The Berean Expositor
Volume 36 - Page 128 of 243
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`Hem nu die magtig is meer dan overvloedig te doen boven alwat wij bidden
of denken, naar de kracht die in ons werkt, hem zeg ik zij de heerlijkheid in de
gemeente door Christus Jesus, in alle geslachen, tot alle eeuwigheid. Amen'
(Efez. 3:20, 21).
`Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask
or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto Him be glory in the
church by Christ Jesus unto all the generations of the age of the ages. Amen'
(Eph. 3:20, 21)."
Both Mr. Pauptit and Mr. Van Mierlo have published books in Dutch dealing with
various aspects of "Dispensational Truth". In our next article we shall be speaking of the
witness to the Truth that was associated with The Berean Expositor in French, and it will
then be seen that our brother Van Mierlo is at home in more languages than one. We
rejoice in these evidences that show that the long years of isolation that followed our
stand in 1909 have not been without some fruit and confirmation, not only at home but
The Testimony in French and Spanish.
With a further note concerning the Dispensational place of
The Lord's Supper.
pp. 24 - 28
Before me as I write are two leaflets, both bearing upon the front page a coloured
diagram. The one is entitled "Drie Sferen van Zegening", the other "Trois Spheres de
Benediction", the one being the Dutch and the other the French translation of a pamphlet
by our brother J. Eustace Mills, entitled "Three Spheres of Blessing". This introduces
us to the witness for Dispensational Truth in France.
In the year 1932--through the kind collaboration of a believer in the south of France,
who prefers to remain anonymous--a twelve paged periodical was produced entitled:
Organe francais du "Berean Expositor" Journal
consacre à la proclamation de la doctrine de la
dispensation du Mystère (Eph. 3:3) et de la division de la
Parole de la Verite (II Tim. 2:15).
This periodical contained dispensational articles, and articles on Sanctification and the
Sacrificial work of Christ, that are to be found in the early volumes of The Berean