The Berean Expositor
Volume 27 - Page 205 of 212
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Weekly Bible Readings for July, 1937.
Subject: "Children of God."
p. 140
July 4th.
"Received . . . . . believed" (11, 12).
Power = the right or authority.
John 1: 1-18.
Sons here = children, not full grown sons
Children of God.
(I John 3: 1, 3, also children).
Sons instead of slaves (15).
July 11th.
Romans 8: 1-17.
No slave was permitted to use the word
If children then heirs.
Every child of God is an heir (17).
Suffering  for  Christ  is  rewarded  by
Sons (10), Brethren (11).
July 18th.
Children (13, 14).
Hebrews 2: 5-18.
Not angels (5), (7, 9), (16).
Children . . . . . He
"All of one" (11, 14).
. . . . . the same.
The child should be taught some of the
July 25th.
Isaiah 11:
characteristics of the future kingdom on
A little child
earth though blessed in another sphere.
shall lead them.
"Search and See" Section.
John 1: 1-18.--
(1) What does the word "sons" mean in verse 12 and the word "power?
(2) How can we become "children of God"?
Romans 8: 1-17-- (1) What do we receive when we are no longer in "bondage"?
(2) What do we become if children of God,
and how can we be "joint-heirs" with Christ?
Hebrews 2: 5-18.-- (1) What does Christ call those who are sanctified (verses 11 and 13)?
(2) How did Christ make Himself like "the children",
and what did He do for them?
Isaiah 11:--
In what way does this make you think of the Garden of Eden?
Write out from memory John 1: 12.