The Berean Expositor
Volume 34 - Page 22 of 261
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"Thy Pound hath gained Ten Pounds" (Luke 19: 16).
p. 226
We cannot hope to emulate such stewardship, but in our lesser degree it is a joy to
realize that some approximation is open, both to ourselves as publishers and to the reader
as having real fellowship in our ventures of faith. In earlier issues of this magazine we
confided in our readers, and from them received overwhelming evidence that our desire
to save many articles already published in the Berean Expositor from oblivion was shared
by them. For nearly two years we have been trying to make a commencement with this
new and important phase of our publishing, but have been hitherto hindered by reason of
paper shortage.  At length, as the reader is aware, we have been enabled to place
"PARABLE, MIRACLE AND SIGN" and this volume will shortly be available to our
It is with thanksgiving that we now announce that both the necessary funds and the
necessary paper have become available, and that negotiations are already afoot for the
production of the second volume of this series which will be entitled:
An exposition of the epistle to the Romans considered Doctrinally,
Dispensationally, and Practically, together with complete structural analysis.
Among the last acts of service rendered so ungrudgingly to the cause of Truth by
Mr. Brininger was the preparation of this series for publication in book form. We feel
that it will make a fitting memorial to his memory, and his name will appear in the
Preface with that intent.
When the reader receives his copy of "Parable" we believe he will find it to be value
for money. He may not be so fully aware, however, that for every 8/6 expended in the
purchase of this book a large proportion will be returned to the fund to be used again in
the production of "Just and the Justifier". This we believe will commend itself to all who
desire to make their money go as far as possible. No salary, no office expenses, no
profits are deducted from this sum, and it will be used again and again until used up
completely in this particular form of service.