The Berean Expositor
Volume 29 - Page 148 of 208
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From time to time exchanges were made with regard to the provinces between the
Emperor and the Senate.  These exchanges complicate the work of the historian
considerably, but they serve to demonstrate Luke's accuracy as a recorder of fact. For
example, Cyprus was originally an imperial province, but was later exchanged for
Dalmatia, and when Paul visited it, was senatorial, with Sergius Paulus as pro-consul. On
this subject we are much indebted to the writings of Septimus Buss, and the following is
an abbreviation of his more elaborate list of Roman Provinces with Scripture references.
Embraced in Syria.
JUDÆA.--Matt. 2: 1; Luke 3: 1; Acts 28: 21; Rom. 15: 31.
SAMARIA.--Matt. 10: 5; Luke 17: 11; Acts 1: 8; 8: 1.
GALILEE.--Matt. 2: 22; Luke 3: 1; 23: 6; Acts 9: 31.
PHENICE.--Acts 11: 19; 15: 3; 21: 2; 27: 12.
SYRIA.--Matt. 4: 24; Luke 2: 2; Acts 15: 23, 41; Gal. 1: 21.
Embraced in Asia.
CILICIA.--Acts 6: 9; 15: 23, 41; 21: 39.
PAMPHYLIA.--Acts 2: 10; 13: 13; 15: 38; 27: 5.
LYCIA.--Acts 27: 5.
ASIA.--Acts 2: 9; 6: 9; II Tim. 1: 15; I Pet. 1: 1; Rev. 1: 4.
BYTHINIA.--Acts 16: 7; I Pet. 1: 1.
PONTUS.--Acts 2: 9; 18: 2; I Pet. 1: 1.
GALATIA.--Acts 16: 6; 18: 23; Gal. 1: 2; I Pet. 1: 1.
PHRYGIA.--Acts 2: 10; 16: 6; 18: 23.
CAPPADOCIA.--Acts 2: 9; I Pet. 1: 1.
CYPRUS.--Acts 4: 36; 11: 19, 20; 13: 4; 27: 4.
CRETE.--Acts 2: 11; 27: 7, 12; Titus 1: 5.
ARABIA.--Mark 3: 8; Acts 2: 11; Gal. 1: 17.
SCYTHIA.--Col. 3: 11.
Embraced in Egypt.
MACEDONIA.--Acts 16: 9, 10, 12; Rom. 15: 26; I Tim. 1: 3.
ACHAIA.--Acts 18: 12, 27; Rom. 15: 26; I Thess. 1: 7, 8.
ILLYRICUM.--Rom. 15: 19.
DALMATIA.--II Tim. 4: 10.
SICILY.--Acts 28: 12.
SPAIN.--Rom. 15: 24, 28.
North Coast of Africa.
CYRENE.--Matt. 27: 32; Acts 2: 10; 6: 9; 13: 1
LYBIA.--Acts 2: 10.
EGYPT.--Matt. 2: 13; Acts 2: 10.
The student of Scripture who has endeavoured to "place" Galatia and the epistle to the
Galatians, will have experienced considerable difficulty in getting anything like harmony.