The Berean Expositor
Volume 2 & 3 - Page 7 of 130
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The Bible School at Home.

No. 1.

The Bereans who read this little witness may be helped by answering the following questions. Let all "search and see" :

  1. What is the meaning and Scriptural usage of the term "dispensation"?
  2. What is a "mystery" in Scripture? Collect and tabulate its occurrences.
  3. Give the reason for the hope within you, and state whether it differs from the hope of Israel or not.
  4. What are the terms and accompaniments of "The gospel of the kingdom"?

The Bible School at Home.

No. 2.
The Scriptures.

  1. Collect and analyse the passages of the Old and New Testaments which use the expression, "The Scriptures."
  2. Collect the references in the four Gospels which the Lord Jesus Christ made to the Scriptures. Did He believe that they were infallibly true?
  3. What do you understand by "inspiration" in 2 Tim. 3:16?
  4. What are your proof texts for the divine inspiration of Scripture ?
  5. Does inspiration extend to the actual words of the originals, or only to the general idea of the passage?
  6. Make a list of the figures used in Scripture to represent "The Word," e.g.. wheat, milk, &100: Note the contrasted figures, Chaff, poison, &100: for the words of man.
  7. Give examples of fulfilled prophecy, showing the literal character of the fulfilment. Does the result of your enquiry lead you to "spiritualize" unfulfilled prophecy, or to expect for that also a literal fulfilment?

The Bible School at Home.

No. 3.
Right Division.

  1. What is the meaning of the expression, "rightly dividing the Word of truth" (2 Tim. 2:15)?
  2. Is the right division of Scripture important? If so, explain why, and show its effect upon our understanding of the gospel.
  3. Collect the examples of this right division which are found in the Scriptures themselves.
  4. Do you agree to the statement that "all Scripture is for us, but all Scripture is not about us"? If you do, give Scriptural reasons.
  5. Take the words "Sabbath." "Ordinance," "Gentile," "Church," " Gifts " "Resurrection" "Hope" and .. Abraham" and examine them in the light of 2 Tim. 2: 15.

The Bible School at Home.

No. 4.
The Pauline Epistles.

  1. What is meant by the "canonical" and "chronological" order of the epistles of Paul?
  2. What is the lesson of the "canonical" order?
  3. What is the lesson of the "chronological" order?
  4. Do you find any marked differences between the epistles of Paul written before Acts 28: and after?
  5. Make a list of terms or words which are of frequent occurrence in one set of epistles, and which are lacking or nearly so in the other set.

No. 5 I Thessalonians