The Berean Expositor
Volume 27 - Page 201 of 212
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Weekly Bible Readings for April, 1937.
Subject: The Sin-Bearer.
p. 80
"Taketh" (29) = "beareth";
April 4th.
Lamb of God is Son of God (29, 34);
John 1: 19-51.
Sin borne by Him (29);
The sin of the world.
Dove abides on Him (32);
He bare our sins, but He knew no sin.
He "did no sin" (22).
April 11th.
He "bare our sins" (24);
I Peter 2:
Note  "sin"  in John 1: 29,  "sins"  in
He bare our sins.
I Pet. 2: 24;
"Own body" (24) see Heb. 2: 14, 15; 10: 5,
"The Tree" (24) see Gal. 3: 13.
"Borne griefs", "carried sorrows",
April 18th.
Isaiah 53:
"laid on Him iniquity",
Justify many . . . . . bare
"He shall bear their iniquities",
sin of many.
"He bare the sin of many".
"Not imputing their trespasses unto them . . .
April 25th.
For He hath made Him . . ." (19, 21);
II Corinthians 5:
"He knew no sin."
Note again how
justification is associated with the bearing
of sin (21) (ref. to Isa. 53:).
"Search and See" Section.
John 1: 19-51--
(1) Why is Christ called "The Lamb" when it refers to bearing our sins?
Can you compare it with anything in the O.T.?
(2) What did Christ bear and for how many did He bear this?
I Peter 2:--
(1) In what way did Christ bear away our sins?
(2) Did He commit sin Himself, and what did He do as our example?
Isaiah 53:--
(1) Find three references to do with bearing sin.
(2) What is the difference between the sheep in verse 6 and the sheep in verse 7?
II Corinthians 5:-- (1) What does the word "impute" mean? (See Rom. 4:).
(2) "Not imputing their trespasses unto them"--
What became of their trespasses?
Verses to memorize (one each week):
John 1: 29; I Pet. 2: 24; Isa. 53: 11; II Cor. 5: 21.