The Berean Expositor
Volume 43 - Page 111 of 243
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Bethlehem, yet that had been written centuries before by one of the minor prophets,
Micah, and Bethlehem, he tells us, was so small it was least of the thousands of Judah; in
its district it was smallest, the least-known. When Joshua made a survey of the land
centuries before, it was not even mentioned. And yet out of that obscure place, that tiny
village, came the Lord Jesus Christ, the One who would be "the Governor of My people
Israel", whose goings forth have been from everlasting". How did Micah know this,
centuries before, infallibly pin-pointing the place? When you read Psa. 22: you have
there a graphic description of death by crucifixion, but death by crucifixion was not
practiced by the Jews in David's day.
Not only that, but do you realize that in the twenty-four hours leading up to the
crucifixion, there were at least thirteen prophecies, written in the O.T. centuries before,
and fulfill to the last letter on that day? The O.T. definitely stated that His disciples were
to forsake Him, and the N.T. tells us that this was a fact "His disciples forsook Him and
fled". Then the O.T. had foretold us that He was to be dumb before His accusers--so He
was! It was stated there that He was to be wounded and bruised--and this was so from
the terrible lashings and scourgings that He underwent. The O.T. foretold that His hands
and His feet were to be pierced (Psa. 22:), and they were so literally, and yet no bone of
Him was to be broken. When the soldiers came to break the legs of the thieves crucified
with the Lord, you may remember how they hesitated and stopped when they came to the
Lord Jesus Christ. What made them stop do you think? Did these Roman soldiers know
anything about what had been written in the O.T. centuries before? Certainly not! but
God had written it and God saw to it that His Word was fulfilled to the letter "not a bone
of Him shall be broken".
Then it was stated that He was to be crucified with thieves; so He was, one on either
side of Him. He was to pray for His persecutors, and so He did: "Father, forgive them
for they know not what they do." The people were to come to mock and ridicule Him, so
they did, the leaders especially! "Let Him now come down from the cross, He can save
others let Him save Himself", that is what He had thrown in His teeth by them. And then
the O.T. foretold that they were to cast lots for His coat. It was evidently a coat of great
value; all in one piece, we are told. The soldiers said, "Don't let us tear it; let us cast
lots so that one has it in one whole piece". Did they realize that they were fulfilling
Scripture that had been written centuries before? No, but they were! "They cast lots for
my vesture", the O.T. had predicted. The very words which He cried on the cross had
been written in Psa. 22:, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me". He was to
have gall and vinegar offered Him to drink and they did offer it to Him, literally. His side
was to be pierced: instead of breaking His legs the soldiers pierced His side. And the
O.T. had stated that He was to be buried in a rich man's tomb. Now we want to remind
the reader that all these things were fulfilled literally in twenty-four hours, and they were
all written hundreds of years before the event! One of those predictions thus fulfilled,
would have been remarkable, but when one realizes that there were at least thirteen of
them fulfilled to the letter it surely becomes overwhelming to any reasonable mind that
here we have not just clever human guesswork, but the sure Word of God. Only God
knows the future infallibly and only He could communicate these things to the O.T.
writers, and that is exactly what we find happened.