The Berean Expositor
Volume 36 - Page 139 of 243
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Mr. William Barron was the prime mover in getting Dr. Bullinger to undertake "The
Companion Bible", and his interest in The Berean Expositor was both practical and
lasting; his enthusiasm for the Rightly Divided word and his singleness of purpose were
an inspiration to us in the struggles of the early days. I remember the thrill I felt when,
having become involved in a liability that to me, at that time, was formidable, to discover
that in the same week and without any information on the subject William Barron had felt
moved to send the first of many contributions to meet our needs.
"Gisborne, New Zealand,.
10th June, 1912.
Dear Brother in the Lord--For some time back I have been intending writing to you as
your articles in Things to Come have been a very great help in placing the Mystery on its
true foundation, the Prison Epistles. Lately I received `Dispensational Truth' through
Dr. Bullinger, and after quietly looking over it, I find much to edify and enlighten . . . . .
The structure of the Purpose of the ages (page 291) is no doubt the most complete and far
reaching of anything that has been issued and will be a great help to Dr. Bullinger in `The
Companion Bible' . . . . . Through `Figures of Speech' (by Dr. Bullinger) I learned that
water baptism belonged to the kingdom and had no place in the present dispensation.
Through you I have learned that the Lord's supper belongs to the kingdom and has no
place in the present dispensation. The rightly dividing of Paul's former and later epistles
has been the most difficult to learn, and although thirty-three years saved, I can say that I
am learning little by little. For a good many years I have known that only those who are
in Christ shall put on immortality. I was not aware till I saw your list on page 238 on
eternal judgment that man had so much to do in setting and settling theology. Having
Rotherham's New Testament I understood that the word ever should be age, but until
now I did not understand how our translators had handled the word.
I see that you heartily commend `The Companion Bible' and use some of its
structures, &100: I also see that you and Dr. Bullinger are giving addresses together at
Nottingham (May T. to 100:).
Five years ago I went home to see my Mother and relations and also Dr. Bullinger
with whom I had been corresponding for six or eight years. This proved to be the
beginning of `The Companion Bible'. For three years previous to this I had been writing
and trying to show forth the need of such a work, in which he could bring forth all that
the Lord had been pleased to give him.
Until we met we could not understand how this could be done apart from a new
translation (which no doubt would have been excellent) but which never could have taken
the place of the A.V. amongst the Common people. `The Companion Bible' will be the
gathering together of all his great labours, and the crowning part of all his works while it
will bring much glory to God even our Father and much help to his dear ignorant and
misguided people. Should you find time to write a few lines it will indeed give me
pleasure to hear from you. Your affectionate brother in Christ Jesus our Lord
(Signed) William Barron."
Another link with the Antipodes is supplied by the following extract from Freemantle,
Australia, dated February, 1933.  "Dear Brother Welch--I make no apology for
addressing you thus--for although I have not seen your face in the flesh nevertheless I
know you intimately in the spirit through your writings and particularly through The