The Berean Expositor
Volume 2 & 3 - Page 19 of 130
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The Bible School at Home #5.
I Thessalonians.
1. What is the hope set before the believer in this epistle?
2. Collect the references to the Lord's coming, and carefully note all that is said
regarding the accompaniment of His coming.
3. The word which is translated "coming" is the Greek word parousia.
Trace the usage of this word in the N.T.
4. What do you learn from the absence of this word relative to the second coming in
the epistles of Paul written after Acts 28?
5. What do you learn from the fact that the first occurrences of this word parousia are
in Matt.24?
6. In I Thess.4 we read of the "Archangel." What is his name? Is he connected with
the people of Israel or the church? Where do we first read of him, and where last? What
does this teach regarding the hope of I Thessalonians?
7. In I Thess.4 the apostle is ministering comfort to sorrowing and bereaved saints.
If the saints who have fallen asleep are in a disembodied state, consciously
enjoying the presence of the Lord, why did the apostle omit to mention it? Did he
forgot it? Did he believe it? Does Scripture warrant it?