1 Petrus 5 |
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1 De ouderlingen, die onder u zijn, vermaan ik, die een medeouderling, en getuige des lijdens van Christus ben, en deelachtig der heerlijkheid, die geopenbaard zal worden: |
1 The elders G4245 which are among G1722 you G5213 I exhort G3870, who G3588 am also an elder G4850, and G2532 a witness G3144 of the sufferings G3804 of Christ G5547, and also G2532 a partaker G2844 of the glory G1391 that shall G3195 be revealed G601: |
1 Elders who [are] among you, I exhort, who [am] a fellow-elder, and a witness of the sufferings of the Christ, and of the glory about to be revealed a partaker, |
1 πρεσβυτερους G4245 A-APM ουν G3767 CONJ εν G1722 PREP υμιν G5213 P-2DP παρακαλω G3870 V-PAI-1S ο G3588 T-NSM συμπρεσβυτερος G4850 N-NSM και G2532 CONJ μαρτυς G3144 N-NSM των G3588 T-GPN του G3588 T-GSM χριστου G5547 N-GSM παθηματων G3804 N-GPN ο G3588 T-NSM και G2532 CONJ της G3588 T-GSF μελλουσης G3195 V-PAP-GSF αποκαλυπτεσθαι G601 V-PPN δοξης G1391 N-GSF κοινωνος G2844 N-NSM |
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1 The elders which [are] among you I exhort, who [am their] fellow-elder and witness of the sufferings of the Christ, who also [am] partaker of the glory about to be revealed: |
TSK - 1 Petrus 5:1 |
1 He exhorts the elders to feed their flocks; 5 the younger to obey; 8 and all to be sober, watchful, and constant in the faith; 9 and to resist the cruel adversary the devil.
elders. Hand 11:30; Hand 14:23; Hand 15:4; Hand 15:6; Hand 15:22; Hand 15:23; Hand 20:17; Hand 20:28 Hand 21:18; 1Tim 5:1; 1Tim 5:19; Tit 1:5 who. Filem 1:9; 2Joh 1:1 3Jo 1:1 also.[Sumpresbuteros ,] a fellow-elder, one on a level with yourselves. and a. 1Petr 1:12; Luk 24:48; Joh 15:26; Joh 15:27; Hand 1:8; Hand 1:22; Hand 2:32; Hand 3:15; Hand 5:30-32 Ac 10:39-41 a partaker. 1Petr 5:4; 1Petr 1:3-5; Ps 73:24; Ps 73:25; Rom 8:17; Rom 8:18; 2Kor 5:1; 2Kor 5:8; Filipp 1:19; Filipp 1:21-23 Kol 3:3; Kol 3:4; 2Tim 4:8; 1Joh 3:2; Openb 1:9 |
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2 Weidt1 de kudde Gods, die onder u is, hebbende opzicht [daarover], niet uit bedwang, maar gewilliglijk; noch2 3 om vuil gewin, maar met een volvaardig gemoed; 1Hand 20:28; 21Tim 3:3; 3Tit 1:7; [1Kor 9:7]; |
2 Feed G4165 the flock G4168 of God G2316 which is among G1722 you G5213, taking the oversight G1983 [thereof], not G3361 by constraint G317, but G235 willingly G1596; not G3366 for filthy lucre G147, but G235 of a ready mind G4290;1 1which…: or, as much as in you is Hand 20:28; 1Tim 3:3; Tit 1:7; [1Kor 9:7]; |
2 feed the flock of God that [is] among you, overseeing not constrainedly, but willingly, neither for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind, Hand 20:28; 1Tim 3:3; Tit 1:7; [1Kor 9:7]; |
2 ποιμανατε G4165 V-AAM-2P το G3588 T-ASN εν G1722 PREP υμιν G5213 P-2DP ποιμνιον G4168 N-ASN του G3588 T-GSM θεου G2316 N-GSM [επισκοπουντες] G1983 V-PAP-NPM μη G3361 PRT-N αναγκαστως G317 ADV αλλα G235 CONJ εκουσιως G1596 ADV κατα G2596 PREP θεον G2316 N-ASM μηδε G3366 CONJ αισχροκερδως G147 ADV αλλα G235 CONJ προθυμως G4290 ADV Hand 20:28; 1Tim 3:3; Tit 1:7; [1Kor 9:7]; |
