| An Alphabetical Analysis Volume 3 - Dispensational Truth - Page 164 of 222 INDEX | |
`The term "aegis", really a Latin word, means "a goat skin", and later
a shield ... This redeeming conception took on a primeval form in the
cherubim set up, together with the sword of flame, at the gate of the
lost Eden ... the idea of atonement, therefore is as old as the Bible,
nay as redemption itself ... This "day of Atonement" itself was called
"Yom Kippur", i.e. the "Day of Covering" ... Ours is at bottom an
evangelical universe, no other form was ever conceived for it in the
mind of God'. (Under the Redeeming Aegis, by H.C. Mabie, D.D., LL.D.).
We can, therefore, set out the steps of the goal of the ages, thus:
The Ages begin.
Remade and blessed
(Gen. 1:2 to 2:4).
Subjected to curse. Thorns and
thistles (Gen. 3).
For a little lower than angels
(Psa. 8).
The First Adam. Living Soul.
The image of God.
Dominion over the earth.
The Serpent. The Shining one.
Nachash (Gen. 3).
Ye shall not surely die.
Ye shall be as God.
The seed of the woman.
The Consummation
Restored and blessed
of the ages.
(Hos. 2:18 -23).
Curse removed
(Rev. 22:3; Isa. 55:13).
Christ, made much better than
angels (Heb. 1:4).
Last Adam. Quickening Spirit.
Lamb is the light, brightness
of glory.
Immortality conferred (1 Cor.
Every knee shall bow.
Creation's groan hushed
(Rom. 8:21; 16:20).
The Filling up of The Nations (Gen. 48:19, Rotherham)
The family of Noah after the flood were told to `replenish' the earth,
which would have consisted a fulness, had this replenishing been accompanied
by grace and righteousness. Alas, by the time we reach the eleventh chapter
of Genesis, the evil character of the world was made manifest, and Babel, and
the scattering of the people, brought another movement in the purpose of the
ages to a close. Babel in Genesis 11, will yet find its corresponding member
when great Babylon comes up for judgment, but the gap formed by the rebellion
of Nimrod and the introduction of idolatry which is so closely associated