The Berean Expositor
Volume 30 - Page 38 of 179
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Psalm 91: 4, "Under His wings shalt thou trust". It is probably derived from a word
which means "to make haste" or "flee" (Psa. 40: 13), and suggests that such a refuge is
one to which one would flee for safety (compare Heb. 6: 18). The second word is found
in Psalm 46: 7 & 11 and means a "high tower". The idea of safety is evidently
associated with this, for we read in Prov. 18: 10:
"The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous runneth into it and is safe."
To sum up, then, we may say that God Himself is set before us as our Refuge, in a
threefold light. He is a "dwelling"--prepared beforehand by God Who anticipates all
eventualities (Deut. 33: 27). He is also a "trustworthy" refuge (Psa. 46: 1), and a
high and exalted place of safety (Psa. 46: 7, 11). This, dear reader, is a word in season
for us all. "The Eternal God is our refuge."
"A very present help in trouble" (Psa. 46: 1).
pp. 52 - 54
Most readers could provide examples from their own personal experience of the
attitude so often adopted by people of "letting things slide". While no danger seems
imminent these people give the superficial appearance of an enviable sangfroid, but in
many cases these are the very people who show the greatest evidence of fear when the
crisis breaks. One can find many examples to-day which illustrate the parable of the wise
and foolish virgins. And so we come to another blessed aspect of the teaching of
Scripture concerning our "refuge".
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble" (Psa. 46: 1).
However fully the Government may have provided for the people, all such provision
is rendered useless if it is not available when wanted. Steel shelters, guaranteed to
withstand concussion, to protect from flying splinters, and to resist falling masonry, are
so much mockery in a day of calamity, if they have never been erected. Respirators,
proved by test to provide adequate protection against poison gas, are so much lumber if
they are not at hand when wanted. And so we read the God is not only our Refuge, but
He is "a very present Help in trouble" (Psa. 46: 1). There is no actual reference here to
the "presence" of God, although, of course, it is implied. This majestic A.V. translation
was not altered in the R.V. advisedly, but the reader should know that the words
translated "A very present help" are literally "A much found help". This same word,
when used of the wicked in Psalm 37: 36, is translated "could not be found".
Let us consider next one or two passages of Scripture that will strengthen our faith in
this "very present" aspect of God's provision.
"He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep" (Psa. 121: 4).