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2 shepherd the flock of God which [is] among you, exercising oversight, not by necessity, but willingly; not for base gain, but readily; Hand 20:28; 1Tim 3:3; Tit 1:7; [1Kor 9:7]; |
TSK - 1 Petrus 5:2 |
Feed. Hoogl 1:8; Jes 40:11; Ezech 34:2; Ezech 34:3; Ezech 34:23; Micha 5:4; Micha 7:14; Joh 21:15-17 Ac 20:28 the flock. Jes 63:11; Jer 13:17; Jer 13:20; Ezech 34:31; Zach 11:17; Luk 12:32; 1Kor 9:7 which is among you. or, as much as in you is. Ps 78:71; Ps 78:72; Hand 20:26; Hand 20:27 taking. Heb 12:15; *Gr: not by. Jes 6:8; 1Kor 9:16; 1Kor 9:17 not for. Jes 56:11; Jer 6:13; Jer 8:10; Micha 3:11; Mal 1:10; Hand 20:33; Hand 20:34 2Kor 12:14; 2Kor 12:15; 1Tim 3:3; 1Tim 3:8; Tit 1:7; Tit 1:11; 2Petr 2:3; Openb 18:12; Openb 18:13 of. Hand 21:13; Rom 1:15; Tit 2:14; Tit 3:1 |
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3 Noch4 als heerschappij voerende over het erfdeel [des Heeren], maar5 6 7 [als] voorbeelden der kudde geworden zijnde. 42Kor 1:24; 5Filipp 3:17; 61Tim 4:12; 7Tit 2:7; [Ezech 34:4]; [Matt 20:26]; [Mark 10:43]; [Luk 22:26]; |
3 Neither G3366 as G5613 being lords over G2634 [God's] heritage G2819, but G235 being G1096 ensamples G5179 to the flock G4168.2 2being lords over: or, overruling 2Kor 1:24; Filipp 3:17; 1Tim 4:12; Tit 2:7; [Ezech 34:4]; [Matt 20:26]; [Mark 10:43]; [Luk 22:26]; |
3 neither as exercising lordship over the heritages, but patterns becoming of the flock, 2Kor 1:24; Filipp 3:17; 1Tim 4:12; Tit 2:7; [Ezech 34:4]; [Matt 20:26]; [Mark 10:43]; [Luk 22:26]; |
3 μηδ G3366 CONJ ως G5613 ADV κατακυριευοντες G2634 V-PAP-NPM των G3588 T-GPM κληρων G2819 N-GPM αλλα G235 CONJ τυποι G5179 N-NPM γινομενοι G1096 V-PNP-NPM του G3588 T-GSN ποιμνιου G4168 N-GSN 2Kor 1:24; Filipp 3:17; 1Tim 4:12; Tit 2:7; [Ezech 34:4]; [Matt 20:26]; [Mark 10:43]; [Luk 22:26]; |
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3 not as lording it over your possessions, but being models for the flock. 2Kor 1:24; Filipp 3:17; 1Tim 4:12; Tit 2:7; [Ezech 34:4]; [Matt 20:26]; [Mark 10:43]; [Luk 22:26]; |
TSK - 1 Petrus 5:3 |
as. Ezech 34:4; Matt 20:25; Matt 20:26; Matt 23:8-10; Mark 10:42-45; Luk 22:24-27 1Kor 3:5; 1Kor 3:9; 2Kor 1:24; 2Kor 4:5; 3Joh 1:9; 3Joh 1:10 being lords over. or, over-ruling. heritage. 1Petr 2:9; Deut 32:9; Ps 33:12; Ps 74:2; Micha 7:14; Hand 20:28 but. 1Kor 11:11; Filipp 3:17; Filipp 4:9; 1Thess 1:5; 1Thess 1:6; 2Thess 3:9; 1Tim 4:12; Tit 2:7 |
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4 En als de8 9 10 11 12 overste Herder verschenen zal zijn, zo13 14 15 16 zult gij de onverwelkelijke kroon der heerlijkheid behalen. 8Jes 40:11; 9Ezech 34:23; 10Joh 10:11; 11Hebr 13:20; 121Petr 2:25; 131Kor 9:25; 142Tim 4:8; 15Jak 1:12; 161Petr 1:4; |
