An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 3 - Dispensational Truth - Page 163 of 222
`And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be
no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any
more pain: for the former things are passed away ... and he shewed me a
pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the
throne of God and of the Lamb.  In the midst of the street of it, and
on either side of the river, was there the tree of life ... and there
shall be no more curse ... that they may have right to the tree of
life, and may enter in through the gates into the city' (Rev. 21:4;
22:1 -3,14).
Here is the complete reversal of the consequence of the fall of man in
Eden, and we have surveyed yet another `fulness', the fulness of Redemption
that spans the ages and their burden of sin and death.  The creation of the
universe, being the act of the infinitely wise God, brought into being a
definite purpose, and that purpose can be perceived at least in some measure
by rea is with men and He ing what the Scriptures indicate will be the
condition of things at the end.  The Tabernacle of God will then be with men
and He will dwell with them, God will be all in all.  Two things are linked
with the Cherubim in the Scriptures, `dwelling' (1 Sam. 4:4), and `speaking'
(Num. 7:89).  Where the word is used in the singular, we read, `He rode upon
a Cherub and did fly', but this has to do with deliverance from enemies.
While we read both in Exodus and Ezekiel of a `Cherub' in the singular, it
always has reference to `one' of the Cherubim, but in Ezekiel 28:14 and 16
`the anointed Cherub' seems to be associated with `the overthrow of the
world'.  The change from the singular to the plural takes place after the
fall of man, and the Cherubim with their four faces, the lion, the ox, the
man and the eagle, symbolize Adam and the dominion put in subjection under
his feet, who in turn is the figure of Him that was to come.  While the
purpose of God to dwell with His creatures was temporarily checked by the
failure of the first creation, it was reintroduced at the creation of man,
for we have the homely words of Genesis 3, that speaks of the `voice of God
in the garden at the cool of the day' and the call, `Adam, where art thou?'
Once again the fall of the creature hindered the attainment of the Divine
purpose, yet Love found a way; the purpose was not abandoned but the whole
purpose was placed upon a redemptive basis, consequently the Cherubim are
seen to be an integral part of the Mercy Seat.  Some idea of the way the
purpose is pursued through the ages may be visualized by the following graph:
Purpose to dwell.
Cherubim. Man and his
`The Tabernacle of God
The Cherub.  `Cover'
dominion enters and
is with men and He
(Exod. 28:14,16
Cherubim now part of
and He will dwell with
Exod. 26:14).
the Mercy seat.
The  Overthrow
of  the  World
of  Heaven
From the `Anointed' that failed, on via the cross to the glory of the
`Anointed' Who gloriously succeeded, the purpose of love is carried to its
goal on the wings of the Cherubim, or rather on the grace that these strange
creatures set forth.  Thus the outstretched firmament coincides with the
outstretched wing of the Cherubim, the whole span of the ages being Under the
Redeeming Aegis.