The Berean Expositor
Volume 36 - Page 134 of 243
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through you, send Mrs. Welch and children words of cheer and comfort and an
acknowledgment of their contribution and sacrifice they are making in this great work in
the Lord's service. May God in His Grace and Mercy enlighten our eyes, illuminate our
minds and enrich our souls, giving us understanding to give heed and apprehend the
calling wherewith He hath called us, in this blessed ministry of His, through His servant
and our beloved brother."
"8.30a.m. June 5, 1927.
At the Tuesday night (May 31st) reading, Mr. Welch gave us an outline of the
dispensation, spoke particularly on Gen. 1:1, 2, and thoroughly explained the meaning
of Scripture with reference to the words dispensation and stewardship. At the Thursday
(June 2nd) meeting there were mostly new faces and somewhat strangers. And what a
message we had given us! Galatians, Chapter one, was opened up as few of us have ever
seen or heard. Mr. Welch himself was a study as he forgot himself and centred his heart
and knowledge on the Risen Lord, His chosen apostle and we Gentiles by nature. The
eyes of those old in the knowledge of God shone, which evidenced the communion and
fellowship as the wonder of the Word gripped them, and Col. 3:16 was manifested. A
number of young people from St. John's Presbyterian Church were among the company,
and our brother had hardly got into the stride of the message when note books were
pulled out and pencils flashed. As one not only hungry for the Truth, but with a heart
interest in each meeting, it seemed to me as I looked, that not opposition but blessing had
come our way. Every meeting has been characterized by a quiet patient listening, no
marring of the tenor by innuendo or direct rebuttal, while the one or two who are more or
less instructed in these things, have restrained themselves and willingly become weak to
those who are weak in the knowledge of the mystery and of the Word in general. Not
only has our brother been used of God to instruct us but he has warmed and cheered our
hearts concerning those in England and elsewhere, for we have heard of the love and faith
and the work of patience of Mr. Petty, Mr. Whittaker, Mr. Mills and son, Mr. Gallimore,
Mr. Hannam, Mr. Fisher, Mr. Livingstone, Dr. Moss, friends at Huddersfield, Salisbury
and others, and rejoice in their part and work in this ministry to a `Canadian' Macedonia.
Last night by the Grace and Power of God another meeting was held and the Truth of
the Gospel as entrusted, held and delivered by the Apostle Paul was faithfully and vividly
brought before our hearts and minds. Scripture study to us has taken on new meanings.
Our brother showed us the balance of Truth with respect to doctrine and walk as
exemplified by the Apostle Paul.  Gal. 2:1-16 was structurally outlined for us. More
than ever have we been brought to realize and recognize the Grace of God Who chose
such a vessel as the Apostle Paul and fitted him to bear such a witness for us Gentiles.
The Epistle to the Galatians seems to grip our Bro. Welch in a peculiar way, and as he
speaks his whole being and energy seem to be concentrated on endeavouring to so
present the Truth as to not only realize our liberty in Christ, but to so walk:
compromising `no, not for an hour'.
The way of the cross leads home, and what a home, it was for such as we who were
chosen in Him from before the foundation of the world, that was brought before us, in the
lecture on Eph. 1:1-14 on Sunday evening the 19th June. Facile as may seem my pen, I
have to confess to you, my dear brother, that the communion of my soul with the Father
and Son is impossible for me to translate into words and terms. At the majesty and
fullness of those words of the inspired Apostle `Blessed be the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ Who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in