The Berean Expositor
Volume 38 - Page 177 of 249
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We have read many books and pamphlets on the Millennium but few, if any
recognize that there are only ten verses in the Scriptures that speak positively of
that period. To that inspired and basic passage we hope to devote a portion of
each issue of the Berean Expositor during 1957-58.
The claims of the Testimony of the Lord's Prisoner have been paramount, and
the Apocalypse has in consequence not been given so much attention. However,
what we now lay before the reader is incipient in the article published in the
Berean Expositor for May 1916, but not expanded until the present article in
September 1956.
We urge all who may read this exposition to put everything to the Berean test.
Remember the example of Barnabas. He stood firm with Paul, he dissembled
with Peter (Gal. 2: 13). Let all
"Search and see" if what is written is "so".
II Timothy 2: 14-26
has been before us in writing the following, somewhat
provocative article.
Striving, and striving about words to no profit, is forbidden (14, 24).
The only approval we should seek is that of God (15).
To misplace a truth, may eat as a gangrene (17, 18).
While we have no fears concerning the "sure foundation", we have a
responsibility to "depart from iniquity" (19).
We have no call to attempt to "purge" other servants of God, but if we
would be "meet for the Master's use" we must "purge ourselves" from
any complicity with known error (21).
Such exhortations as "shun", "depart", "flee", "avoid", cannot be ignored
(16, 19, 22, 23). We cannot sit on the fence.
All at length leads to "IF GOD PERADVENTURE". Here we stop and God
alone carries forward (25, 26).
The dreadful alternative being II Timothy 3: 7.