The Berean Expositor
Volume 34 - Page 23 of 261
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The Apostle James reminded his readers that they "Know not what shall be on the
morrow", and whatever our calling may be or whatever the dispensation under which we
live, this limitation is true and the recognition of it is timely. With all our projects and
purposes they must be prefaced with hearty approval the words "If the Lord will".
PENTECOST 1948. This is a date to be remembered, and present day believers may
look back upon May 1948 as the most critical period through which they have passed, for
it may well be that a line has been drawn across the "times of the Gentiles" where the
legs of iron join the feet of clay (Dan. 2:). (Israel's independence?)
Prophecy hinges upon Israel, and Israel have two important phases. At present they
are still what is called Lo-ammi "Not My people", but a door of hope is to be opened to
this scattered and persecuted people, a door that will give them hope of a national
standing once again. True it is that not until they look on Him Whom they pierced will
the light dawn and the veil be removed, but that day nevertheless draws near. The vision
of the valley of dry bones seen by Ezekiel (Ezek. 37:) may well be receiving its
fulfillment before our eyes. As one Jewish delegate said at the Scarborough Conference
in May, using a figure of speech that we can all appreciate, "I have been waiting 2000
years" for this.
The Fig tree has began to put forth its leaves, and therefore we know that summer is
nigh. Those of us who rejoice in the calling of the Mystery have no immediate relation to
"times and seasons" or with the fulfillment of O.T. prophecy, yet it is evident that if the
hope of Israel is near the hope for which we wait must be nearer still. Whether our hope
is near or whether much time is yet to elapse before the day of glory dawns is not for us
to know, we are assured however that to us, as to those of other callings, the word is
"Occupy till I come".
THE BEREAN EXPOSITOR 1949. As indicated in the May number we have felt that
stewardship suggested one or two changes in the type of article that the nature of the
times demands. Among them we believe the series on the BOOK OF JOB which we
hope will commence in January next will be found timely, and the new approach to that
ancient book we trust will be stimulating and helpful. To all those who value light upon
the problems and the purpose of the ages these studies we believe will prove invaluable.
Another series of an entirely different character entitled "LESS THAN THE LEAST
or treasure in earthen vessels" tells the story of the inception and conflict associated with
the Berean Expositor and where such detail is likely to be edifying some idea of the early
life of the Editor accompanies the record. This series has long been asked for, but up till
now private reasons have prevented us from making intimate matters such as these
public. Again as space permits we hope to deal with some of the "Signs of the Times"
that belong to the dispensation in which we live.