The Berean Expositor
Volume 27 - Page 208 of 212
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Weekly Bible Readings for October, 1937.
Subject: "I am."
p. 200
"This is the work of God" (29) refers to the
October 3rd.
miracle of the feeding of the 5000. The
John 6: 27-51.
request, "What sign showest Thou . . . . .
Thee", springs from it. This leads to the
the Bread of Life.
type of the Manna, and the fact that God,
not Moses, gave it to the fathers.
Note "sent" (7). Christ "The Sent One" (see
October 10th.
John 9:
9: 24, 5: 24, 11: 42, 17: 3, 21, etc.).
Note the growth of the blind man's faith:
the Light of the World.
a) "A man called Jesus" (11).
b) "He is a prophet" (17).
c) "Lord, I believe" (38).
Can I say "One thing I know?" (25).
Note "Cast out" (9: 34) same words as
October 17th.
John 10: 1-18.
"putteth forth" (10: 4).
No need to fear man.
the Good Shepherd.
He "gives", "lays down" His life (10: 11,
15, 17, 18).
So preach the cross as to leave room for the
words, "No man taketh it from Me" (18).
The "other sheep" are around us to day (16).
Not of Israel's fold
Martha thought not only of the "last day" (24).
October 24th.
John 11: 1-46.
"Is living and believing" at the second
coming?" (26; see I Cor. 15: 51).
the Resurrection and
Note how belief in resurrection power leads
the Life.
to full faith in Christ (11: 27).
The wording of verse 6 necessitates in
October 31st.
John 14:
English, the following, "I am the true and
living Way".
the Way.
"No man . . . . .but by Me" (see also 10: 9).
"Another" Comforter indicates that Christ
also is one.  The word "Comforter" is
"Advocate" in I John 2: 1.
Verses to memorize (one each week):
John 11: 35; John 8: 12; John 10: 11; John 11: 25; John 14: 6.