4 And G2532 when the chief Shepherd G750 shall appear G5319, ye shall receive G2865 a crown G4735 of glory G1391 that fadeth not away G262. Jes 40:11; Ezech 34:23; Joh 10:11; Hebr 13:20; 1Petr 2:25; 1Kor 9:25; 2Tim 4:8; Jak 1:12; 1Petr 1:4; |
4 and at the manifestation of the chief Shepherd, ye shall receive the unfading crown of glory. Jes 40:11; Ezech 34:23; Joh 10:11; Hebr 13:20; 1Petr 2:25; 1Kor 9:25; 2Tim 4:8; Jak 1:12; 1Petr 1:4; |
4 και G2532 CONJ φανερωθεντος G5319 V-APP-GSM του G3588 T-GSM αρχιποιμενος G750 N-GSM κομιεισθε G2865 V-FDI-2P-ATT τον G3588 T-ASM αμαραντινον G262 A-ASM της G3588 T-GSF δοξης G1391 N-GSF στεφανον G4735 N-ASM Jes 40:11; Ezech 34:23; Joh 10:11; Hebr 13:20; 1Petr 2:25; 1Kor 9:25; 2Tim 4:8; Jak 1:12; 1Petr 1:4; |
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4 And when the chief shepherd is manifested ye shall receive the unfading crown of glory. Jes 40:11; Ezech 34:23; Joh 10:11; Hebr 13:20; 1Petr 2:25; 1Kor 9:25; 2Tim 4:8; Jak 1:12; 1Petr 1:4; |
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the. 1Petr 5:2; 1Petr 2:25; Ps 23:1; Jes 40:11; Ezech 34:23; Ezech 37:24; Zach 13:7; Joh 10:11 Heb 13:20 appear. Matt 25:31-46; Kol 3:3; Kol 3:4; 2Thess 1:7-10; 1Joh 3:2; Openb 1:7; Openb 20:11; Openb 20:12 a crown. 1Petr 1:4; Dan 12:3; 1Kor 9:25; 2Tim 4:8; Jak 1:12; Openb 2:10; Openb 3:11 |
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5 Desgelijks gij jongen, zijt den ouden onderdanig; en17 18 zijt allen elkander onderdanig; zijt met de ootmoedigheid bekleed; want19 20 God wederstaat de hovaardigen, maar den nederigen geeft Hij genade. 17Rom 12:10; 18Filipp 2:3; 19Spr 3:34; 20Jak 4:6; [Spr 29:23]; [Matt 23:12]; [Luk 1:51]; [Luk 14:11]; [Luk 18:14]; [1Petr 2:17]; |
5 Likewise G3668, ye younger G3501, submit yourselves G5293 unto the elder G4245. Yea G1161, all G3956 [of you] be subject G5293 one to another G240, and be clothed G1463 with humility G5012: for G3754 God G2316 resisteth G498 the proud G5244, and G1161 giveth G1325 grace G5485 to the humble G5011. Rom 12:10; Filipp 2:3; Spr 3:34; Jak 4:6; [Spr 29:23]; [Matt 23:12]; [Luk 1:51]; [Luk 14:11]; [Luk 18:14]; [1Petr 2:17]; |
5 In like manner, ye younger, be subject to elders, and all to one another subjecting yourselves; with humble-mindedness clothe yourselves, because God the proud doth resist, but to the humble He doth give grace; Rom 12:10; Filipp 2:3; Spr 3:34; Jak 4:6; [Spr 29:23]; [Matt 23:12]; [Luk 1:51]; [Luk 14:11]; [Luk 18:14]; [1Petr 2:17]; |
5 ομοιως G3668 ADV νεωτεροι G3501 A-NPM-C υποταγητε G5293 V-2APM-2P πρεσβυτεροις G4245 A-DPM παντες G3956 A-NPM δε G1161 CONJ αλληλοις G240 C-DPM την G3588 T-ASF ταπεινοφροσυνην G5012 N-ASF εγκομβωσασθε G1463 V-ADM-2P οτι G3754 CONJ [ο] G3588 T-NSM θεος G2316 N-NSM υπερηφανοις G5244 A-DPM αντιτασσεται G498 V-PMI-3S ταπεινοις G5011 A-DPM δε G1161 CONJ διδωσιν G1325 V-PAI-3S χαριν G5485 N-ASF Rom 12:10; Filipp 2:3; Spr 3:34; Jak 4:6; [Spr 29:23]; [Matt 23:12]; [Luk 1:51]; [Luk 14:11]; [Luk 18:14]; [1Petr 2:17]; |
