK - 1 Petrus 2:13 |
Spr 17:11; Spr 24:21; Jer 29:7; Matt 22:21; Mark 12:17; Luk 20:25; Rom 13:1-7 Efez 5:21; 1Tim 2:1; 1Tim 2:2; Tit 3:1; 2Petr 2:10; Judas 1:8-10 |
SV |
14 Hetzij den stadhouderen, als die van hem gezonden worden, tot straf wel der kwaaddoeners, maar [tot] prijs dergenen, die goed doen. |
14 Or G1535 unto governors G2232, as G5613 unto them that are sent G3992 by G1223 him G846 for G1519 G3303 the punishment G1557 of evildoers G2555, and G1161 for the praise G1868 of them that do well G17. |
14 whether to governors, as to those sent through him, for punishment, indeed, of evil-doers, and a praise of those doing good; |
14 ειτε G1535 CONJ ηγεμοσιν G2232 N-DPM ως G5613 ADV δι G1223 PREP αυτου G846 P-GSM πεμπομενοις G3992 V-PPP-DPM εις G1519 PREP εκδικησιν G1557 N-ASF κακοποιων G2555 A-GPM επαινον G1868 N-ASM δε G1161 CONJ αγαθοποιων G17 A-GPM |
Darby |
14 or to rulers as sent by him, for vengeance on evildoers, and praise to them that do well. |
TSK - 1 Petrus 2:14 |
for the punishment. Rom 13:3; Rom 13:4 |
SV |
15 Want alzo is het de wil van God, dat42 gij, weldoende, den mond stopt aan de onwetendheid der dwaze mensen; 42Tit 2:8; [1Petr 3:16]; |
15 For G3754 so G3779 is G2076 the will G2307 of God G2316, that with well doing G15 ye may put to silence G5392 the ignorance G56 of foolish G878 men G444: Tit 2:8; [1Petr 3:16]; |
15 because, so is the will of God, doing good, to put to silence the ignorance of the foolish men; Tit 2:8; [1Petr 3:16]; |
15 οτι G3754 CONJ ουτως G3779 ADV εστιν G2076 V-PXI-3S το G3588 T-NSN θελημα G2307 N-NSN του G3588 T-GSM θεου G2316 N-GSM αγαθοποιουντας G15 V-PAP-APM φιμουν G5392 V-PAN την G3588 T-ASF των G3588 T-GPM αφρονων G878 A-GPM ανθρωπων G444 N-GPM αγνωσιαν G56 N-ASF Tit 2:8; [1Petr 3:16]; |
Darby |
15 Because so is the will of God, that by well-doing ye put to silence the ignorance of senseless men; Tit 2:8; [1Petr 3:16]; |
TSK - 1 Petrus 2:15 |
so. 1Petr 4:2; Efez 6:6; Efez 6:7; 1Thess 4:3; 1Thess 5:18 with. 1Petr 2:12; Job 5:16; Ps 107:42; Tit 2:8 the ignorance. 1Tim 1:13; 2Petr 2:12; Judas 1:10 foolish. Deut 32:6; Job 2:10; Ps 5:5; Spr 9:6; Jer 4:22; Matt 7:26; Matt 25:2; Rom 1:21 Gal 3:1; Tit 3:3 |
SV |
16 Als43 44 45 vrijen, en niet de vrijheid hebbende als een deksel der boosheid, maar als dienstknechten van God. 43Joh 8:32; 44Rom 6:18; 45Gal 5:1; [Gal 5:13]; |
16 As G5613 free G1658, and G2532 not G3361 using G2192 [your] liberty G1657 for G5613 a cloke G1942 of maliciousness G2549, but G235 as G5613 the servants G1401 of God G2316.6 6using: Gr. having Joh 8:32; Rom 6:18; Gal 5:1; [Gal 5:13]; |
16 as free, and not having the freedom as the cloak of the evil, but as servants of God; Joh 8:32; Rom 6:18; Gal 5:1; [Gal 5:13]; |
