The Berean Expositor
Volume 51 - Page 84 of 181
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The Exodus and the Wilderness.
13: 21, 22; 14: 19, 20
Pillar of cloud and fire
14: 21-31
Parting the Red Sea
14: 23-30
Destruction of Pharaoh and his army
15: 25
Sweetening the waters of Marah
16: 4-31
Supplying manna
16: 13
Supplying quails
17: 5, 7
Water from the rock at Rephidim
17: 9-12
Moses held up rod
19: 16-20; 24: 10-17
Thunder and lightnings on Sinai and fire
24: 29-33
The shine on the face of Moses
9: 24
Fire on Aaron's sacrifice
10: 1-2
Death of Nadab and Abihu
11: 1-3
Judgment by fire on the outer camp
12: 10-15
Miriam's leprosy
16: 31-40
Destruction of Korah and Company
16: 46-50
Plague on the people
17: 1-9
Budding of Aaron's rod
20: 8-11
Water from the rock of Meribah in Kadesh
21: 6-11
Judgment by serpents
21: 8-9
Healing by the brazen serpent
22: 21-35
Balaam's ass speaks
34: 7
The preservation of Moses
The Initial Years in the Land.
3: 14-17; 4: 16-18
Parting the Jordan
6: 6-25
Fall of Jericho
10: 11
Hail on the confederation
10: 12-14
Sun and moon stand still
6: 21
Fire on Gideon's sacrifice
6: 37-40
Dew on Gideon's fleece
7: 16-21
Destruction of Midianites
13: 19-21
Fire on Manoah's sacrifice
14: 6; 16: 3-20
Samson's strength
15: 19
Samson supplied water
Under the Kings --- some examples
I Samuel
5: 1-4
Fall of Dagon
5: 9-12; 6: 1-18
Plague of Haemerods
6: 7-14
Cows return the ark
6: 19, 20
Destruction of Beth-Shemesh
12: 16-18
Thunder and rain
II Samuel
6: 1-8
Destruction of Uzzah
I Kings
13: 3-6
Jeroboam's hand
17: 6
Elijah fed by ravens
17: 9-16
Multiplying the widow's meal and oil
17: 17-24
Raising the widow's son