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5 Likewise [ye] younger, be subject to [the] elder, and all of you bind on humility towards one another; for God sets himself against [the] proud, but to [the] humble gives grace. Rom 12:10; Filipp 2:3; Spr 3:34; Jak 4:6; [Spr 29:23]; [Matt 23:12]; [Luk 1:51]; [Luk 14:11]; [Luk 18:14]; [1Petr 2:17]; |
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ye. Lev 19:32; Hebr 13:17 all. 1Petr 4:1; 1Petr 4:5; Rom 12:10; Efez 5:21; Filipp 2:3 be clothed. 1Petr 3:3; 1Petr 3:4; 2Kron 6:41; Job 29:14; Ps 132:9; Ps 132:16; Jes 61:10; Rom 13:14 Col3:12 God. Jak 4:6; Job 22:29 giveth. Jes 57:15; Jes 66:2 |
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6 Vernedert21 22 23 24 25 u dan onder de krachtige hand Gods, opdat Hij u verhoge te Zijner tijd. 21Job 22:29; 22Spr 29:23; 23Matt 23:12; 24Luk 14:11; 25Jak 4:10; [Matt 18:4]; |
6 Humble yourselves G5013 therefore G3767 under G5259 the mighty G2900 hand G5495 of God G2316, that G2443 he may exalt G5312 you G5209 in G1722 due time G2540: Job 22:29; Spr 29:23; Matt 23:12; Luk 14:11; Jak 4:10; [Matt 18:4]; |
6 be humbled, then, under the powerful hand of God, that you He may exalt in good time, Job 22:29; Spr 29:23; Matt 23:12; Luk 14:11; Jak 4:10; [Matt 18:4]; |
6 ταπεινωθητε G5013 V-APM-2P ουν G3767 CONJ υπο G5259 PREP την G3588 T-ASF κραταιαν G2900 A-ASF χειρα G5495 N-ASF του G3588 T-GSM θεου G2316 N-GSM ινα G2443 CONJ υμας G5209 P-2AP υψωση G5312 V-AAS-3S εν G1722 PREP καιρω G2540 N-DSM Job 22:29; Spr 29:23; Matt 23:12; Luk 14:11; Jak 4:10; [Matt 18:4]; |
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6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in [the due] time; Job 22:29; Spr 29:23; Matt 23:12; Luk 14:11; Jak 4:10; [Matt 18:4]; |
TSK - 1 Petrus 5:6 |
Humble. Ex 10:3; Lev 26:41; 1Kon 21:29; 2Kon 22:19; 2Kron 12:6; 2Kron 12:7; 2Kron 12:12; 2Kron 30:11; 2Kron 32:26 2Kron 33:12; 2Kron 33:19; 2Kron 33:23; 2Kron 36:12; Spr 29:23; Jes 2:11; Jes 57:15; Jer 13:18; Jer 44:10 Dan 5:22; Micha 6:8; Luk 14:11; Luk 18:14; Jak 4:10; Jak 5:10 the. Ex 3:19; Ex 32:11; Ps 89:13; 1Kor 10:22 that. Job 36:22; Ps 75:10; Ps 89:16; Ps 89:17; Jes 40:4; Ezech 17:21; Ezech 21:6; Matt 23:12 Luk 1:52; Jak 1:9; Jak 1:10 in. Deut 32:35; Rom 5:6; 1Tim 2:6; Tit 1:3 |
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7 Werpt26 27 28 29 30 al uw bekommernis op Hem, want31 32 Hij zorgt voor u. 26Ps 55:22; 27Matt 6:25; 28Luk 12:22; 29Filipp 4:6; 301Tim 6:8; 311Kor 9:9; 32Hebr 13:5; [Ps 37:5]; [Spr 16:3]; |
7 Casting G1977 all G3956 your G5216 care G3308 upon G1909 him G846; for G3754 he G846 careth G3199 for G4012 you G5216. Ps 55:22; Matt 6:25; Luk 12:22; Filipp 4:6; 1Tim 6:8; 1Kor 9:9; Hebr 13:5; [Ps 37:5]; [Spr 16:3]; |
7 all your care having cast upon Him, because He careth for you. Ps 55:22; Matt 6:25; Luk 12:22; Filipp 4:6; 1Tim 6:8; 1Kor 9:9; Hebr 13:5; [Ps 37:5]; [Spr 16:3]; |
7 πασαν G3956 A-ASF την G3588 T-ASF μεριμναν G3308 N-ASF υμων G5216 P-2GP επιριψαντες G1977 V-AAP-NPM επ G1909 PREP αυτον G846 P-ASM οτι G3754 CONJ αυτω G846 P-DSM μελει G3199 V-PQI-3S περι G4012 PREP υμων G5216 P-2GP Ps 55:22; Matt 6:25; Luk 12:22; Filipp 4:6; 1Tim 6:8; 1Kor 9:9; Hebr 13:5; [Ps 37:5]; [Spr 16:3]; |