16 ως G5613 ADV ελευθεροι G1658 A-NPM και G2532 CONJ μη G3361 PRT-N ως G5613 ADV επικαλυμμα G1942 N-ASN εχοντες G2192 V-PAP-NPM της G3588 T-GSF κακιας G2549 N-GSF την G3588 T-ASF ελευθεριαν G1657 N-ASF αλλ G235 CONJ ως G5613 ADV θεου G2316 N-GSM δουλοι G1401 N-NPM Joh 8:32; Rom 6:18; Gal 5:1; [Gal 5:13]; |
Darby |
16 as free, and not as having liberty as a cloak of malice, but as God's bondmen. Joh 8:32; Rom 6:18; Gal 5:1; [Gal 5:13]; |
TSK - 1 Petrus 2:16 |
free. Joh 8:32-36; Rom 6:18; Rom 6:22; 1Kor 7:22; Gal 5:1; Gal 5:13; Jak 1:25; Jak 2:12 2Pe 2:19 and. Jude 1:4 using. Gr. having. a cloke. Matt 23:14; Joh 15:22; 1Thess 2:5 but. Efez 6:6; Kol 3:24 |
SV |
17 Eert46 47 een iegelijk; hebt48 49 50 51 de broederschap lief; vreest God; eert52 den koning. 46Rom 12:10; 471Petr 5:5; 48Rom 12:10; 49Efez 4:3; 50Hebr 13:1; 511Petr 1:22; 52Matt 22:21; |
17 Honour G5091 all G3956 [men]. Love G25 the brotherhood G81. Fear G5399 God G2316. Honour G5091 the king G935.7 7Honour all: or, Esteem all Rom 12:10; 1Petr 5:5; Efez 4:3; Hebr 13:1; 1Petr 1:22; Matt 22:21; |
17 to all give ye honour; the brotherhood love ye; God fear ye; the king honour ye. Rom 12:10; 1Petr 5:5; Efez 4:3; Hebr 13:1; 1Petr 1:22; Matt 22:21; |
17 παντας G3956 A-APM τιμησατε G5091 V-AAM-2P την G3588 T-ASF αδελφοτητα G81 N-ASF αγαπατε G25 V-PAM-2P τον G3588 T-ASM θεον G2316 N-ASM φοβεισθε G5399 V-PNM-2P τον G3588 T-ASM βασιλεα G935 N-ASM τιματε G5091 V-PAM-2P Rom 12:10; 1Petr 5:5; Efez 4:3; Hebr 13:1; 1Petr 1:22; Matt 22:21; |
Darby |
17 Shew honour to all, love the brotherhood, fear God, honour the king. Rom 12:10; 1Petr 5:5; Efez 4:3; Hebr 13:1; 1Petr 1:22; Matt 22:21; |
TSK - 1 Petrus 2:17 |
Honour. or, Esteem. 1Petr 5:5; Ex 20:12; Lev 19:32; 1Sam 15:30; Rom 12:10; Rom 13:7; Filipp 2:3; 1Tim 6:1 Love. 1Petr 1:22; Joh 13:35; Hebr 13:1; Zach 11:14 Fear. Gen 20:11; Gen 22:12; Gen 42:18; Ps 111:10; Spr 1:7; Spr 23:17; Spr 24:21; Pred 8:2 Matt 22:21; Rom 13:7; 2Kor 7:1; Efez 5:21 Honour. 1Sam 15:30; 1Kron 29:20; Spr 24:21 |
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18 Gij53 54 55 56 huisknechten, zijt met alle vreze onderdanig den heren, niet alleen den goeden en bescheidenen, maar ook den harden. 53Efez 6:5; 54Kol 3:22; 551Tim 6:1; 56Tit 2:9; |
18 Servants G3610, [be] subject G5293 to [your] masters G1203 with G1722 all G3956 fear G5401; not G3756 only G3440 to the good G18 and G2532 gentle G1933, but G235 also G2532 to the froward G4646. Efez 6:5; Kol 3:22; 1Tim 6:1; Tit 2:9; |
18 The domestics! be subjecting yourselves in all fear to the masters, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the cross; Efez 6:5; Kol 3:22; 1Tim 6:1; Tit 2:9; |
18 οι G3588 T-NPM οικεται G3610 N-NPM υποτασσομενοι G5293 V-PPP-NPM εν G1722 PREP παντι G3956 A-DSM φοβω G5401 N-DSM τοις G3588 T-DPM δεσποταις G1203 N-DPM ου G3756 PRT-N μονον G3440 ADV τοις G3588 T-DPM αγαθοις G18 A-DPM και G2532 CONJ επιεικεσιν G1933 A-DPM αλλα G235 CONJ και G2532 CONJ τοις G3588 T-DPM σκολιοις G4646 A-DPM Efez 6:5; Kol 3:22; 1Tim 6:1; Tit 2:9; |
