The Berean Expositor
Volume 51 - Page 85 of 181
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18: 39
Fire on Elijah's sacrifice
18: 41-45
Rain in answer to prayer
19: 1-8
Elijah fed by an angel
II Kings
1: 10-12
Fire on Ahaziah's army
2: 7-8
Elijah divides the Jordan
2: 11
Elijah's translation
2: 14
Elisha divides the Jordan
2: 19-22
Sweetening the waters of Jericho
3: 20-22
Water appeared as blood
4: 1-17
Increasing the widow's oil
4: 18-37
Raising the Shunammite's son
4: 38-41
Elisha renders the poisoned pottage harmless
4: 43, 44
Feeding 100 men
5: 1-19
Curing Naaman's leprosy
5: 26, 27
Smiting Gehazi with leprosy
6: 6
The floating axe head
6: 12
Elisha reveals the counsel of the Syrian king
6: 17
The eyes of the young men were opened
6: 18
Blindness on the army of king of Syria
13: 21
Restoring dead man to life
19: 35
Destruction of Sennacherib's army
Some examples from the prophets.
38: 8
The sun-dial of Ahaz
38: 21
Hezekiah cured
1: 1-28
The Theophany
3: 19-27
The fiery furnace
6: 16-23
The lion's den
1: 15
The calming of the sea
1: 17; 2: 10
In the belly of great fish
4: 6, 7
The gourd
Now please note that we do not claim that the above list of nearly 100 miracles is
anywhere near complete. To the above could be added the many visions and visitations,
the many dreams together with their interpretations, the many prophecies and their
fulfillments. If we read the context of these diverse miracles we shall see that throughout
the Lord is guiding, protecting, teaching and disciplining His chosen people, the Jews.
Miracles were for the people of Israel and, generally speaking, the only time Gentiles
benefited from miracles were when they came into direct contact with the Jews and were
involved, in some way, with God's plan for that people. For example, in Gen. 20: 3-8,
God came to the Gentile king of Gerar, Abimelech, "in a dream by night". This was to
warn Abimelech and to protect Abraham's wife, Sarah, and the purity of the promised
Again in  Gen. 40:,  the Egyptian baker and butler had dreams which Joseph
Gen. 41:  records Pharaoh's two dreams and, following the butler's
testimony, Joseph was brought from prison to interpret. This resulted in Joseph being
promoted to second-in-command in the kingdom, sufficient food being stored for the