The Berean Expositor
Volume 32 - Page 202 of 246
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occurrences will supply us with valuable information. First of all, we translate the word
`super-heavenlies' in recognition of the presence of the particle epi with which the word
begins. It is not simply ouranios, which is the usual word, but ep-ouranios. Secondly,
information supplied by the five references demands some such translation. Passing,
therefore, to the second reference, we find, in 1: 20, 21 that this sphere of blessing is:
At the Father's right hand.
Far above all principality and power.
That this tremendous height is the destined sphere of the Church of the Mystery 2: 6
declares. There the believer is associated with the risen Christ, `made to sit together in
the super-heavenlies in Christ Jesus'. Christ the Head and the Church His Body are
blessed together THERE."
"The next two references, 3: 10 and 6: 12, show the super-heavenlies as the abode
of principalities, powers and rulers. Be it noted that angels are not mentioned. Angels
are heaven's messengers. The Church of the One Body is blessed even above heaven's
nobility. Dominions and thrones are beneath it in its super-heavenly sphere . . . . . While
epouranios is used outside Ephesians, no other company of believers is blessed IN these
exalted regions as their sphere. The blessings of the Church of the One Body are not only
`heavenly' but `up in heaven'."
Having established from the Scriptures, quite independently of the occurrences or the
meaning of either epouranios or huperano, the fact that there are three distinct companies
of believers who are destined to inherit blessings in three distinct spheres, we can dismiss
the question as to how "far" this exalted sphere is above all others; the answer to the
question makes no difference to the fact that the Scriptures speak of three different
spheres. For the sake of clarity we summarize our findings.
There are blessings that are to be enjoyed on earth. Those who will occupy the central
position in this sphere are Israel, and this calling is expressed in the terms of a Kingdom.
Gentile nations, while blessed in this same sphere, will be subservient, for to Israel, and
Israel alone, is the Kingdom, and to Israel on the earth pertains that adoption. Israel is the
firstborn among the nations.
There are other blessings that are to be enjoyed in the heavenly country and the
heavenly city. These are the blessings of Abraham, and the calling is that of "The Bride"
(a calling that must be kept distinct from that of the restoration of Israel, "The wife").
Gentiles, as well as Israel, go to form this company called "The Bride", where there is
neither Jew nor Greek, but where both alike are reckoned as Abraham's seed and heirs
according to the promise. Instead of nations being subservient to this company of the
redeemed, it is angels who are associated with them in a subordinate position. To this
company, in this sphere, pertains this particular adoption; they are the church of the
firstborn whose names are written in heaven.
There are, however, blessings that are neither those of Israel as a Kingdom, nor of the
heavenly calling of the Bride, and these are enjoyed in heavenly places, where Christ sits,
far above all principality and power, and far above all heavens. They who enjoy them
constitute neither a Kingdom nor the Bride, but are the Body of Christ and a perfect Man.
While individuals of Israel who believe are not precluded, this calling is mainly Gentiles,
for it operates during the period of Israel's blindness.  This company also has a