The Berean Expositor
Volume 43 - Page 118 of 243
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Third point: For the most part the Bible is to be read literally and in its simple
meaning. Do not treat it as though there is always another meaning to the plain natural
sense: if you do that you will never hear God saying to you "Thus saith the Lord", and
there will always be the person who will come along and say, "Ah, but it doesn't mean
that, it means this", and so the flood of human opinion comes in and all divine revelation
goes! However, someone may point out that it cannot always be taken literally. No,
perfectly true. We will amplify the previous statement, then. Take it literally and in its
simple meaning unless it contradicts other Scriptures or definitely known facts; in which
case you can know that a figure of speech is being used. But even a figure of speech is
only a vivid way of giving literal facts. Never think that if you have a figurative passage
there is not a literal meaning underlying it; literality is there all right. You must not, of
course, read the symbols or the figure literally, but find out the literal fact these symbols
or figures represent. In other words, do not spiritualize God's Word; people who do that
will never let the Word mean what it says, they are always trying to find some other
meaning and this is not the way to get Truth, but opens the door to error. There is of
course a legitimate spiritual application of the Bible. Once you understand the literal
meaning and its proper setting, then you may be in a position to make an application of it:
that is to say, if it is in accordance with the truth for today and the gospel of God's grace.
We shall find that God's Word is like a letter; it has an address on the envelope, and your
name and my name, so to speak, is not always there. We are Gentiles who have been
saved by God's grace, and quite a lot of the Bible was not primarily written for or to
Gentiles. Most of it was written primarily to God's earthly people, the people of Israel.
Their name is on the envelope, but as we read it we can often find things that are true of
us as well. That is making an application of Scripture to ourselves; but we can only do
this safely if it corresponds with what God's Word teaches us concerning the position of
saved Gentiles now. Remember this always; that God means what He says and has a
meaning for everything that He says, otherwise the Bible can be made to mean anything
and is emptied of all its divine authority. All the varying sects with their differing
doctrines go to the Bible as their basis, but many do not allow it to speak its own
message. Contexts are ignored and the Word gets twisted till it is unrecognizable.
Fourth point: compare Scripture with Scripture, search God's Word, and in doing this
you will need help and this will be the help of a good concordance. We ought to thank
God for the work of men like Robert Young who laboured all their lifetime to give us an
implement, as it were, to dig into God's Word. This is like a spade or a fork, and just as
you cannot do gardening without such tools so you cannot dig into God's Word properly
without a concordance;  it saves you many hours of wasted time.  Get a good
concordance--and I strongly recommend Young's Analytical Concordance. Cruden's is
good; but it only deals with the English; Young's deals with the original, and you do not
need to be a Hebrew or a Greek scholar in order to use it.
If we keep these things well in our minds, we can honestly say that it is a reverent and
sane way to treat God's Word so that God may speak to us and teach us without human
interference or human opinion, that is the all important point. We cannot get Truth by