The Berean Expositor
Volume 36 - Page 140 of 243
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Berean Expositor. I have also the joy of knowing a dear brother in the Lord who also is
your friend and fellow labourer in the ministry concerning the Mystery of Christ. I refer
to Brother William Barron of Gisborne, New Zealand.
I have a long while desired to write you, but procrastination has been my enemy
within to hinder me and only an overpowering sense of ingratitude to God our Saviour
and to you, awakened in me, has urged me to write as I now do.
God has used you in a wonderful way to unfold the wonders of His grace. In the
words of the preface to your Volume XXI, B.E., your publications are a definite witness
raised up and sustained by the Lord. There must be many like myself who thank God for
such a witness. Your Berean Expositor as far as I know is unique, almost every step in
exposition is hedged about by scripture reference, and although I know nothing about the
Hebrew and Greek languages, the etymological equivalents in the English which are
given therein and which are determined according as they are consistent with the usage
throughout all the scriptures, these translations make a tremendous appeal to the spiritual
sense of the student in his effort to know the mind and will of God.
It is certainly most satisfying to me, and at the moment I have in mind the series of
articles on Redemption which appeared in the B.E. some little time ago. It is most
enlightening to comprehend the divine meaning of redemption and what constitutes a
Redeemer. Man invariably has preconceived ideas of things, and sticks to them in spite
of what God says--"My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither my ways your ways",
saith the Lord. Your reference to the book of Ruth as giving God's definition of a
Redeemer and the attributes of a Redeemer is a real eye opener. Again, I am thankful for
the spirit of love that is so evident in your writings even when you have to stand firm for
the Truth against those that assail it, and who despitefully use you. It is the right
Christian attitude `Do all things without murmurings and disputings: that we may be
blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and
perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; Holding forth the Word of
Life', &100: (Phil. 2:14-16).
May God our Father use you more and more in the ministry of the Body of Christ,
edifying the members as to their glorious inheritance in the light, and I pray that you may
have the joy of knowing that your labours have not been in vain, for I am sure there are
very many who are thankful to God for raising up such an one as yourself and your
fellow labourer Bro. Brininger to discover for us the riches of the glory of this Mystery,
and all this that Christ our Head may be magnified to the honour and glory of the Father
of our Lord Jesus Christ. I trust you and your family are well. I am, Yours in Christ."
Again, these extracts from loyal and loving fellow members in New Zealand and
Australia could be multiplied, but to do more would overburden the reader and
accomplish no good purpose.  Sufficient has been quoted to indicate to the reader
something of the nature of the Good Deposit entrusted to Mr. Brininger and myself, and
lovingly shared by  Mr. Dive,  Mr. Foster,  Mr. Canning,  Mr. & Mrs. Farmer,
Mr. & Mrs. W. Hannam and other loyal helpers, something of the adverse conditions
in which the testimony to this truth was put into effect, something of the marvelous grace
of God that enabled in spite of almost insurmountable difficulties, both social, physical
and financial, and something of the extent of the witness and its influence on others who
have subsequently received the call to hold forth the same precious Word of Truth.