The Berean Expositor
Volume 34 - Page 21 of 261
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Some alterations in the order of certain articles
necessitated by the continued season of austerity.
p. 182
During the period of the war, we comforted ourselves that with the advent of peace,
we should soon be able to revert to a monthly issue of the Berean Expositor.
We had hoped that the Workers Training Classes would soon lead to the more definite
approximation to a "College" even though we could never hope to fill out the true
meaning of that word. While those who have attended these classes have found them a
help and a blessing, we ask the prayerful fellowship of all like minded believers to make
these classes more widely known and better attended.
The subject for the session May and June is important. It is
Changes too are necessary in the presentation of the truth (but not, thank God in the
Truth itself), and with the new volume which commences with the January number of
1949 certain series with which the reader has grown familiar will have to be
It will take another NINETEEN YEARS to print all the articles that we have on hand
on John's Gospel! and it will take SEVEN YEARS to finish those on ISAIAH. As there
is so much "present truth" that demands a hearing we have reluctantly decided to
discontinue the series on John, and to omit all on Isaiah except those on chapter 53:
Those articles which are withdrawn, however, will be kept intact against the day when
it might be possible to continue their publication as a series, or to gather them up and
reproduce in book form.