The Berean Expositor
Volume 36 - Page 129 of 243
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At the same time several small leaflets were published such as "Il n'y a pas de
difference" (There is no difference), "Les Cles de Pierre et les Portes de Paul" (The keys
of Peter and the doors of Paul).
In 1934 it was felt that a fuller presentation of the question of Dispensational Truth, so
far as it had a bearing upon the Church of the One Body, was called for and a booklet of
twenty-three pages was issued entitled "La Voie par Excellence, Une Etude biblique
concernant la distinction entre Israel et l'Eglise" (The more excellent way. A Bible
Study concerning the distinction between Israel and the Church).
In spite of great difficulty and much opposition and disappointment the witness thus
started has been continued by this believer in the South of France, although the
publication of "Grace et Gloire" was discontinued after a period. However, there are
evidences that the truth has been received by believers in France and during the last few
years a very fine witness to the claims of Dispensational Truth has been given by a
Professor in Paris, whose lectures on the Scriptures have been well attended.
Mr. S. Van Mierlo in 1934 produced his first volume in French entitled "Le Plan
Divin et sa realization". This is a book of 135 pages, which was followed by others, and
was written in Versailles. Other volumes were entitled "Les Messages de l'Apôtre Paul"
and "La Voie du Salut". In the introduction mention is made of The Berean Expositor,
also the writings of Dr. Bullinger, "The Companion Bible", and the works of
Sir Robert Anderson. The above is a very poor presentation of the labours of these good
friends but it may be sufficient to show that small and despised as The Berean Expositor
may have been, the Lord was pleased to use it to the illumination or encouragement of
men and women also in Holland, Belgium and France. On one or two occasions it was a
joy and privilege to speak to gatherings of believers and enquirers both in Paris, Lyons
and in Neuchatel as an outcome of this pioneer work of the printed page.
The influence of The Berean Expositor was not confined to European countries, but
readers began to multiply in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, China
and India. For the moment we keep to languages other than English, and so in addition to
the Dutch and French testimony already indicated, we can thankfully add the language of
Spain. The actual number of readers in Spain itself is very small and no translations have
been made for that country, but the great Spanish speaking world of Central and South
America has had a witness, which we must now record. The earliest contact was with a
Missionary in Costa Rica in 1915, who had prepared a correspondence course of studies
on the dispensational teaching of the Acts. A few extracts from letters will enable the
reader to realize something of the influence that the teaching of The Berean Expositor
must have had in the mission field served by this writer from Costa Rica.
"Santosa Costa Rica.
Sept. 2m 1915.
Brethren of The Berean Expositor--By some unaccountable way the July 1915 issue
never reached me, and I am particularly interested in the study of the word
`Reconciliation', began in the June number. I have that and the August number. I would