The Berean Expositor
Volume 38 - Page 178 of 249
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The Millennium
We have doubtless heard of the little old lady who drew such comfort from "that
blessed word MESOPOTAMIA", and have passed it over with indulgent smile. Yet we
all seem to have been bewitched by the word MILLENNIUM, for no such term is found
in Scripture. The word has passed beyond the confines of Scriptural exegesis, to the
world outside, so that a Member of Parliament may dismiss a suggestion as "thinking we
can bring about the Millennium!"
"All engineering commences on the drawing board." A moment's reflection will
show how sane this observation really is. If only expositors of the Scriptures would get
the overall plan of Prophecy before them, and then see how far their theories fit or fail,
what a deal of trouble, misunderstanding and false teaching would have been spared. The
reader will perceive that this principle is before our mental vision in all the attempts in
this analysis to piece the intricate subjects of Prophecy together. For example, we were
at first attracted by the teaching known as "The Pre-Millennial Kingdom" but before
committing ourselves we took it to the Drawing Board, in other words, looked at the
overall picture of Gentile dominion in Dan. 2: We defy anyone to find a loophole for
any such kingdom in verses 44, 45, and so, in spite of the claims of friendship and sincere
admiration, that pleasant vision had to be set aside. We hope that every one of our
readers will do the same with every suggestion made in this Analysis, for it is, alas, only
too possible that we have a clearer view of the errors of others than of our own.
The Key Passage
It is time we rubbed our eyes, took off the spectacles that prophetic students have
supplied, and exercised the Berean spirit, which is so highly commended in the Word
of God. All that is positively stated in the Scriptures on the subject will be found in
TEN VERSES of  Rev. 20:;
all other descriptions, promises, characteristics, are
introduced into this period by inference, rightly or wrongly, but by inference only. Books
on the Millennium pay little attention to the actual wording of Rev. 20: 1-10, but
expatiate and enlarge upon peace and prosperity, with superlatives that find no warrant in
the key passage of Rev. 20:
We have moreover, by continually speaking of "The
Millennial Kingdom", unwittingly limited the Reign of Christ to a thousand years;
whereas a true statement would speak of that period as "the first thousand years of a
kingdom, which, commencing with the coming of Christ and the end of Gentile
dominion, goes on unbroken (it shall never be destroyed, and shall never pass away
Dan. 2: 44; 7: 14, 27) until the Son having put all things under His feet (for He "must
reign" until this is accomplished I Cor. 15: 25,26 which reaches to the Great White
Throne judgment and beyond), delivers up the kingdom to God, even the Father, that God
may be all in all". This is the reign of Christ, the Millennial reign being but a portion of
it, and possibly a small portion at that. ALL that the Scriptures SAY in Rev. 20:, about
a Millennium are the words ta chilia ete "the thousand years".