The Berean Expositor
Volume 43 - Page 113 of 243
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be His attitude. He said "I am the truth", so how could He mislead us over this? If He
misled us in this matter He cannot be the truth--but this is impossible. He has set His
seal upon the O.T. as being the Word of God, and what is true of the O.T. is surely true of
the N.T. because they are interwoven. All evidence, then, shows that this book is what it
claims to be--the very Word of God.
Now we are going to suggest to the reader that we search it together. This is surely
the greatest of all quests--the search for truth. It may take trouble, it may take time, but
surely it is worth it! Meanwhile may God give us His aid so that we may make great
discoveries for ourselves as we read the Book which He calls His Word, and have the
abiding assurance and peace that will surely follow.
pp. 34 - 37
In our last study together we were speaking about the Bible and were considering
what a marvelous and unique Book this is. It has all sorts of features that lift it right out
of the ordinary, and when we ponder them carefully and without any bias, we surely must
come to the conclusion that it is what it claims to be--the very Word of God. And if it is
the Word of God, then surely it is a sure basis for our trust, for our faith, for our hope.
We have in it a sure foundation that we can rely on, and instead of looking around us for
any sort of human source to place our faith upon, how much better to rest it on a Divine
Now the next point we must consider is this: what did Christ come for? What need
was there for the Lord Jesus Christ to ever come to this earth? Again, we are not going to
pass on our opinions, or the opinions of anybody else; we bring before you what He
Himself said was the purpose of His coming: "The Son of Man is come to seek and to
save that which was lost" (Luke 19: 10). "I am come, a light into the world, that
whosoever believeth on Me should not abide in darkness". "I came, not to judge the
world, but to save the world" (John 12: 16, 17). Now if we think on these words, surely
we can understand what the Lord meant! Christ came to dispel darkness and doubt and
to give light; He came, not to condemn but to save. In another statement He said: "They
that are whole", that means healthy, "need not a physician"; they do not need a doctor.
You never go to the doctor when you are healthy or well, do you? But the Lord goes on
to say "they that are sick". "I came", here is the expressed purpose, "not to call the
righteous but sinners to repentance". So there is a sickness that men and women are
suffering from; it is a terrible disease which is universal, that of sin and death. Some
may not agree but at least they will have to acknowledge that death is universal. There is
no one that is born into this world but that will have to face death and it makes no
difference as regards rich or poor, high or low, this one event happens to all. Why did
death come? Death is not a friend; it is an enemy, and the Bible says it is "the last
enemy", and therefore it cannot spring from anything good; it can only come from
something that is evil. God said to the first human beings, Adam and Eve: "In the day