The Berean Expositor
Volume 4 & 5 - Page 63 of 161
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Berean Expositor Volume 4 & 5
Study of the words, and their usage, that have reference to
the Offering of Christ.
pp. 71-72
"Tabulate and analyze as far as possible all references to
1. The death of Christ.
2. The cross of Christ.
3. The blood of Christ.
4. The sufferings of Christ.
5. `He gave Himself,' &100:
6. `He gave His life,' &100:"
The above is a note written about a year ago by the Editor for private use. Time has
passed and still the search has not been commenced. We believe that it is essential to a
correct understanding of the teaching of Scripture that our use of words should be more
accurate than it is. We speak of the death of Christ and the extent of its blessing, and
then imagine that the doctrine which pertains to the death of Christ must necessarily
pertain to the blood of Christ, and the cross of Christ also. While it is blessedly true that
the death and the cross, the shedding of blood and the sufferings combine in the one great
offering, yet there are lines of teaching which arise from the death of Christ which are
nowhere predicated of the shedding of His precious blood.
It is just here that the consideration of these terms as used in Scripture will throw light
upon the question of human destiny. We shall find the death of Christ has reference to
men under one aspect, the cross of Christ to men under another, and the blood of Christ
to men under yet another. No one can explain the great question of human destiny with
any scriptural authority who has not searched out these weighty matters. In conversation
with one or two fellow-labourers the Editor mentioned his feelings as to the necessity of
this investigation, but confessed that time was already so occupied that it seemed
impossible to attempt it. One of the brethren volunteered to undertake the somewhat
laborious task of providing a concordance to these subjects, and it is as an introduction to
his labours that these few words are written. We feel sure that all who are interested in
the question of human destiny, the reconciliation, and kindred subjects, will appreciate
this contribution to our studies.