The Berean Expositor
Volume 36 - Page 135 of 243
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Christ', the hall faded, I saw not the speaker, as I was taken before the very Throne of
Grace. Whatever our Brother Welch's thoughts were as indicated by his face could not
be guessed by me, his voice, `The Word', its theme `The Father'--`Christ'--and I was as
one under an anaesthetic as regards immediate surroundings. I was far above all in the
third sphere. After the meeting closed I knew I was not the only one, at least two shining
faces bore testimony as well as with voice, as we clasped hands in farewell.
Thursday evening to Sunday evening--`from the Cross to the uppermost'--literally I
saw the facts as concerning myself--`from the guttermost to the uttermost'. What a
paean of praise ascended as we sang No.38 `Sing of the wonderful story, sing of the
Word of His grace . . . . .' I cannot say more of this meeting, save only one thing--never
a thing gave me more pleasure, than to give out to all present the coloured leaflet of
Mr. Mills, `Three spheres of blessing', which was sent and arrived at an opportune
moment. Truly we had fellowship with the saints in the old land as well as with those in
this far off place, as many an outstretched hand eagerly grasped the literature.
Dear Mr. Brininger--I shall have to work hard to condense the account of nine
meetings into one short epistle, nevertheless I will do my best to acquaint you with the
outstanding facts and features.  On Tuesday evening the 21st of June at 8.0p.m. a
company gathered themselves together for the reading, the subject of which was `The
Two Seeds'. Heb. 11 and Gen. 4 were paralleled, and the two offerings of Cain and
Abel, the meaning of the word `sin offering' in scripture was dealt with. The parting of
the ways is clearly seen with reference to the two seeds or lines in connection with the
sacrifices offered by Cain and Abel. We stepped through Gen. 6 and 9 and looked
closely at Mal. 2 and saw the evil of divorce and its relation to `The Seed of God'.
Thursday, June the 23rd Mr. Welch dealt with Gal. 2:15 to 4:12.  After giving an
outline of the whole section, concentration was on the passage `The Just shall live by
Sunday a.m. the 26th June many learned for the first time, and many were more
thoroughly instructed, in the patent fact (after you had been shown by sheer comparison
of the Word) that there were eight parables in Matt. 13 and not seven as commonly
apprehended and taught. It was surely `search and see' and what we saw was plenty.
How that mystery followed after failure, as in Daniel and Acts 28 and this was the heart
and crux of the lecture on Matt. 13 in which is shown the rejection of Christ as
prophet--priest--and king.
The subject for the evening meeting same day, was `Before the foundation of the
world'. If ever your remark, made some time back in one of your letters, that Mr. Welch
was a patient consistent student of the original was justified, it was surely confirmed at
this meeting, the potentialities involved in that one word `overthrow' is nothing short of
marvelous, passage after passage had light shed upon it, and more than ever our minds
were illuminated.
Dear Brininger--I cannot help boasting how clear the word of God is and what an
utter fool at least I am in expressing my little comprehension of it. Sometimes I feel like
kicking myself for being so dumb, at others I am overwhelmed by the very clarity and
simplicity of a portion of the Word brought before me. At the Tuesday meeting,
June 28th most of us fondly hugged to ourselves the thought, if there is one subject we
are well instructed in, and thoroughly versed, it is the `Second Coming, premillennial and
imminent'. We looked, we listened, and we gaped, as the Epistle of Jude with special
reference to Enoch the seventh from Adam, was unfolded before our eyes, literally and
spiritually. We learned more about angels and satan from that portion of the Word,
supported by other portions than we little recked of. Mr. Welch is laying more than