The Berean Expositor
Volume 40 - Page 5 of 254
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pp. 39, 40
The Editor of this magazine was given the honour of conducting the funeral service on
Saturday, January 10th, of a dear and loyal sister in Christ, Mrs. Edith Coulson, who fell
asleep on Wednesday the 7th at her home in Draycott, Derby. She, together with her
husband, opened her house and unreservedly devoted time and possessions, that a
meeting place should be provided where the Word of Truth rightly divided should find a
hearing and a home. This took place some thirty years ago; since when some who were
children have become adults, and have not only stood for the Truth, but have carried it far
and wide for many years.
If ever a place of assembly can be said to have been `consecrated', the room of
meeting in Plum Tree House was indeed `sacred ground'. This room on the Saturday
gathering was filled to overflowing, and sadness gave place to gladness as the true
comfort of the Scriptures took possession of every heart.
Quoting of Churchill at a critical moment in the last war we said:
"This is the end of the beginning, and the beginning of the end."
Most certainly an end had come, but it was the end of a pilgrimage, not the end of all
things. The earthly house of the pilgrimage which is likened to a frail tent, had fulfilled
its purpose and was dissolved; the tired body was now being laid aside to rest in hope.
At the same time let us remember that our sister's life is "Hid with Christ in God". What
words are here! Time no longer counts for her; her next moment of consciousness is to
"Awake with His likeness, and be SATISFIED".
The words at the head of this brief notice are borrowed from the experience of Samuel
and of Paul, and should be true of us all.
"Then Samuel took a stone and set it between Mizpeh and Shen (Mizpeh meaning a
`watch tower', and Shen a `tooth', symbols of Divine and watchful providence on the
one hand, and the gnawing tooth of opposing circumstances on the other), and called the
name of it EBEN-EZER, saying, Hitherto hath the Lord helped us" (I Sam. 7: 12).
This was a monument erected to commemorate deliverance, the `hitherto' suggesting
continued grace in time of need.
Portions of two hymns come into mind here.