Darby |
18 Servants, [be] subject with all fear to your masters, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the ill-tempered. Efez 6:5; Kol 3:22; 1Tim 6:1; Tit 2:9; |
TSK - 1 Petrus 2:18 |
be. Efez 6:5-7; Kol 3:22-25; 1Tim 6:1-3; Tit 2:9; Tit 2:10 the good. 2Kor 10:1; Gal 5:22; Tit 3:2; Jak 3:17 but. Ps 101:4; Spr 3:32; Spr 8:13; Spr 10:32; Spr 11:20 |
SV |
19 Want57 dat is genade, indien iemand om het geweten voor God zwarigheid verdraagt, lijdende ten onrechte. 57Matt 5:10; [Luk 6:22]; |
19 For G1063 this G5124 [is] thankworthy G5485, if G1487 a man G5100 for G1223 conscience G4893 toward God G2316 endure G5297 grief G3077, suffering G3958 wrongfully G95.8 8thankworthy: or, thank Matt 5:10; [Luk 6:22]; |
19 for this [is] gracious, if because of conscience toward God any one doth endure sorrows, suffering unrighteously; Matt 5:10; [Luk 6:22]; |
19 τουτο G5124 D-NSN γαρ G1063 CONJ χαρις G5485 N-NSF ει G1487 COND δια G1223 PREP συνειδησιν G4893 N-ASF θεου G2316 N-GSM υποφερει G5297 V-PAI-3S τις G5100 X-NSM λυπας G3077 N-APF πασχων G3958 V-PAP-NSM αδικως G95 ADV Matt 5:10; [Luk 6:22]; |
Darby |
19 For this [is] acceptable, if one, for conscience sake towards God, endure griefs, suffering unjustly. Matt 5:10; [Luk 6:22]; |
TSK - 1 Petrus 2:19 |
this. 1Petr 2:20; Luk 6:32 thankworthy. or, thank. Hand 11:23; 1Kor 15:10; 2Kor 1:12; 2Kor 8:1 for conscience. 1Petr 3:14-17; Matt 5:10-12; Joh 15:21; Rom 13:5; 2Tim 1:12 suffering. Job 21:27; Ps 35:19; Ps 38:19; Ps 69:4; Ps 119:86 |
SV |
20 Want wat lof is het, indien gij verdraagt, als gij zondigt, en [daarover] geslagen wordt? Maar58 59 indien gij verdraagt, als gij weldoet, en [daarover] lijdt, dat is genade bij God. 581Petr 3:14; 591Petr 4:14; |
20 For G1063 what G4169 glory G2811 [is it], if G1487, when G2532 ye be buffeted G2852 for your faults G264, ye shall take it patiently G5278? but G235 if G1487, when ye do well G15, and G2532 suffer G3958 [for it], ye take it patiently G5278, this G5124 [is] acceptable G5485 with G3844 God G2316.9 9acceptable: or, thank 1Petr 3:14; 1Petr 4:14; |
20 for what renown [is it] , if sinning and being buffeted, ye do endure [it] ? but if, doing good and suffering [for it] , ye do endure, this [is] gracious with God, 1Petr 3:14; 1Petr 4:14; |
20 ποιον G4169 I-NSN γαρ G1063 CONJ κλεος G2811 N-NSN ει G1487 COND αμαρτανοντες G264 V-PAP-NPM και G2532 CONJ κολαφιζομενοι G2852 V-PPP-NPM υπομενειτε G5278 V-FAI-2P αλλ G235 CONJ ει G1487 COND αγαθοποιουντες G15 V-PAP-NPM και G2532 CONJ πασχοντες G3958 V-PAP-NPM υπομενειτε G5278 V-FAI-2P τουτο G5124 D-NSN χαρις G5485 N-NSF παρα G3844 PREP θεω G2316 N-DSM 1Petr 3:14; 1Petr 4:14; |
Darby |
