The Berean Expositor
Volume 34 - Page 24 of 261
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"PARABLE, MIRACLE, AND SIGN."  After nearly two years of enquiry and
frustration we have at last been able to place this first of the "Reprints" from early
volumes of the Berean Expositor, and we hope that a book bearing this title will be ready
in the Autumn. The reader will find with the September number an order form, and we
sincerely hope that this effort will be encouraged by prompt and free ordering by our
"JUST AND THE JUSTIFIER." As the back volumes of the Berean Expositor go out
of print it is all the more needful to encourage this "Reprint" section of our publication
department, otherwise teaching that would prove a blessing might be lost to the present
generation. When we made a canvass some time ago, some readers expressed their wish
that this or that series should be included in the books reprinted, but without exception
everyone included the articles on Romans. These occupied a period of fourteen years and
are fundamental to all our teaching. The book would be bulky, running into 500 pages,
and at present rates would cost not less than 15/-. We desire very much to produce this
work, but hesitate to spend so much of entrusted funds without some assurance that a
book at such a price would be readily taken up by our readers.
It would help us considerably if interested friends would send a postcard to
Mr. Canning saying that such a venture would receive their support. Much spade work
had already been done on these articles by our dear brother Mr. Brininger, and it would
be a splendid testimony to his love of the truth if this volume could see the light of day.
pp. 205, 206
(Italics mine, DHC.)