The Berean Expositor
Volume 36 - Page 130 of 243
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appreciate very much if I were made the recipient of a duplicate of the July issue. May I
impose on your kindness to ask the reading of the difficulty which confronts me in ref.
this word Reconciliation--Broadly speaking, it appears to me it is the attitude of our
God towards the whole race produced by the value in His eyes of the Death of our
Lord Christ. But its doors of grace were not thrown open until the limitations placed
thereon by reason of the favoritism to Israel secured in the Covenants was suspended in
Acts 28:
When I had thought this out as being the force of the word reconciliation, I was
stopped by reason of the fact that the great statement re reconciliation is found in the
Book of II Cor. 5:19 written before Acts 28: occurred.
Therefore I am confused, and dependent for light, probably in your July article.
Anticipating your kindness in sending me this number again.
I subscribe myself,
Yours in Christ,
F. W. B."
This letter will reveal that the writer was no slavish follower of another man's writings
but exercised the true Berean Spirit, as well as reading The Berean Expositor. The
following extracts of a letter written two years later showed not only progress but a joy in
the liberty that the truth brings with it.
"How much I am indebted to your writings words cannot reveal . . . . . This early hour
that I am writing has been made luminous with the 20th re-reading of your
`Dispensational Place of the Lord's Supper' and exegesis of Col. 2:8-23. `All hail. O
man of God. All hail.' I pray for power to pass such richness to those who sit in the
shackles of ordinances here in dark Costa Rica. God bless thee.
Yours in the Hope,
F. W. B."
Another witness to  Spanish speaking America  was produced  later when
Pastor F. G. Cave then of Rancagua, Chile, translated the booklet "United yet Divided"
into Spanish, under the title "La Correcta Division".
Pastor Cave has recently returned to Chile, but has done so without the backing of the
Society that originally sent him out there, and while it is not within our power to
undertake the responsibility of his support, we have a missionary fund to which all who
are concerned with the spread of the truth "in regions beyond" are invited to contribute as
the Lord shall lead and enable. Recently, an enquiry for all our printed works has come
from a reader in Buenos Aires, another indication of the spread of the truth and the
breaking down of tradition which we value. One rather strange request was made, to
which we most readily acceded. It was this. Would we permit the Chile Pentecostal, the
official organ of the Inglesia Metodista Pentecostal de Chile, to reprint in the form of a
serial in their paper, the booklet "La Correcta Division". We most readily granted
permission, and numbers of Pentecostalists were thereby introduced to a line of teaching
which if followed would lead them on from Pentecost to the heavenly places in Christ