20 For what glory [is it] , if sinning and being buffeted ye shall bear [it] ? but if, doing good and suffering, ye shall bear [it] , this is acceptable with God. 1Petr 3:14; 1Petr 4:14; |
TSK - 1 Petrus 2:20 |
For. 1Petr 3:14; 1Petr 4:14-16; Matt 5:47 buffeted. Matt 26:67; Mark 14:65; 1Kor 4:11 when. 19 this. Matt 5:10-12; Rom 12:1; Rom 12:2; Efez 5:10; Filipp 4:18 acceptable. or, thank. 1Petr 2:19; Luk 6:32 |
SV |
21 Want hiertoe zijt gij geroepen, dewijl ook Christus voor ons geleden heeft, ons60 61 62 een voorbeeld nalatende, opdat gij Zijn voetstappen zoudt navolgen; 60Joh 13:15; 61Filipp 2:5; 621Joh 2:6; |
21 For G1063 even G1519 hereunto G5124 were ye called G2564: because G3754 Christ G5547 also G2532 suffered G3958 for G5228 us G2257, leaving G5277 us G2254 an example G5261, that G2443 ye should follow G1872 his G846 steps G2487:10 10for us: some read, for you Joh 13:15; Filipp 2:5; 1Joh 2:6; |
21 for to this ye were called, because Christ also did suffer for you, leaving to you an example, that ye may follow his steps, Joh 13:15; Filipp 2:5; 1Joh 2:6; |
21 εις G1519 PREP τουτο G5124 D-ASN γαρ G1063 CONJ εκληθητε G2564 V-API-2P οτι G3754 CONJ και G2532 CONJ χριστος G5547 N-NSM επαθεν G3958 V-2AAI-3S υπερ G5228 PREP υμων G5216 P-2GP υμιν G5213 P-2DP υπολιμπανων G5277 V-PAP-NSM υπογραμμον G5261 N-ASM ινα G2443 CONJ επακολουθησητε G1872 V-AAS-2P τοις G3588 T-DPN ιχνεσιν G2487 N-DPN αυτου G846 P-GSM Joh 13:15; Filipp 2:5; 1Joh 2:6; |
Darby |
21 For to this have ye been called; for Christ also has suffered for you, leaving you a model that ye should follow in his steps: Joh 13:15; Filipp 2:5; 1Joh 2:6; |
TSK - 1 Petrus 2:21 |
even. Matt 10:38; Matt 16:24; Mark 8:34; Mark 8:35; Luk 9:23-25; Luk 14:26; Luk 14:27; Joh 16:33 Hand 9:16; Hand 14:22; 1Thess 3:3; 1Thess 4:2; 2Tim 3:12 because. 1Petr 2:24; 1Petr 3:18; 1Petr 4:1; Luk 24:26; Hand 17:3; Hebr 2:10 for us.Some read, for you. 1:20 leaving. Ps 85:13; Joh 13:15; Rom 8:29; 1Kor 11:1; Efez 5:2; Filipp 2:5; 1Joh 2:6 1Joh 3:16; Openb 12:11 |
SV |
22 Die63 64 65 geen zonde gedaan heeft, en er is geen bedrog in Zijn mond gevonden; 63Jes 53:9; 642Kor 5:21; 651Joh 3:5; [Hebr 4:15]; |
22 Who G3739 did G4160 no G3756 sin G266, neither G3761 was guile G1388 found G2147 in G1722 his G846 mouth G4750: Jes 53:9; 2Kor 5:21; 1Joh 3:5; [Hebr 4:15]; |
22 who did not commit sin, nor was guile found in his mouth, Jes 53:9; 2Kor 5:21; 1Joh 3:5; [Hebr 4:15]; |
22 ος G3739 R-NSM αμαρτιαν G266 N-ASF ουκ G3756 PRT-N εποιησεν G4160 V-AAI-3S ουδε G3761 ADV ευρεθη G2147 V-API-3S δολος G1388 N-NSM εν G1722 PREP τω G3588 T-DSN στοματι G4750 N-DSN αυτου G846 P-GSM Jes 53:9; 2Kor 5:21; 1Joh 3:5; [Hebr 4:15]; |
Darby |
22 who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth; Jes 53:9; 2Kor 5:21; 1Joh 3:5; [Hebr 4:15]; |
TSK - 1 Petrus 2:22 |