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7 having cast all your care upon him, for he cares about you. Ps 55:22; Matt 6:25; Luk 12:22; Filipp 4:6; 1Tim 6:8; 1Kor 9:9; Hebr 13:5; [Ps 37:5]; [Spr 16:3]; |
TSK - 1 Petrus 5:7 |
Casting. 1Sam 1:10-18; 1Sam 30:6; Ps 27:13; Ps 27:14; Ps 37:5; Ps 55:22; Ps 56:3; Ps 56:4; Matt 6:25; Matt 6:34 Luk 12:11; Luk 12:12; Luk 12:22; Filipp 4:6; Hebr 13:5; Hebr 13:6 for. Ps 34:15; Ps 142:4; Ps 142:5; Matt 6:26; Matt 6:33; Mark 4:38; Luk 12:30-32; Joh 10:13 |
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8 Zijt33 34 35 nuchteren, [en] waakt; want36 37 uw tegenpartij, de duivel, gaat om als een briesende leeuw, zoekende, wien hij zou mogen verslinden; 331Thess 5:6; 341Petr 1:13; 351Petr 4:7; 36Job 1:7; 37Luk 22:31; |
8 Be sober G3525, be vigilant G1127; because G3754 your G5216 adversary G476 the devil G1228, as G5613 a roaring G5612 lion G3023, walketh about G4043, seeking G2212 whom G5101 he may devour G2666: 1Thess 5:6; 1Petr 1:13; 1Petr 4:7; Job 1:7; Luk 22:31; |
8 Be sober, vigilant, because your opponent the devil, as a roaring lion, doth walk about, seeking whom he may swallow up, 1Thess 5:6; 1Petr 1:13; 1Petr 4:7; Job 1:7; Luk 22:31; |
8 νηψατε G3525 V-AAM-2P γρηγορησατε G1127 V-AAM-2P ο G3588 T-NSM αντιδικος G476 N-NSM υμων G5216 P-2GP διαβολος G1228 A-NSM ως G5613 ADV λεων G3023 N-NSM ωρυομενος G5612 V-PNP-NSM περιπατει G4043 V-PAI-3S ζητων G2212 V-PAP-NSM [τινα] G5101 I-ASM καταπιειν G2666 V-2AAN 1Thess 5:6; 1Petr 1:13; 1Petr 4:7; Job 1:7; Luk 22:31; |
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8 Be vigilant, watch. Your adversary [the] devil as a roaring lion walks about seeking whom he may devour. 1Thess 5:6; 1Petr 1:13; 1Petr 4:7; Job 1:7; Luk 22:31; |
TSK - 1 Petrus 5:8 |
sober. 1Petr 1:13; 1Petr 4:7; Matt 24:48-50; Luk 12:45; Luk 12:46; Luk 21:34; Luk 21:36; Rom 13:11-13 1Thess 5:6-8; 1Tim 2:9; 1Tim 2:15; 1Tim 3:2; 1Tim 3:11; Tit 1:8; Tit 2:2; Tit 2:4; Tit 2:6; Tit 2:12 your. Esth 7:6; Job 1:6; Job 2:2; Ps 109:6 Jes 50:8; Zach 3:1; Luk 22:31 the devil. Matt 4:1; Matt 4:11; Matt 13:39; Matt 25:41; Joh 8:44; Efez 4:27; Efez 6:11; Jak 4:7 1Joh 3:8-10; Openb 12:9; Openb 20:2; Openb 20:10 as. Richt 14:5; Ps 104:21; Spr 19:12; Spr 20:2; Jes 5:29; Jes 5:30; Jes 14:12; Jes 14:13; Jer 2:15 Jer 51:38; Ezech 19:7; Hos 11:10; Joel 3:16; Amos 1:2; Amos 3:4; Amos 3:8; Zach 11:3 2Tim 4:17; Openb 12:12 walketh. Job 1:7; Job 2:2 devour. Ezech 22:25; Dan 6:24; Hos 13:8 |
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9 Denwelken38 39 wederstaat, vast zijnde in het geloof, wetende, dat hetzelfde lijden aan uw broederschap, die in de wereld is, volbracht wordt. 38Efez 4:27; 39Jak 4:7; |
9 Whom G3739 resist G436 stedfast G4731 in the faith G4102, knowing G1492 that the same G846 afflictions G3804 are accomplished G2005 in your G5216 brethren G81 that are in G1722 the world G2889. Efez 4:27; Jak 4:7; |
