The Berean Expositor
Volume 36 - Page 138 of 243
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We pause here not only to note the working of the true Berean spirit, but to recognize
the fellowship indicated by the reference "All those who make it possible for such a
magazine to be published and sent out, as it is, to many parts of the world". In the very
early days, the MSS was re-written in a bold round hand by a lady who was eighty years
of age! After she fell asleep friends living in Scotland prepared the MSS in a similar
way. For many years a sister in Christ living on the South Coast has put every line of
my handwriting (which alas does not improve with the passing of time) into typescript.
This, however, is but the second step towards publication. At the very beginning
Mr. H. 100: Bowker--whose name is associated with Things to Come and "The Companion
Bible", and revered for his stand for Conditional Immortality and Life only in Christ--
reviewed the MSS in order that its English may be void of offence. This task has been
undertaken by different brethren since then up to the present time, and their attention to
punctuation, spelling and easy and intelligent reading has contributed much to the high
standard of The Berean Expositor. Mr. Brininger used to gather the corrected MSS and
make up the copy for the printer. The number of lines had to be counted, and any excess
adjusted, paragraphing, Scripture References and Quotations, Structures, Greek and
Hebrew words all verified. Subsequently proofs were marked by several brethren, and
Mr. & Mrs. Brininger patiently "read back" the proof from the MSS. A good deal of this
work is now being shared by friends of the Truth in Worcester.
Every month for all these years, hundreds of envelopes have been addressed by loving
hands, and finally, friends have met together at an agreed time and passed the month's
issue through the post. Correspondence, keeping of the accounts, filing names and
addresses incidental to publishing, all take a toll of time and labour lovingly and loyally
given. This is but a hasty survey of the monthly or bi-monthly routine, to say nothing of
the work on other publications, the preparing of minutes and all the many background
duties that are so often not mentioned. I am glad to take this opportunity of making this
acknowledgment, even though it is not possible for several reasons, to mention many of
these willing helpers by name.
Another reader from Philadelphia wrote: "I have been preaching for the past twenty
years and not until the message of the grace of God was preached apart from any works,
did I meet with such opposition as is now manifested among the Lord's people. Yours to
make all see . . . . ."
Many readers of The Berean Expositor will need no signature in order to identify the
writer of the following extract received from Ill., U.S.A. in 1935: "I have had some
correspondence with your fellow labourer, Mr. Brininger, but desire to write to you
personally and express my thanks for your kind tribute to my booklet on `The Glory of
the One Baptism'. Your graciousness and kindness in this matter to me, a stranger,
shows that you not only teach the Pauline truth but follow the Pauline example and
admonition of doing `good unto all, especially unto them who are of the household of
To us who live in these Northern Latitudes, Australia and New Zealand seem to be
verily "the ends of the earth", but we rejoice to know that there in the Antipodes the
glorious truth of the Mystery is believed and loved. It is common knowledge that