The Berean Expositor
Volume 14 - Page 96 of 167
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Returning to the Amorites, you will remember that with them as with the remainder of
the Canaanites nothing less than utter extermination was ordained of God. You will find
one further parallel in connection with the flood. Do you remember the name of the man
who lived longer than any son of Adam either before or since?
A.--Yes, Methuselah. His age is proverbial.
B.--Remember then, that his age indicates the longsuffering of God, for his name means
"At his death it shall be" or words to that effect, and in the year that Methuselah died the
flood came, and that was utter extermination of man, woman, child, and beast, except
those who entered the ark with Noah.
The Type applied.
A.--I quite see that the phase of the truth, but I do not yet see what connection it had
with Israel, or what it foreshadows in the age-purpose.
B.--Shall we turn to Deut. 2:? or will you remark on my failure to give a "straight
A.--No, pardon my rudeness, there is after all no proof for the child of God like "Thus
saith the Lord", and no safety unless we "search and see".
B.--Capital! I seek no triumph in debate, but do rejoice in the spirit manifested in those
A.--I have Deut. 2: What verse shall I read?
B.--It will be necessary to read the first twenty-five verses. Let us read them silently,
and then discover the argument. (They read. The reader is earnestly asked to do the
same). What is the subject before us in this passage?
A.--It seems to deal with the manner in which several nations took possession of their
inheritance, which was already held by others.
B.--As you perceive the theme you will appreciate this summary.
ESAU.--His inheritance possessed by the Horims. These were "destroyed" by Esau,
who "succeeded" them, "and dwelt in their stead" (verse 12).
MOAB.--His inheritance possessed by the Emims. They are described as "giants" and
"as the Anakims" (verses 9-11).
AMMON.--His inheritance  possessed  by the  Zamzummims.  These  also  were
"giants" and "as the Anakims". They were "destroyed" and Ammon dwelt
in their stead" (verses 19-22).
The principle is expressed in verse 12, which you might read again.