The Berean Expositor
Volume 43 - Page 112 of 243
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Then consider the Bible's indestructibility, and of the opposition this Book has had. It
has been well said that if any human book had had only a fraction of the opposition the
Bible has received it would have been swept to oblivion. But this Book still flourishes
in spite of atheists and opponents; it is the world's best seller! Note, also, how it
marvelously endures translation. There are over one thousand translations of the Bible
existing today, and when you translate from one language to another you are bound to
lose something, yet in spite of this it still speaks with power and authority; it still has
something supernatural in it that changes people's lives. What is it that this Book has
that other books have not? Nothing less than God's infallible Truth, and the power of
God to quicken into life.
Then think of the testimony of archaeology and the things that men have dug up from
the earth. Has there been anything found to disprove the Bible? Never! Everything that
has been dug up from the soil confirms its claims. Just one point we would like to bring
to the reader. It used to be said that Moses could not have written the Pentateuch because
writing was unknown in his time, but if you go to the British Museum you can see there
the Tel-el-Amarna tablets which were unearthed by archaeologists and prove most
definitely that writing was known a hundred years before Moses lived! Everything that is
dug up from the earth confirms this fact--that the Bible is true.
The last thing we would mention, and this is really the most important, what was the
witness of the Lord Jesus Christ? What was His attitude to the O.T. scriptures that
existed in His day?  There are many who profess and call themselves Christians--
Christ-ians--followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. If we faithfully follow the Lord Jesus
Christ, His attitude must be our attitude, otherwise we are not true Christ-ians. He said,
as it is recorded in the fifth chapter of John, "Had ye believed Moses ye would have
believed Me, for he wrote of Me". Mark you, this is the Lord Jesus Christ speaking and
asserting that Moses, centuries before, wrote of Him. But how did Moses know about
Christ in the O.T. days? But Christ said he did--"he wrote of Me". Furthermore, He
added, "If you believe not his writings how shall ye believe My words?" If you cannot
believe the first five books of the Bible written by Moses, He said, you certainly cannot
believe Me. So you see the importance Christ puts on the Pentateuch. He also said this:
"Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all
be fulfilled (Matt. 5: 18); not the smallest Hebrew letter, not the smallest crest on a letter,
would pass unfulfilled, He said. On another occasion He sated, "the scripture cannot be
broken". Still further, in John 17:, in the prayer to His Father in heaven, He declared,
"Thy Word is truth". There are people who say that when the Lord Jesus walked the
earth He accepted the current Jewish notions of His time; some of them were mistaken,
they tell us. But in resurrection with no such limitations, He declared (Luke 24: 44),
"All things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses, in the Prophets and
in the Psalms concerning Me". This was the three-fold division of the O.T., and the Lord
underlines its truth. You will not find one incident or one saying of Christ which belittles
the O.T. scriptures or suggests they were wrong in any way whatever;  rather His
approach was always with reverence and giving them their proper place as the Word of
God. If we profess, and call ourselves Christians, if we want truth, then our attitude must