The Berean Expositor
Volume 33 - Page 205 of 253
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references to grammatical works, both sacred and classical; also to the best English and
American commentaries, as well as to the latest exegetical works that have appeared on
the Continent; and to the recent Bible Dictionaries and Cyclopędias, besides the various
Lives of Christ and of the Apostle Paul."
The reader will, by this extract, have no doubt as to the extreme value of this Lexicon,
and would find it of constant service in the study of the New Testament.
Lastly, we draw attention to the Biblico-Theological Lexicon of the New Testament
Greek, by Herman Cremer, D.D., translated from the German by William Urwick, M.A.,
and published by T. F. Clark. In the preface of this work, Cremer says:
"A Lexical handling of N.T. Greek must, if it is to be really a help to the
understanding of the documents of revelation, be directed mainly to that department of
the linguistic store which is necessarily affected by the influence we have described, i.e.,
to the expressions of spiritual life, moral and religious.  For other portions of the
linguistic treasury the Lexicons of classical Greek suffice."
We have had to abandon giving a sample of Cremer's treatment for lack of space, and
because of the necessity of using various types to stand for Greek and Hebrew words. A
short quotation would indicate little and be no true exhibition of this monumental work.
Its 913 pages are followed by an alphabetical Index of Greek Words, an Index of
Synonyms Compared, an Index of Texts in the N.T. specially referred to, an Index of
Biblico-Theological Subjects, and lastly an Index of Hebrew Words referred to.
There are other Lexicons which the reader may consult with profit, but those now
passed in review provide a selection that should suffice for any ordinary student of the
Word. We have purposely refrained from referring to works inaccessible to the ordinary
reader, or prohibitive in price. Every one reviewed in this article is on our own shelves,
and has been bought at a fairly low price by patient search over a period of years in
second-hand bookstalls, where theological literature is often a drug in the market.