The Berean Expositor
Volume 42 - Page 247 of 259
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The Second Epistle of Peter.
A | 1: 1-4. Opening Benediction. Grace, peace, through the knowledge of God.
Called to His own glory.
B | 1: 5-11. Give all diligence, never fall (ptaio).
Give diligence, make sure.
C | a | 1: 12-15. "Stir up." "remembrance."
b | 1: 16-21. The Apostles and Prophets (details given above).
"Knowing this first."
c | 2: 1-22. False prophets and false teachers.
Reference to fall of angels, the Flood and
the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
An overthrow (katastrophe).
Lusts of flesh and uncleanness.
C | a | 3: 1. "This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you:
In both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance.
b | 3: 2, 3-. The Prophets and Apostles.
"Knowing this first."
c | 3: -3-13. Scoffers.
Reference to Creation and Flood.
Dissolution of elements.
Overflow (katakluzo).
Walking after their own lusts.
B | 3: 14-17. Be diligent, fall (ekpipto).
A | 3: 18. Closing Benediction. Grow in grace and knowledge of Lord and Saviour.
To Him be glory.
In the second chapter which corresponds with the section dealing with the scoffers and
their condemnation, Peter speaks of the following recorded interventions of the Lord,
showing how untrue the intervention of the Lord's return by saying "since the fathers fell
asleep all things continue as they were". Four instances are given by the Apostle of
judgments that could not be the mere working of natural law.
The casting down of the angels that sinned (II Pet. 2: 4).
The bringing in a flood in the days of Noah (II Pet. 2: 5).
The turning of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, condemning
them by an `overthrow' katastrophe (II Pet. 2: 6).
The rebuking of Balaam by the speaking of a dumb ass (II Pet. 2: 15, 16).
From these examples the Apostle draws the conclusion:
"The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the
unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished" (II Pet. 2: 9).