The Berean Expositor
Volume 41 - Page 223 of 246
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about that she used the name Jehovah? And even though we conclude that Moses,
writing later and after the revelation of the Divine Name in Exod. 3:, inserted the name
Jehovah in the place of the term actually employed by Eve, it amounts to much the same
thing--the Person who bears the name of Jehovah, and the Seed of the woman are not so
distinct as the orthodox conception would lead us to suppose. Cain was not the promised
seed, but that is because from the beginning of the ages Satan has counterfeited every
move, and often gets in first. "The second time" is the time note attached to the promises
of God, evil being permitted to do its worst first of all.
We have seen that Pharaoh was Horus, the sun-god, born of Isis. Let us consider this
a little more closely. Isis is a goddess, a female among the gods, and one who is said to
be the mother of Horus, the sun-god, who claims prerogatives that challenge the essential
meaning of the name Jehovah, and whose motherhood usurps the promise made to Eve,
and, as it was at the birth of Cain, diverts it to the evil line instead. This usurpation
likewise is enshrined in one of the myths of Isis. To Apuleius a philosopher, Isis is
supposed to have revealed herself saying:
"I am nature, the parent of all things, mistress of all elements, the beginning of the
ages, Sovereign of the Gods, Queen of the manes (shades of the departed), the first of
heavenly beings."
The instructed reader will have no difficulty in seeing in this series of claims, so many
challenges to the prerogatives of the Son of God.
"The parent of all things"
"One Lord Jesus Christ by Whom are all things."
"Mistress of all elements"
"Even the winds and the sea obey Him."
"The beginning of the Ages"
"The everlasting Father"--literally "The Father of the Ages."
"The Beginning of the creation of God."
"Sovereign of the Gods"
"Lord of lords, and Kings of kings."
"Queen of the manes"
"Lord both of the dead and of living."
"The first of heavenly beings" "That in all things He might have the pre-eminence."
Not only is this usurpation most evident, but the Egyptian myths contain a lengthy
plot, in which Isis schemes how she can become "The EQUAL of Ra, in the heavens, and
the earth, and become mistress of the world". The specific claim of Isis that places her
over against Jehovah is the following:
"I am all that HAS BEEN or that IS, or that SHALL BE."
This being the claim of Isis in Egypt, makes the revelation of the Divine Name to
Moses in Egypt all the more pointed. Further, Isis declared "No mortal has removed my
veil" and the child which she brought forth, Horus, the sun-god, was born on
DECEMBER 25th! and so has imposed upon Christian credulity ever since.  It is
therefore clear that Jehovah and the Seed of the woman are linked together both in the
Divine Plan and in the Satanic attack. When a Christian sees the letters I.H.S. today, he
is led to believe that they are either the first Greek letters of the names "Jesus" or that