9 whom resist, stedfast in the faith, having known the same sufferings to your brotherhood in the world to be accomplished. Efez 4:27; Jak 4:7; |
9 ω G3739 R-DSM αντιστητε G436 V-2AAM-2P στερεοι G4731 A-NPF τη G3588 T-DSF πιστει G4102 N-DSF ειδοτες G1492 V-RAP-NPM τα G3588 T-NPN αυτα G846 P-NPN των G3588 T-GPN παθηματων G3804 N-GPN τη G3588 T-DSF εν G1722 PREP τω G3588 T-DSM [τω] G3588 T-DSM κοσμω G2889 N-DSM υμων G5216 P-2GP αδελφοτητι G81 N-DSF επιτελεισθαι G2005 V-PPN Efez 4:27; Jak 4:7; |
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9 Whom resist, stedfast in faith, knowing that the selfsame sufferings are accomplished in your brotherhood which [is] in [the] world. Efez 4:27; Jak 4:7; |
TSK - 1 Petrus 5:9 |
resist. Luk 4:3-12; Efez 4:27; Efez 6:11-13; Jak 4:7 stedfast. Luk 22:32; Efez 6:16; 1Tim 6:12; 2Tim 4:7; Hebr 11:33 the same. 1Petr 1:6; 1Petr 2:21; 1Petr 3:14; 1Petr 4:13; Joh 16:33; Hand 14:22; 1Kor 10:13; 1Thess 2:15; 1Thess 2:16 1Thess 3:3; 2Tim 3:12; Openb 1:9; Openb 6:11; Openb 7:14 |
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10 De God nu aller genade, Die ons geroepen heeft tot Zijn eeuwige heerlijkheid in Christus Jezus, nadat wij een40 41 weinig [tijds] zullen geleden hebben, Dezelve volmake, bevestige, versterke, [en] fondere ulieden. 40Hebr 10:37; 411Petr 1:6; |
10 But G1161 the God G2316 of all G3956 grace G5485, who G3588 hath called G2564 us G2248 unto G1519 his G846 eternal G166 glory G1391 by G1722 Christ G5547 Jesus G2424, after that ye have suffered G3958 a while G3641, G846 make G2675 you G5209 perfect G2675, stablish G4741, strengthen G4599, settle G2311 [you]. Hebr 10:37; 1Petr 1:6; |
10 And the God of all grace, who did call you to His age-during glory in Christ Jesus, having suffered a little, Himself make you perfect, establish, strengthen, settle [you] ; Hebr 10:37; 1Petr 1:6; |
10 ο G3588 T-NSM δε G1161 CONJ θεος G2316 N-NSM πασης G3956 A-GSF χαριτος G5485 N-GSF ο G3588 T-NSM καλεσας G2564 V-AAP-NSM υμας G5209 P-2AP εις G1519 PREP την G3588 T-ASF αιωνιον G166 A-ASF αυτου G846 P-GSM δοξαν G1391 N-ASF εν G1722 PREP χριστω G5547 N-DSM [ιησου] G2424 N-DSM ολιγον G3641 ADV παθοντας G3958 V-2AAP-APM αυτος G846 P-NSM καταρτισει G2675 V-FAI-3S στηριξει G4741 V-FAI-3S σθενωσει G4599 V-FAI-3S θεμελιωσει G2311 V-FAI-3S Hebr 10:37; 1Petr 1:6; |
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10 But the God of all grace who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ Jesus, when ye have suffered for a little while, himself shall make perfect, stablish, strengthen, ground: Hebr 10:37; 1Petr 1:6; |
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the God. Ex 34:6; Ex 34:7; Ps 86:5; Ps 86:15; Micha 7:18; Micha 7:19; Rom 5:20; Rom 5:21; Rom 15:5; Rom 15:13; 2Kor 13:11 Heb 13:20 who. 1Petr 1:15; Rom 8:28-30; Rom 9:11; Rom 9:24; 1Kor 1:9; 1Thess 2:12; 2Thess 2:14; 1Tim 6:12 2Tim 1:9; 2Petr 1:3 eternal. 2Kor 4:17; 2Tim 2:10; Hebr 9:15; 1Joh 2:25 after. 1Petr 1:6; 1Petr 1:7; 2Kor 4:17 make. 2Kor 13:11; 2Thess 2:17; Hebr 13:21; Judas 1:24 stablish. Kol 2:7; 2Thess 2:17; 2Thess 3:3 strengthen. Ps 138:7; Zach 10:6; Zach 10:12; Luk 22:32; Filipp 4:13; Kol 1:22; Kol 1:23 settle. 4:11 |
