The Berean Expositor
Volume 17 - Page 133 of 144
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Sign of the Times.
p. 15
Read in the light of Isa. 8: 19, 20, and I Tim. 4: 1-3, we can see that forerunners
of Rev. 16: 14 are preparing the way. Therefore "lift up your heads" (Luke 21: 28).
"The Daily Chronicle, 15th November, 1926.
3,000 of Albert Hall Audience Who Have `Been in Touch with Dead'.
`I ask all those who are sure that they have been in touch with their dead to rise and to
This challenge by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to spiritualists assembled yesterday
morning at the Service of Remembrance in the Albert Hall was responded to by about
3,000 people, men and women of all types.
`I thank God there are so many', said Arthur. `I will make a prophecy that within five
years' time, to such an appeal made from this platform, there will not be one man or
woman in the hall who will not rise.'
For the first time the Albert Hall had been engaged by the spiritualists for their annual
Armistice service, and about 8,000 were present."
p. 31
Christian people who have entertained the unscriptural hope of peace on earth apart
from the personal presence of the Prince of Peace, would do well to heed the
uncompromising testimony, not of a popular preacher, but of a soldier, quoted below
from the article on War, by Sir Ian Hamilton, in the New Encyclopedia Brittanica:--
"Is War Inevitable?"
"Because good Europeans hate war in 1926 it does not follow that they
hated war in 1914 or that they will hate it in 1964. Because Sir Bedivere
has flung Excalibur far out into the mere let no one imagine that the
glamour of the sword is for ever quenched. Against that spiritual symbol
the shield of Locarno, welded by the spectre of the falling franc, will form
a poor protection. To-day pacifists speak to the converted, but their young
sons have been born with the old instincts.
Those who have seen with their own eyes and suffered in their own
bodies know the ugly truths of war, but they cannot convey their
knowledge to the young generation.
Nothing will stop war save the Second Advent of Christ."