The Berean Expositor
Volume 14 - Page 97 of 167
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"The Horims also dwelt in Seir beforetime, but the children of Esau succeeded them
(or as the margin reads inherited them) when they had destroyed them before them, and
dwelt in their stead; AS ISRAEL DID UNTO THE LAND OF HIS POSSESSED which
the Lord gave unto them."
B.--There you see the reason for this series. Israel find the Amorite in possession and,
before they can enter into their inheritance, they have to destroy the Amorites. These
were the "giants" with walled cities, that terrified the spies who went to spy out the land.
This destruction you will find repeated most emphatically by Amos in chapter 2: 9:--
"Yet destroyed I the Amorite before them, whose height was like the height of the
cedars, and he was strong as the oaks; Yet I destroyed his fruit from above, and his roots
from beneath."
The Amorites and "All in Adam".
A.--There certainly seems in the type a marked contrast between Israel and the
Amorites, and two questions seem to demand an answer:--
(1).--Were not these Amorites men, just as much as the Israelites?
(2).--Who are the antitypical Amorites who must be dispossessed in the fuller sense of
the term?
B.--I will answer question (2) first, as question (1) demands more time. If I mention the
words "heavenly places" can you not supply an answer?
A.--"Heavenly places"! these words come in Ephesians, where we read, "Blessed with
all spiritual blessings in heavenly places" (1: 3).
B.--And in chapter 6:?
The Amorite, Principalities and Heavenly Places.
A.--Yes, I have it:--
"Spiritual wickednesses in heavenly places" (verses 12).
Certainly the parallel holds good there. Where the special blessings of the church are,
there the spiritual Amorite is to be found. This term "Canaanite" or "Amorite" includes,
I see
"Principalities and powers, rulers of the darkness of this world" (verse 12).
I had not thought that the Amorites could typify angelic beings, but I am anxious to
know the answer to the other question as to the Amorites.
B.--It is too important to consider now; we will give our attention to it at our next
meeting together.