The Berean Expositor
Volume 43 - Page 29 of 243
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articles that apply the doctrines of Scripture, touch the affection or stir the spirit. Such is
not our mission, but we do earnestly pray that none will contemplate either the great
Offering or its marvelous results without heartfelt thanksgiving and desire for fuller
practical consecration.
Perdition, or the saving of the soul (10: 19 - 39).
pp. 41 - 48
Doctrine has held sway over the reader of this epistle for a long period, but however
involved the argument may be, and however multiplied the proofs, it must certainly
somewhere before the close, give place to practical teaching and exhortation. To that we
have arrived, and it is introduced by the words of verses 19-22, "Having therefore . . . . .
Let us". The exhortation "let us" is valueless without the "having therefore", but so also
is the "having" without the practical issue. What does the apostle say these believers
Boldness to enter into the holiest. Under the law this was restricted to the high priest,
and to the day of atonement. "The high priest alone once" (9: 7). "With the blood of
others" (9: 25). The case is now different. Boldness to enter is the privilege of all
believers by the blood of Jesus.
By a new and living way, which He hath consecrated for us. The legal way was old.
"Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away" (8: 13). This way
is new. Prosphatos means primarily "newly slain"; the legal way was dead. "Priests . . .
. . were not suffered to continue by reason of death" (7: 23). The entrance is "by the
blood of Jesus" (10: 19) and "His flesh" (10: 20). The New Covenant demands a new way.
The Lord's flesh is likened to the veil. Of all the many and wonderful suggestions that
have been made by commentators as to the meaning here of the veil, none seem worth a
second thought that have no place for that historic fact that "the veil of the temple was
rent in twain from the top to the bottom" (Matt. 27: 51) when the Lord Jesus died. The
second veil barred the entrance to the holiest of all, "the Holy Ghost thus signifying that
the way into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest". The newly-slain and living
way means a rent veil.
And having an High Priest over the house of God.  As chapter 8: puts it, New
Covenant believers have a seated Priest in a heavenly sanctuary. So far the summary of
the doctrine, what they "have". Now follows the summary of the practice "let us".
Let us draw near with a true heart.  To draw near expresses the full privilege of
those who are sanctified. It is a word used nowhere else in the epistles of Paul except
I Tim. 6: 3 where "consent" translates the word and shows an entirely different usage.