did. Jes 53:9; Matt 27:4; Matt 27:19; Matt 27:23; Matt 27:24; Luk 23:41; Luk 23:47; Joh 8:46; 2Kor 5:21 Hebr 4:15; Hebr 7:26; Hebr 7:27; Hebr 9:28; 1Joh 2:1; 1Joh 3:5 guile. Joh 1:47; Openb 14:5 |
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23 Die,66 67 als Hij gescholden werd, niet wederschold, en als Hij leed, niet dreigde; maar gaf het over aan Dien, Die rechtvaardiglijk oordeelt; 66Matt 27:39; 67Joh 8:48-49; [Deut 32:35]; [Matt 5:44]; |
23 Who G3739, when he was reviled G3058, reviled G486 not G3756 again G486; when he suffered G3958, he threatened G546 not G3756; but G1161 committed G3860 [himself] to him that judgeth G2919 righteously G1346:11 11himself: or, his cause Matt 27:39; Joh 8:48-49; [Deut 32:35]; [Matt 5:44]; |
23 who being reviled--was not reviling again, suffering--was not threatening, and was committing himself to Him who is judging righteously, Matt 27:39; Joh 8:48-49; [Deut 32:35]; [Matt 5:44]; |
23 ος G3739 R-NSM λοιδορουμενος G3058 V-PPP-NSM ουκ G3756 PRT-N αντελοιδορει G486 V-IAI-3S πασχων G3958 V-PAP-NSM ουκ G3756 PRT-N ηπειλει G546 V-IAI-3S παρεδιδου G3860 V-IAI-3S δε G1161 CONJ τω G3588 T-DSM κρινοντι G2919 V-PAP-DSM δικαιως G1346 ADV Matt 27:39; Joh 8:48-49; [Deut 32:35]; [Matt 5:44]; |
Darby |
23 who, [when] reviled, reviled not again; [when] suffering, threatened not; but gave [himself] over into the hands of him who judges righteously; Matt 27:39; Joh 8:48-49; [Deut 32:35]; [Matt 5:44]; |
TSK - 1 Petrus 2:23 |
when he was. Ps 38:12-14; Jes 53:7; Matt 27:39-44; Mark 14:60; Mark 14:61; Mark 15:29-32 Luk 22:64; Luk 22:65; Luk 23:9; Luk 23:34-39; Joh 8:48; Joh 8:49; Joh 19:9-11; Hand 8:32-35; Hebr 12:3 threatened. Hand 4:29; Hand 9:1; Efez 6:9 but. 1Petr 4:19; Ps 10:14; Ps 31:5; Ps 37:5; Luk 23:46; Hand 7:59; 2Tim 1:12 himself. or, his cause. judgeth. Gen 18:25; Ps 7:11; Ps 96:13; Hand 17:31; Rom 2:5; 2Thess 1:5; 2Tim 4:8 Re 19:11 |
SV |
24 Die68 69 Zelf onze zonden in Zijn lichaam gedragen heeft op het hout; opdat70 wij, der zonden afgestorven zijnde, der gerechtigheid leven zouden; door Wiens striemen gij genezen zijt. 68Jes 53:4; 69Matt 8:17; 70Rom 6:11; [Jes 53:5]; [Hand 5:30]; [Rom 6:10]; [1Kor 15:3]; |
24 Who G3739 his own self G846 bare G399 our G2257 sins G266 in G1722 his own G846 body G4983 on G1909 the tree G3586, that G2443 we G2198, being dead G581 to sins G266, should live G2198 unto righteousness G1343: by G3739 whose G846 stripes G3468 ye were healed G2390.12 12on: or, to Jes 53:4; Matt 8:17; Rom 6:11; [Jes 53:5]; [Hand 5:30]; [Rom 6:10]; [1Kor 15:3]; |
24 who our sins himself did bear in his body, upon the tree, that to the sins having died, to the righteousness we may live; by whose stripes ye were healed, Jes 53:4; Matt 8:17; Rom 6:11; [Jes 53:5]; [Hand 5:30]; [Rom 6:10]; [1Kor 15:3]; |
