The Berean Expositor
Volume 43 - Page 119 of 243
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merely listening to what this or that sect believes or teaches. We need a "Thus saith the
Lord" and then we have something eternally secure upon which to rest our faith.
The Bible is a book of a tremendous and most wonderful plan that God is working out.
It is not just a haphazard collection of books; it has something linking it all together,
making it one great continuous unfolding of a marvelous purpose. So, shall we go on,
shall we search together? May the Lord help us to be teachable; this is essential. We
also must be emptied of all preconceived opinions and just be willing to sit at His feet, as
it were, and learn of Him. May He help us with this in view.
pp. 72 - 77
In our previous study together we have seen that it is necessary for us all to come to a
saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ if we are ever going to get any understanding
of, or have any part in the great revealed plan in God's Word, the Word of Truth that we
can pin our faith to and rely on absolutely. God, in His love, has seen our need, and sent
His Beloved Son. Through Him, this Word tells us, "we have redemption through His
Blood", through the offering of Himself on Calvary's Cross, and His bearing our sins in
His own Body on the tree, so that we shall never have to bear them.  The word
`redemption' means that we have been `purchased', we have been bought by God; He
has paid the price, and we are His property.
This is the start of a new life, a spiritual life; we start it just like we do our natural
lives, as new-born lives, as new-born babes. Peter brings this forward in his first Epistle
where he says: "As new-born babes desire the sincere milk of the Word that ye may
grow thereby." Babies commence with milk, then as they grow, they can take something
more solid. The goal, of course, is that they shall grow up to adulthood and become
mature in body and mind; and that is the great goal now for every true believer in Christ,
spiritual maturity, to grow up and leave spiritual babyhood behind. Again, in our last
study, we saw that the only way we can grow spiritually is by feeding on the only food
that our new spiritual nature can receive, that is, God's precious Word.
What we want to point out to you before proceeding further is that salvation not only
touches the sin problem, and that of death that would separate us from God for ever, but
it also touches the mind. One of the most tragic things that happened when Adam fell
and passed on sin and death to the rest of mankind, was the effect that it had on his mind.
Man can be very clever and brainy in things within the human sphere, yet when he goes
outside this sphere into the things of God he is right out of his depth; he can know
nothing of God merely by cleverness or his human intellectual attainments. No wonder
the Apostle Paul wrote: "The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God
for they are foolishness unto him, neither can he know them because they are spiritually