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11 Hem zij de heerlijkheid en de kracht in alle eeuwigheid. Amen. |
11 To him G846 [be] glory G1391 and G2532 dominion G2904 for G1519 ever G165 and ever G165. Amen G281. |
11 to Him [is] the glory, and the power--to the ages and the ages! Amen. |
11 αυτω G846 P-DSM το G3588 T-NSN κρατος G2904 N-NSN εις G1519 PREP τους G3588 T-APM αιωνας G165 N-APM αμην G281 HEB |
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11 to him [be] the glory and the might for the ages of the ages. Amen. |
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1Petr 4:11; Openb 1:6; Openb 5:13 |
SV |
12 Door Silvánus, die u een getrouw broeder is, zo ik acht, heb ik met weinige [woorden] geschreven, vermanende en betuigende, dat deze is de waarachtige genade Gods, in welke gij staat. |
12 By G1223 Silvanus G4610, a faithful G4103 brother G80 unto you G5213, as G5613 I suppose G3049, I have written G1125 briefly G1223 G3641, exhorting G3870, and G2532 testifying G1957 that this G5026 is G1511 the true G227 grace G5485 of God G2316 wherein G1519 G3739 ye stand G2476. |
12 Through Silvanus, to you the faithful brother, as I reckon, through few [words] I did write, exhorting and testifying this to be the true grace of God in which ye have stood. |
12 δια G1223 PREP σιλουανου G4610 N-GSM υμιν G5213 P-2DP του G3588 T-GSM πιστου G4103 A-GSM αδελφου G80 N-GSM ως G5613 ADV λογιζομαι G3049 V-PNI-1S δι G1223 PREP ολιγων G3641 A-GPN εγραψα G1125 V-AAI-1S παρακαλων G3870 V-PAP-NSM και G2532 CONJ επιμαρτυρων G1957 V-PAP-NSM ταυτην G3778 D-ASF ειναι G1511 V-PXN αληθη G227 A-ASF χαριν G5485 N-ASF του G3588 T-GSM θεου G2316 N-GSM εις G1519 PREP ην G3739 R-ASF στητε G2476 V-2AAS-2P G2476 V-2AAM-2P |
Darby |
12 By Silvanus, the faithful brother, as I suppose, I have written to you briefly; exhorting and testifying that this is [the] true grace of God in which ye stand. |
TSK - 1 Petrus 5:12 |
Silvanus. 2Kor 1:19; 1Thess 1:1; 2Thess 1:1 a faithful. Efez 6:21; Kol 1:7; Kol 4:7; Kol 4:9 I have. Efez 3:3; Hebr 13:22 exhorting. Hebr 13:22; Judas 1:3 testifying. Joh 21:21; Hand 20:24; 1Joh 5:9; 1Joh 5:10; 3Joh 1:12 true. Hand 20:24; 1Kor 15:1; Gal 1:8; Gal 1:9; 2Petr 2:15 wherein. Rom 5:2; 2Kor 1:24; 2Petr 1:12 |
SV |
13 U groet de medeuitverkorene [Gemeente], die in Babylon is, en Markus, mijn zoon. [Filem 1:24]; |
13 The [church that is] at G1722 Babylon G897, elected together with G4899 [you], saluteth G782 you G5209; and G2532 [so doth] Marcus G3138 my G3450 son G5207. [Filem 1:24]; |
13 Salute you doth the [assembly] in Babylon jointly elected, and Markus my son. [Filem 1:24]; |
13 ασπαζεται G782 V-PNI-3S υμας G5209 P-2AP η G3588 T-NSF εν G1722 PREP βαβυλωνι G897 N-DSF συνεκλεκτη G4899 A-NSF και G2532 CONJ μαρκος G3138 N-NSM ο G3588 T-NSM υιος G5207 N-NSM μου G3450 P-1GS [Filem 1:24]; |
Darby |
13 She that is elected with [you] in Babylon salutes you, and Marcus my son. [Filem 1:24]; |
