The Berean Expositor
Volume 14 - Page 98 of 167
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The Two Seeds, The Master Key.
A.--We are now to consider the Amorites, and particularly wherein they differ from
Israel. The difference can only be one of nationality, for they are descendants of Adam
equally with Israel, and Scripture further declares that "all things are of God".
B.--Let us take up our study at that point. You quote "all things are of God". Now I
believe the expression "all things" is limited, as "all Israel" is limited, to the `seed" and
the "promise"; but a few passages of Scripture will help us. Let us turn to John 8:
In verse 33 it is recorded that certain Jews claimed descent from Abraham, and this is
admitted by the Lord in verse 37: "I know that ye are Abraham's seed".
Here we can place the Amorite; he too could say "We be Adam's seed", and we
should have to reply, "I know that ye are Adam's seed".
The Lord however continued:--
"I speak that which I have seen with My Father: And ye do that which ye have seen
with your father" (verse 38).
Here a distinction is drawn. You might of course say that "My Father" indicates God,
and "your father" indicates Abraham, but this would be untrue. The Lord's meaning is
made clear in verse 44:--
"Of God" and "not of God".
The Greek words are ek tou patros. In verse 47 we read that the Lord says:--
"He that is OF GOD heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye
are NOT OF GOD."
The Greek words are ek tou Theou. Here we have a perfect parallel. We have it
positively stated that these men were of their father the devil, and negatively that they
were not of God. Turn to Matt. 13: and read the parable of the tares in verses 24-30.
I suppose you know that our English tares are not intended here?
A.--Yes, I understand that the reference is to a false wheat, the Eastern dewan, which I
take to mean false doctrine.
B.--You are right as to the dewan, but not as to the typical meaning. Let us turn to the
explanation of the parable.
"The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom, but the tares
are the CHILDREN OF THE WICKED ONE" (Matt. 13: 38).