The Berean Expositor
Volume 43 - Page 28 of 243
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"According as He hath chosen us . . . . . that we should be holy and without blame."
And it is accomplished, as in Heb. 10:, by the offering of the body of Jesus Christ, for
in Eph. 5: 26, 27 and Col. 1: 22 we read:
"That He might sanctify . . . . . that it should be holy and without blemish."
"In the body of His flesh (nothing could be more definite) through death, to present
you holy and unblameable and unreproveable (irreproachable) in His sight."
The eternal efficacy of the Offering of Christ is expressed in the fact that it was
offered "once for all". Over and over again, first from this angle, then from that, the
apostle brings to view the repeated offerings of the law and contrasts them with the once
offered Sacrifice of Christ.  Where there is remission of sin no more offering is
necessary. It may be of service to remark that the words "once for all" mean "once for all
time" and have no reference to the number for whom the sacrifice was made.
We now come to the close of the long argument that has gathered round the Lord as
High Priest and Sacrifice supreme. By way of recapitulation the apostle reminds us that
the typical priest "standeth daily offering oftentimes the same sacrifices", whereas Christ
"sat down on the right hand of God". The sacrifices repeatedly offered were such that
"Can never take away sins" (10: 11).
"But this Man, after He had offered one Sacrifice for sins for ever (unto perpetuity)"
(10: 12).
His sacrifice is finished, He now awaits the end, "Expecting till His enemies be made
His footstool". Then emerges the last word of the argument, embodying in itself the
essence of chapters 7:-9::
"For by one offering He hath perfected for ever (unto perpetuity) them that are
sanctified" (10: 14).
This "will" being in absolute contrast with the Old Covenant (see  10: 1-3  and
structure), is in entire conformity with the New Covenant as set forth in verses 15-18.
The effect of sanctification is seen in the laws written in the heart and the mind. The
fullness of the sanctification is seen in the fact that "their sins and iniquities will I
remember no more". The completeness, the "perfecting unto perpetuity" of the sanctified
is expressed in the words, "there is no more offering for sins".
"The comers" have been made perfect.
The conscience has been purged.
There is no more remembrance.
There is no need for annual or daily repetition (10: 1, 2).
We now stand at the opening of a new, a practical, section which urges the believer to
draw near, to endure, to live by faith, to run with patience. This we must reserve for a
future article. The condensed nature of The Berean Expositor prevents us from writing