Most Surely Believed
70 pages - Charles H. Welch
A declaration of things most surely believed grouped under
twelve subjects. |
Accepted In The Beloved
49 pages - Charles H. Welch
Studies dealing with the position of the believer in Christ. |
The Acts of the Apostles and Afterwards
264 pages - Stuart Allen
A detailed exposition of this key book of the New Testament. The
importance of the Acts of the Apostles in the plan and purposes of God
in Christ cannot be stressed too much. |
The Apostle of Reconciliation
337 pages - Charles H. Welch
This book develops the conclusions reached in Dispensational
Truth. A dispensation is an administration, or stewardship. Jew, Gentile,
Church of God, etc., provide dispensational distinctions as dealt with
by God. Our Lord, rejected by the Jews during His lifetime was, after
the crucifixion, offered again by God conditional upon the repentance
of the nation. Our book reviews historical conditions and considers
the epistles written during these years when Gods offer was open
to the Jewish nation and to such Gentiles who, as the figure shows,
were grafted into Israels olive tree. Romans, Galatians, and 1
and 2 Corinthians all contribute to the aspect of reconciliation. |
Autobiography of Charles H. Welch
129 pages - Charles H. Welch
Mr. Welch was born on April 25, 1880, in Bermondsey, England. His parents
were atheist, but were honest, kind and excellent parents with the exception
that the Word of God was not read in their home. He was the oldest child
and he had six sisters. However, he was not shown any favoritism and
was required to do the same tasks that his siblings performed.
Mr. Welch had no college training or social status as his parents
were poor and were not able to provide the things that would appear
to make one qualified to write and teach the Bible. As he compared his
status to the Apostle Paul he seemed to fall short in every way. These
facts however did not keep him from doing what he referred to as "The
Mr. Welch had several secular jobs as he provided for himself
and his family. He worked with leather to make handbags, as Secretary
of the Bible Training College, he trained to be an artist, did construction
work, he owned and operated a green house. He did these various tasks
for the "The bread that perishes". Then the real work, writing
articles for the "The Berean Expositor" as well as sharing
the Word of God where ever there was an open door.
Mr. Welch was saved when he was twenty years old in November
1900. An American by the name of Dr. Munhall was the speaker at the
meeting he attended. The text that was used was taken from the Gospel
of John, "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life."
He states that "I passed from death unto life upon believing that
simple testimony."
Another interesting point that I want to mention is that as a
result of financial hardship Mr. Welch was engaged to his future wife
for 12 years before they could afford to be married. Mrs. Welch was
very supportive of her husband's work and always found ways to help
him serve God and The Work that was their life.
The last topic I want to share is the meeting that took place
between Mr. Welch and Dr. Bullinger, concerning the dividing of the
Apostle Paul's Epistles written before and after Acts 28. They agreed
that Paul's writings should be divided this way and Dr. Bullinger asked
Mr. Welch to begin writing a series of articles in "Things to Come"
as a result of this meeting.
Mr. Welch's life has been an encouragement and a challenge to me
to do a better job of sharing and living for the truth of the "Mystery"
given to the Apostle Paul. |
13 pages - Stuart Allen
A fresh look at a controversial subject. |
Berean Gospel Messages
34 pages - Charles H. Welch
Eight articles to provoke the interest of all sorts and conditions
of men in the things of God and of Christ. |
Berean Messages
45 pages - Charles H. Welch
Ten messages to provoke the interest of the ordinary Christian
in dispensational truths. |
The Book We Trust
27 pages - Brian Sherring
A survey of the books of the Bible, written in an uncomplicated
way to interest young readers, so that they will want to investigate
for themselves the Book of Books that should have such an important
part in their lives. |
The Bride And The Body
42 pages - Charles H. Welch
An examination of three Scriptural terms: (1) The Wife. (2) The
Bride, and (3) The Body; from which it is concluded that these signify
three distinct callings. |
Can We Believe The Bible
3 pages - Charles H. Welch
This short study is taken from a personal testimony given by Mr. Welch
at a Youth Rally in London on the inspiration of Scripture. |
Christ the Center And Circumference of PAULS Ministry
14 pages - Charles H. Welch
A theme of praise to our Risen Lord. Makes a delightful series
of studies that are helpful in every way to the reader and student. |
The Deity Of Christ
53 pages - Charles H. Welch
An exhaustive study worthy of the attention of anyone who may
be in doubt, or who has encountered false doctrines concerning the Deity
of Christ. |
Doctrine Of The Holy Spirit
39 pages - Stuart Allen
A brief Biblical study of the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit. |
95 pages - Charles H. Welch
Ecclesiastes is a book which deals with the circumstances of
every passing hour, and much of its teaching is as applicable today
as when it was written: a mirror of what life may come to mean if light
be given and rejected. |
Ephesians Via Romans
38 pages - Charles H. Welch
Showing the permanent and the passing
in the epistle to the Romans, and the connection between the doctrinal
basis of Romans and the dispensational superstructure
of Ephesians. |
Eternal God Is Thy Refuge
25 pages - Charles H. Welch
A booklet to encourage the believer in times of stress. |
Far Above All
28 pages - Charles H. Welch
A sequel to United Yet Divided, outlining the blessings of the
Church of the One Body of Ephesians. |
The Form of Sound Words
140 pages - Charles H. Welch
The basis of this book is the warning of the apostle Paul against
a form of godliness (2 Tim. 3:5) as contrasted with the
necessity to hold fast the form of sound words which had
been heard of him, and which he expected Timothy to commit to faithful
men who would teach others also (2 Tim. 1:13, 2:2). Other features such
as The inspiration of Scripture, God manifest in the
flesh, and Three spheres of blessing are dealt with
in the express terms of Pauls teaching. |
Four Gospels
41 pages - Charles H. Welch
A comparative study of the four Gospels. |