TSK - 1 Petrus 5:13 |
at. Ps 87:4; Openb 17:5; Openb 18:2 elected. 2Jo 1:13 Marcus. Hand 12:12; Hand 12:25 |
SV |
14 Groet elkander met42 43 44 45 een kus der liefde. Vrede zij u allen, die in Christus Jezus zijt. Amen. 42Rom 16:16; 431Kor 16:20; 442Kor 13:12; 451Thess 5:26; |
14 Greet ye G782 one another G240 with G1722 a kiss G5370 of charity G26. Peace G1515 [be] with you G5213 all G3956 that are in G1722 Christ G5547 Jesus G2424. Amen G281. Rom 16:16; 1Kor 16:20; 2Kor 13:12; 1Thess 5:26; |
14 Salute ye one another in a kiss of love; peace to you all who [are] in Christ Jesus! Amen. Rom 16:16; 1Kor 16:20; 2Kor 13:12; 1Thess 5:26; |
14 ασπασασθε G782 V-ADM-2P αλληλους G240 C-APM εν G1722 PREP φιληματι G5370 N-DSN αγαπης G26 N-GSF ειρηνη G1515 N-NSF υμιν G5213 P-2DP πασιν G3956 A-DPM τοις G3588 T-DPM εν G1722 PREP χριστω G5547 N-DSM Rom 16:16; 1Kor 16:20; 2Kor 13:12; 1Thess 5:26; |
Darby |
14 Salute one another with a kiss of love. Peace be with you all who [are] in Christ. Rom 16:16; 1Kor 16:20; 2Kor 13:12; 1Thess 5:26; |
TSK - 1 Petrus 5:14 |
with a. Rom 16:16; 1Kor 16:20; 2Kor 13:12; 1Thess 5:26 Peace. 1Petr 1:2; Joh 14:27; Joh 16:33; Joh 20:19; Joh 20:26; Rom 1:7; Efez 6:23 in. Rom 8:1; 1Kor 1:30; 2Kor 5:17
CONCLUDING REMARKS ON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PETER. As the design of this Epistle is excellent, remarks Dr. Macknight, so is its execution, in the judgment of the best critics, does not fall short of its design. Ostervald says of the first Epistle of Peter, "it is one of the finest books in the New Testament." Erasmus pronounces it to be "worthy of the prince of the Apostles, and full of apostolical dignity and authority;" and adds, "it is sparing in words, but full of sense.--{verbis pauca, sententiis differta.}" "As the true church of Christ," says Dr. Clarke, "has generally been in a state of suffering, the Epistles of St. Peter have ever been most highly prized by all believers. That which we have just finished is an admirable letter, containing some of the most important maxims and consolations for the Church in the wilderness. No Christian can read it without deriving from it both light and life. Ministers especially should study it well, that they may know how to comfort their flocks when in persecution and adversity. He never speaks to good in any spiritual case who is not furnished out of the Divine treasury. God's words invite, solicit, and command assent: on them a man may confidently rely. The words of man may be true, but they are not infallible; this is the character of God's word alone." To these valuable remarks on the varied excellences and uses of this inimitable Epistle, it may be only necessary to add, that it is not only important in these respects, but is a rich treasury of Christian doctrines and duties from which the mind may be enriched and the heart improved, with the most ennobling sentiments. |
Vorig hoofdstuk (1 Petrus 4) | Begin hoofdstuk | Volgend hoofdstuk (2
Petrus 1)