24 ος G3739 R-NSM τας G3588 T-APF αμαρτιας G266 N-APF ημων G2257 P-1GP αυτος G846 P-NSM ανηνεγκεν G399 V-AAI-3S εν G1722 PREP τω G3588 T-DSN σωματι G4983 N-DSN αυτου G846 P-GSM επι G1909 PREP το G3588 T-ASN ξυλον G3586 N-ASN ινα G2443 CONJ ταις G3588 T-DPF αμαρτιαις G266 N-DPF απογενομενοι G581 V-2ADP-NPM τη G3588 T-DSF δικαιοσυνη G1343 N-DSF ζησωμεν G2198 V-AAS-1P ου G3739 R-GSM τω G3588 T-DSM μωλωπι G3468 N-DSM ιαθητε G2390 V-API-2P Jes 53:4; Matt 8:17; Rom 6:11; [Jes 53:5]; [Hand 5:30]; [Rom 6:10]; [1Kor 15:3]; |
Darby |
24 who himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, in order that, being dead to sins, we may live to righteousness: by whose stripes ye have been healed. Jes 53:4; Matt 8:17; Rom 6:11; [Jes 53:5]; [Hand 5:30]; [Rom 6:10]; [1Kor 15:3]; |
TSK - 1 Petrus 2:24 |
his own self. Ex 28:38; Lev 16:22; Lev 22:9; Num 18:22; Ps 38:4; Jes 53:4-6; Jes 53:11; Matt 8:17 Joh 1:29; Hebr 9:28 on. or, to. the tree. Deut 21:22; Deut 21:23; Hand 5:30; Hand 10:39; Hand 13:29; Gal 3:13 being. 1Petr 4:1; 1Petr 4:2; Rom 6:2; Rom 6:7; Rom 6:11; Rom 7:6 Kol 2:20; Kol 3:3 2Kor 6:17; Hebr 7:26 live. Matt 5:20; Luk 1:74; Luk 1:75; Hand 10:35; Rom 6:11; Rom 6:16; Rom 6:22; Efez 5:9; Filipp 1:11 1Joh 2:29; 1Joh 3:7 by. Jes 53:5; Jes 53:6; Matt 27:26; Mark 15:15; Joh 19:1 healed. Ps 147:3; Mal 4:2; Luk 4:18; Openb 22:2 |
SV |
25 Want gij waart als71 72 73 dwalende schapen; maar gij zijt nu bekeerd tot den Herder en Opziener uwer zielen. 71Jes 53:6; 72Ezech 34:6; 73Luk 15:4; [Ps 23:1]; [1Petr 5:4]; |
25 For G1063 ye were G2258 as G5613 sheep G4263 going astray G4105; but G235 are G1994 now G3568 returned G1994 unto G1909 the Shepherd G4166 and G2532 Bishop G1985 of your G5216 souls G5590. Jes 53:6; Ezech 34:6; Luk 15:4; [Ps 23:1]; [1Petr 5:4]; |
25 for ye were as sheep going astray, but ye turned back now to the shepherd and overseer of your souls. Jes 53:6; Ezech 34:6; Luk 15:4; [Ps 23:1]; [1Petr 5:4]; |
25 ητε G2258 V-IXI-2P γαρ G1063 CONJ ως G5613 ADV προβατα G4263 N-NPN πλανωμενοι G4105 V-PPP-NPM αλλα G235 CONJ επεστραφητε G1994 V-2API-2P νυν G3568 ADV επι G1909 PREP τον G3588 T-ASM ποιμενα G4166 N-ASM και G2532 CONJ επισκοπον G1985 N-ASM των G3588 T-GPF ψυχων G5590 N-GPF υμων G5216 P-2GP Jes 53:6; Ezech 34:6; Luk 15:4; [Ps 23:1]; [1Petr 5:4]; |
Darby |
25 For ye were going astray as sheep, but have now returned to the shepherd and overseer of your souls. Jes 53:6; Ezech 34:6; Luk 15:4; [Ps 23:1]; [1Petr 5:4]; |
TSK - 1 Petrus 2:25 |
ye. Ps 119:176; Jes 53:6; Jer 23:2; Ezech 34:6; Matt 9:36; Matt 18:12; Luk 15:4-6 the Shepherd. 1Petr 5:4; Ps 23:1-3; Ps 80:1; Hoogl 1:7; Hoogl 1:8; Jes 40:11; Ezech 34:11-16; Ezech 34:23; Ezech 34:24; Ezech 37:24 Zach 13:7; Joh 10:11-16; Hebr 13:20 Bishop. Hebr 3:1; Hand 20:28 |
Vorig hoofdstuk (1 Petrus 1) | Begin hoofdstuk | Volgend hoofdstuk (1
Petrus 3)