The Berean Expositor
Volume 42 - Page 175 of 259
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The Apostle sums up the matter for us in Heb. 8: 13:
"In that He saith, A new covenant, He hath made the first old. Now that which
decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away."
But Thou remainest.
In chapter 1: the present creation is said to wax old and pass away, and in contrast
with this is placed the Lord of Whom it says, "but Thou remainest". At the end of the
epistle the same truth emerges, viz., "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for
the age". This is the blessed truth of chapters 8: and 9: Here in 8: 13 we have the
waxing old and the passing away of the Old Covenant in contrast with the unchanging
Priesthood and heavenly sanctuary of the New Covenant.
A greater and more perfect Tabernacle.
In the structure of Heb. 7: 1 - 10: 18, it will be observed that the member governed
by the title, "The oath to the Son", extends from 7: 20 - 9: 8, where we reach another
member entitled, "No perfection by carnal ordinances".  Chapter 9: 1-8 therefore
concludes the section commenced in 7: 20.
Hebrews 9: 1 - 8
A | 1. The first Covenant.
B | 2-. The Tabernacle prepared (kataskeuazo).
C | -2-5. The contents. In the first; in the second.
B | 6-. These things prepared (kataskeuazo).
C | -6, 7. The priests. In the first; in the second.
A | 8. The first Tabernacle.
Two features of the first Covenant are considered:
Ordinances of divine service.
A worldly sanctuary.
A great controversy has arisen over the meaning of "the worldly sanctuary". The
word "worldly" is a translation of kosmikon, which occurs in one other place in the N.T.
viz., Titus 2: 12.  It does not occur in the 70: One of the causes of diversity in
translation is that the "world" and "worldliness" are contrary to anything to do with a
"sanctuary". Kosmikon is cognate with kosmion, which is translated "modest" in
I Tim. 2: 9, and with kosmeo, which is translated "adorn" in the same verse. The
underlying idea of both words is that of something orderly. Rotherham accordingly
translates the passage in Heb. 9: 1:
"Even the holy ritual well arranged."